Appendix A: Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity Policy
Students enrolled in the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies and who are suspected of academic dishonesty, most often in the form of plagiarism, will be subject to a formal University process to determine fault and, if at fault, to determine the sanction.
- Graduate students who suspect another student of academic dishonesty shall report their suspicions to their instructor. Graduate faculty or staff shall report their own suspicions, or those reported to them, to the program director.
- Degree completion students who suspect another student of academic dishonesty shall report their suspicions to their instructor. Degree completion faculty or staff shall report their own suspicions, or those reported to them, to the chair of the Department of Continuing Studies.
All charges of academic dishonesty will be filed in accordance with this policy. Acts of academic dishonesty are offenses against established standards of the academic community and the University’s honor code. All suspected acts of academic dishonesty are subject to review and action by the Academic Integrity Committee.
Academic Integrity Process
The Academic Integrity Committee will use the following procedures in cases where students of the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies are charged with academic dishonesty.
- The Office of the Associate Dean of Academic Programs in the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies provides staff-support for the committee and shall notify, electronically or in writing, any student charged with academic dishonesty or plagiarism within fifteen (15) business days of the date that the Associate Dean of Academic Programs was notified of a possible violation. Such notice shall be by electronic means or by certified mail, return receipt requested. The notice provision of this paragraph shall be satisfied when the electronic notification is acknowledged by the student charged or when written certified notice is deposited in the U. S. Mail within the fifteen (15) business day time period. Additionally, electronic or written notice shall also be sent to the person bringing the charge.
- The notice shall contain the following information:
- Notification that the student has been charged with academic dishonesty;
- The name of the person bringing the charge and the nature of the charge;
- The date, place, and time of the hearing;
- Notification that the student has the right to be present (electronically or in person) during the hearing, and to ask questions of any person offering information at the hearing;
- Notification that the student has the right to offer information and witnesses on his/her behalf;
- Notification that the student has the right to be accompanied (physically or electronically) by such a member of the Norwich University student body, faculty, or staff as the student deems to be in his/her best interest;
- A copy of the procedures of the Academic Integrity Committee (this document).
- The hearing before the Academic Integrity Committee shall occur within thirty (30) business days of notice received by the Associate Dean of Academic Programs concerning the alleged violation of academic dishonesty. The hearing may be postponed for an additional thirty (30) business days upon electronic or written request by the person charged with academic dishonesty. The chair will grant such requests only for good cause. This decision is not subject to appeal.
- Membership of the Academic Integrity Committee shall consist of Norwich University faculty. The Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs will designate the chair for the hearing.
- A quorum of the Committee shall consist of a minimum of four faculty members and the hearing chair. Committee decisions require a majority of those voting committee members present.
- The following provisions apply:
- In the event that a person charged with academic dishonesty fails to attend, in person or via electronic means, a scheduled hearing for which she/he had notice, the person charged shall be presumed to accept the truthfulness of the allegation, and may be found guilty as charged, unless the absence has been authorized by the chair of the committee. The person bringing the charge must attend, in person or electronically, the scheduled hearing.
- If the person charged with academic dishonesty attends the hearing, the person bringing the charge shall present witnesses and/or information relevant to the charge. Any member of the Committee may question the person bringing the charge, any bringing the charges, any witness or information; the person charged may inquire of the person bringing the charges, any witness or information.
- The person charged has the right to be physically or electronically present during the questioning of any and all witnesses, including the person bringing the charge.
- After the person bringing the charge concludes his/her presentation including witnesses and any other information, the person charged may offer testimony, any witness or information on his/her behalf. If this is done, any member of the Committee may question the person charged and any witness or information offered by the person charged. After the Committee has inquired of the person charged, any witness or information, the person bringing the charge may inquire of the person charged and any witness or information.
- The person charged may decline to speak in his/her behalf. In the event the person charged declines to speak in his/her behalf, the person charged shall not be questioned further without his/her agreement.
- The Committee may call such witnesses and consider such information as it considers relevant.
- After all relevant information has been heard by the Committee, the Committee shall make its deliberations. Only Committee members shall be present during the Committee's deliberations.
- Committee decisions require a majority of those committee members present. The Committee shall find the person charged guilty of committing an act of academic dishonesty only if the Committee concludes that a preponderance of the evidence proves that the person charged has committed an act of academic dishonesty.
- If the Committee does not find the student guilty, the case is concluded. All parties to the charges will be notified of this outcome by electronic means or through the U.S. Mail.
- If the Committee finds the student guilty of academic dishonesty, the Committee will decide on the maximum academic penalty (including no penalty) that may be imposed by the instructor in whose class the academic dishonesty took place.
- If the student is found guilty of academic dishonesty the Committee will further determine the disciplinary action to be imposed. Disciplinary action may range from no penalty up to separation for a specific period or dismissal from Norwich University.
- The Office of the Associate Dean of Academic Programs shall notify the person charged, electronically and in writing, of the decision of the Committee within two (2) business days of the decision. Such notification shall be electronic and by certified mail. The notification provision of this paragraph shall be satisfied if the notification is sent electronically by or deposited in the U.S. mail (return receipt requested) within the specified period.
- If the person charged is found by the Committee to have committed an act of academic dishonesty, the Committee will:
- Inform the student of the conviction and of the maximum academic penalty that has been authorized. The student will also be informed of the decision concerning any disciplinary action.
- Inform the student that he or she may appeal the decision of the Committee to the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs of the University by submitting to the office of the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs an electronic or written request for review within five business days of the date the student was notified of the decision(s). The written appeal may be hand delivered, faxed, emailed, or mailed. If the appeal is in the form of a mailed letter, the postmark must be within five business days of the date on which the student was notified of the decision(s).
- Inform the person who brought the charges of the committee’s decision in relation to those charges. This notification to the person who brought the charge will be of the maximum authorized academic penalty if that person is also the instructor of the course in which the student has committed the academic dishonesty. The person bringing the charge will not be informed of the disciplinary decision that the committee has reached.
(Revised October 2011)