Rules and Regulations
These regulations pertain to the Bachelor of Science degree-completion offerings of the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies. These regulations are subject to change. Norwich University students and faculty will be notified if changes are made during the academic year.
Degree Awarded
The degrees awarded are the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and the Bachelor of Science in Strategic Studies and Defense Analysis. All degrees earned in Norwich University’s College of Graduate and Continuing Studies will be awarded with the traditional University diploma. The diploma reads:
[Degree Awarded]
Norwich University
Degree Requirements
The requirements for the Bachelor of Science degrees can be found in the individual Programs of Study. Degree candidates are subject to the degree requirements of the class year to which they are assigned at the time of their admission, or readmission, to the degree program.
Conferring of Degrees (Graduation)
The faculty, through the Committee on Academic Standing and Degrees (CASD), shall recommend to the President, students who have completed all degree requirements.
No degree shall be conferred until the Registrar’s Office determines that all degree requirements are met.
No degree shall be conferred until the degree candidate has paid all University bills or arranged for payment to the satisfaction of the Chief Financial Officer.
Degrees shall be conferred in June and December.
Bachelor of Science students are not required, but may choose, to participate in the June graduation. Students may participate if coursework is completed or if they are enrolled in the final nine (9) or fewer semester hours required for completing their program.
Award of Credit
Credit hours and grade points shall be awarded only for those University courses for which a student is properly registered. Credit hours, not grade points, for approved courses taken by a Norwich student at other accredited institutions may be transferred, subject to the residence requirements and provided grades earned are “C” or above, for credit toward a bachelor’s degree. Credit hours for extra-institutional learning may be awarded in accordance with the provisions identified in this section.
Credits for Graduation
Graduation requirements are measured in courses and credits. Courses and credits required for graduation are specified in the Programs of Study for each curriculum. Students should consult the Programs of Study to be sure they are meeting the graduation requirements.
Requests for Course Equivalency or Exemption
To waive a prerequisite course requirement a student must obtain approval through the Chair of the Department of Continuing Studies. The basis for such a waiver will be the student’s demonstrated knowledge in the area concerned.
To waive a degree requirement on the basis of an exemption examination or other documented extra-institutional learning, a student must present appropriate documentation to and gain approval through the Chair of the Department of Continuing Studies. The number of credits of the waived course must be replaced by elective credits.
To obtain credits and grade points for a course on the basis of an equivalency examination administered under the provision below, a student must present appropriate documentation to and gain approval through the Chair of the Department of Continuing Studies.
Examinations for course equivalency or exemption will be given at Norwich University only if a nationally validated examination covering the same subject matter is not available. Examinations in EN101 and 102 are an exception and may be administered at the beginning of each semester to newly admitted students.
Before administering an exemption or an equivalency examination, the appropriate chair and/or dean should determine whether the student wishes to waive the course requirement under paragraphs one and two, above, or wishes to obtain the credits and grade points for the course as outlined in paragraph three, above. An examination for waiver should be designed to test the student’s general knowledge and competency in the tested area. An examination for credits and grade points should be typical of a final examination that covers the entire course content. Where appropriate, term papers, projects, etc. may also be required. An exemption or equivalency examination for laboratory courses may require demonstrated laboratory proficiency.
If the examination is for credits and grade points, above, a grade will be assigned and appropriate grade points awarded unless the Pass/Fail option is selected prior to administering the examination.
An extra tuition charge may be assessed by the Bursar’s Office for examinations.
Credits, not grade points, are to be awarded when evidence demonstrates that the minimum required grade has been achieved on a nationally validated examination, such as Advanced Placement program, DANTES, or CLEP.
Credit Overload (Extra Credits)
Well-qualified degree completion students may elect to enroll in more than twelve (12) undergraduate credit-hours per semester subject to approval by the Chair of the Department of Continuing Studies.
Course Audit
Students taking courses as “auditors” will receive the notation “AU” on their permanent academic record in lieu of a grade and credits if the obligations of the auditor have been satisfactorily met. If the auditing student’s performance is not deemed to have been satisfactory, no course entry will be indicated on the student’s academic record.
Audit students are expected to participate as outlined by the Chair of the Department of Continuing Studies. Audited courses may not be applied against degree requirements.
Students shall not register for a course having prerequisites without having successfully completed those prerequisites. Students will not be allowed to remain scheduled for the successive course if the prerequisite course was not completed successfully. Exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of the appropriate department chair and/or college dean.
Students shall not register for courses having co-requisites without registering for the co-requisite course. Co-requisites are identified in the Programs of Study course descriptions.
Repeat Courses/Repeat Grade Policy
A student shall not receive credit twice for any course except those courses whose Catalog description permits repetition for credit.
If a previously graded course is repeated and a grade other than “W” is earned, only the last grade earned in the course will be calculated in the grade point average (GPA). All grades previously earned in the course will be removed from the GPA calculations even in the event that a lower grade is earned upon repetition of the course. If a failing grade is earned upon repetition of a course, any previous credit earned will be lost. Credit by examination does not constitute a repetition under this provision.
Transfer Credit for Studies from Academic Institutions
The College of Graduate and Continuing Studies may award credits, not grade points, for academic work accomplished at other regionally accredited undergraduate institutions. Substitute credits from any “Special Topics” seminars taken at Norwich University also can be used to satisfy degree credit. Norwich University complies with Veterans Administration regulations and guidelines as they pertain to transfer credits.
Transfer Credit for Armed Forces Studies and Extra-institutional Learning
The College of Graduate and Continuing Studies may award credits, not grade points, in accordance with the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces, published by the American Council on Education, provided the courses are equivalent to Norwich University courses. Students entering the BS in Criminal Justice or the BS in Strategic Studies and Defense Analysis program may receive the equivalent of up to 60 semester credits for military training courses and requisite preparation in leadership and languages, as reviewed and recommended by the Army/ACE Registry Transcript System.
The College of Graduate and Continuing Studies programs may also award credits, not grade points, for other extra-institutional learning as recommended in nationally recognized guides and publications if applicable or by having the materials reviewed by the College's Academic Credit Review Committee and upon the positive recommendation of the appropriate program director or department chair. The term applies to learning acquired from work and life experiences, independent reading and study, and participation in formal courses sponsored by associations, business, government, industry, unions, and the military.
The fact a course of study constitutes professional certification or credentialing is not dispositive. A decision to award credit is based on the course(s) of study leading to such certification or credentialing. Such credits shall be awarded in compliance with the guidelines contained in the American Council on Education policy statement “Awarding Credit for Extra- institutional Learning.”
Guidelines for Undergraduate Transfer Credits
Transfer of credits to Norwich University's College of Graduate and Continuing Studies is also governed by the following guidelines.
- The relevant program director or department chair shall review any official transcripts or records of academic work in question, and determine the acceptance of specific courses in satisfaction of a Norwich degree requirement. An official transcript is one that corresponds with the credit granting institution's definition of "official" and is received directly from that institution by Norwich University's College of Graduate and Continuing Studies. The term “official transcript” includes any similar document issued by non-academic institutions maintained by an organization to record a person’s program of study whether such course work is recorded as an academic credit or not.
- In the case of other units of education that are not from an accredited institution or otherwise reviewed by a nationally recognized authority (such as the American Council on Education) but are deemed it be credit worthy, the program director/department chair may request that the unit(s) of education being considered for credit within a program or department can be forwarded to the College’s Academic Credit Review Committee (ACRC). There the committee will review the materials of the unit(s) of education and make a determination of credit applicability to the program or department in question. The appropriate program director or departmental chair can then award up to those credits within the degree in question. The program director or departmental chair can allow less credit to be incorporated within the degree program, but never more credit than that which has been approved by the ACRC.
- Courses in which a grade of less than C or its equivalent has been earned are not transferable (the grade must be equivalent to 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale).
- Normally students may transfer up to as much as 75% of their degree of study (given a 120 semester credit hour degree) from other accredited institutions of higher education. In addition, students within certain identified programs may transfer into their program of study up to an additional 24 semester credits for courses that meet specific course requirements as defined by that program’s chair or director.
Norwich University Students Seeking Transfer Credit
Norwich University students wishing to attend another regionally accredited collegiate institution for the purpose of obtaining semester credit hours acceptable to Norwich University should obtain prior approval of both the institution to be attended and the specific course(s) to be taken by filing a completed Application for Transfer Credit (RF8) with the Registrar’s office. No transfer of semester credit hours can be assured for courses for which prior approval had not been obtained. Determination of the acceptance of specific courses shall be handled through the director or chair of the relevant program or department.
Provided the grades earned are “C” or better (the grade must be equivalent to 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale), semester credit hours for approved courses taken at other institutions may be transferred for credit toward the bachelor’s degree. Grade points will not be transferred.
Transcript Evaluation and Posting of Transfer Credit
Academic work accomplished at other regionally accredited institutions and in accordance with regulations pertaining to other extra-institutional learning as described above will be reviewed for Norwich course equivalency. The posting of transfer credit for approved courses will be undertaken by the Registrar’s Office upon the receipt of an official transcript. An official transcript is one that corresponds with the credit granting institution’s definition of “official” and is received directly from that institution by the Admissions or Registrar’s Office.
Residence Requirement
The residence requirement limits the amount of degree credits which may be transferred to Norwich University. At least 50% of the credits required for the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree or the Bachelor of Science in Strategic Studies and Defense Analysis degree must be earned at Norwich except as outlined by the requirements for member schools of the Service members Opportunity Colleges (SOC).
- Military members currently serving on active duty, including those in the National Guard, Reserves and U.S. Coast Guard, who are enrolled in an online degree-completion program, may transfer into the degree program up to 70% of the required credits.
- Military members currently serving on active duty, including those in the National Guard, Reserves and U.S. Coast Guard, who are enrolled in a campus-based degree program, may transfer into the degree program up to 75% of the required credits.
Norwich University is a member of the Service members Opportunity Colleges (SOC); thus, the standard University requirement may be waived.
Statute of Limitations
Students must satisfy the catalog degree requirements of a catalog year that is within ten years of the graduation year.
Student and Progress Records
All student academic records are available through the University Registrar. Unofficial records are available through the University’s Self-Service web pages at the completion of each semester. In-progress grades are maintained in the online classroom grade book.
Transcripts of Academic Records, Official Transcripts
The Registrar’s Office provides official transcripts of student academic records. Official transcripts will be withheld until all financial accounts are settled. Unofficial transcripts are available to students on the University’s Self-Service web pages via the online classroom. Courses taken after degree conferral will be shown on a separate record.
Grades and Grade Points
Official grade reports are issued by the University Registrar within 15 days of the end of each semester. Students may retrieve unofficial electronic copies of final grades through the University’s Self-Service web pages via the online classroom. Grade points shall be awarded as follows:
Grade | Grade Points |
A | 4.0 |
A- | 3.7 |
B+ | 3.3 |
B | 3.0 |
B- | 2.7 |
C+ | 2.3 |
C | 2.0 |
C- | 1.7 |
D+ | 1.3 |
D | 1.0 |
D- | 0.7 |
F | 0.0 |
P (Pass/Fail option exercised) | 0.0 |
I (Incomplete) | 0.0 |
W (Withdrawn) | 0.0 |
S (Satisfactory) | 0.0 |
U (Unsatisfactory) | 0.0 |
AU (Audit) | 0.0 |
Grade Point Average
The grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing grade points earned by credit hours attempted after applying the repeat grade policy. Only grade points earned and semester credit hours attempted in courses at Norwich will be included in computing the student’s grade point average. (See the repeat course policy for the effect on the grade point average of course repetition.) Grades for courses taken after conferral of a degree will not be used to recalculate the grade point average. Grade point averages for these courses will be calculated separately.
Incomplete Grades
Students who are unable to complete required work in any course may request the grade of incomplete (I). Incompletes will be approved on a case-by-case basis only and must be based upon unusual circumstances. The request for an incomplete, accompanied by a proposed study plan, must be submitted to the instructor for review and forwarding for action to the Chair of the Department of Continuing Studies. If approved, the incomplete will be assigned for a period not to exceed 180 days. If the course in which the incomplete is assigned is a prerequisite to one or more subsequent courses, students may not be permitted to proceed to any subsequent course until the incomplete work has been finished. Students who cannot successfully complete the work necessary to remove the grade of “I” by the due date will receive a final grade for the course based on all unfinished assignments graded as zero.
Students who are granted a grade of "I" and subsequently withdraw from the program will be handled according to the Refund Policy and Schedule.
A course carrying the grade of “I” will be excluded from the computation of total semester credit hours and grade point averages.
Incomplete Grades Due to Military Activations and Deployments to or in Support of a Combat Zone
Students serving in the military who are notified after the start of enrollment that they are being activated or deployed to a combat zone or in direct support of or proximity to a combat zone and choose to withdraw from the university may request to have a grade assigned at the time of withdrawal if they have successfully completed at least 60% of a course and if their cumulative grade represents sufficient knowledge of the course. In lieu of requesting a grade, students may submit a study plan outlining how the final weeks of academic work will be completed. Upon approval of the study plan by the relevant program director or department chair, a grade of Incomplete will be assigned. Incomplete grades assigned as a result of approved study plans for activated or deployed students must be resolved within 180 days of the issuance of the original incomplete grade.
Course Drop and Course Withdrawal
Students may not add courses once the eight-week module in which the course is offered has commenced.
Students enrolled in either eight-week module of the semester may drop courses in that module for a period of one week (seven calendar days) after the course(s) begins. The permanent record will not reflect courses dropped during the drop period.
Following the drop period and continuing to the end of the semester, a grade of “W” will be entered on the permanent academic record for any course withdrawal initiated by the student or the administration.
A student who separates (withdraws) from the University, for any reason, prior to the end of the semester will receive a grade of “W” in each class not completed prior to the withdrawal.
Grading Practices Notification for Students
At the beginning of a course, on the course syllabus within the online classroom, a student must be made aware of the method of grading in the course and of the weight that is attached to all course requirements.
Grade Reporting by the Faculty
Faculty will record assignment and final grades in the online classroom grade book. Students may view assignment, in-progress grades, and final grades for current courses inside the online classroom. Students may also view their final grades for completed courses by accessing the University’s Self-Service web pages via the online classroom.
The College of Graduate and Continuing Studies maintains assignment grade records for a minimum of one year.
Grade Appeals
Final-grade appeals must begin with a written request from the student to the instructor. If resolution is not achieved with the instructor, the written grade appeal may be filed with the Chair of the Department of Continuing Students. Failing resolution at the department chair level, the student may appeal in writing to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies. If the issue is still unresolved, the final avenue of appeal must be directed in writing to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (SVPAA), who has final authority over matters involving grade appeals.
Changes in Final Grades
Instructors assign final grades after careful and thorough evaluation of a student’s academic performance in the course. A final grade will be changed only for cause and only at the request of the instructor and with the approval of the department chair and dean. Requests for change of grade must be made within 120 days after the grade was awarded.
If a course is repeated, only the last earned grade will be calculated in the grade point average. The grade previously earned in the course will be removed from the grade point average calculations even if a lower grade is earned when the course is repeated. Students may repeat a course one time only. Tuition and fee rates in effect at the time of the repeat enrollment apply to all repeat courses.
Minimum Grade Standards
Minimum grade standards are established for all curricula. Students must maintain an appropriate grade point average to remain in good standing.
Academic Standing Criteria for Academic Progress
Good Standing
A student in good standing is allowed to register without qualification. To maintain good standing, a degree candidate must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Courses numbered below 100 will only meet pre-requisite requirements, but they will be included in the GPA and academic standing calculations.
Placement on Academic Probation
Students who fail to earn the cumulative grade point average for good standing at the end of the semester are enrolled for the following semester on academic probation. Being placed on probation warns the student that academic progress is in jeopardy and places restrictions and conditions on his/her enrollment. The conditions are as follows:
- The student may not enroll for more than 12 semester credits.
- Whenever possible, courses in which the student received a C- or below should be repeated to increase the GPA.
- Students must raise their GPA to the minimum required within 12 semester credits or they will be dismissed from the program. Subsequent to dismissal, students will be allowed to reapply for admission after one semester of separation.
Dismissal for Academic Deficiency
A student who fails to achieve the cumulative grade point average for good standing within 12 semester credit-hours of being placed on probation will be dismissed. Students who attain good standing after being on probation will restart the procedure above if they return to probationary status.
Application for Readmission by a Dismissed Student
Students whose enrollment in a degree-completion program is interrupted due to an academic dismissal may apply for readmission to the program following a one-semester separation. A written request for readmission should be addressed to the Chair of the Department of Continuing Studies and filed with the student services advisor and must include an explanation of the change in the student’s circumstances, which now permit successful completion of the program, as well as the measures taken to ensure satisfactory academic progress upon re-enrollment.
Individuals who are dismissed for academic deficiency may be conditionally readmitted to the University. Failure to adhere to the mandatory conditions of readmission may result in dismissal from the University prior to the conclusion of the semester.
Application for Readmission by a Withdrawn Student
Students whose enrollment in a degree-completion program is interrupted due to a student-initiated withdrawal may apply for readmission to the program by contacting a student services advisor.
Academic Honors
All degree candidates whose final cumulative grade point average is 3.60 or higher at degree conferral are graduated “Summa Cum Laude;” those with an average of 3.30 to 3.59, “Magna Cum Laude;” and those with an average of 3.00 to 3.29, “Cum Laude.” The honors designations are noted on both the transcript and the undergraduate diploma.
A student’s online behavior is expected to be professional, ethical, and in compliance with university rules and regulations.
Online students are required to be active and participate academically in the online classroom on a weekly basis. Students who fail to access the online classroom and participate for more than fourteen (14) calendar days without prior approval will be administratively withdrawn from the university. Students who are unable to maintain weekly attendance in the online classroom due to an expected absence are required to notify their instructor in advance of the absence.
A withdrawal is generally a permanent separation from the University. Either the student or the University may initiate the withdrawal process.
Withdrawals Initiated by the Student
When a withdrawal is necessary, the student must direct the following requests in writing to the appropriate institutional officer.
- Requests for withdrawal must be submitted in writing to the program's Student Service Advisor.
- Requests for a refund must be submitted in writing to the University Bursar.
Students using financial aid in the form of federal loans, who anticipate returning to the university within a reasonable length of time from the withdrawal, should notify their Financial Aid Advisor in writing of their intent.
Norwich University must make commitments to faculty and staff in advance of actual student enrollment, therefore only a partial refund of tuition paid will be made if the student leaves for any reason prior to the end of any semester. The only exception to this policy is for activation or deployment of military personnel to a combat zone or in direct support of or proximity to a combat zone during the period of enrollment (see Military Activations and Deployments to a Combat Zone).
Scholarships, grants, and federally funded loans will be refunded, in the appropriate ratio, using federal guidelines for financial aid, either to the University or to the agency from which the aid funds were received. In many cases, this will result in an additional amount due from the student to the University.
Withdrawals Initiated by the University
The University, through the Dean of the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies, may also initiate an Administrative Withdrawal. Such instances might occur for student failure to participate, unexcused absence of 14 days or more, violation of the academic honesty policy, failure to pay tuition, or in cases where the student is a distraction to other students and instructors.
Military Activations and Deployments to or in Support of a Combat Zone
- Students serving in the military who are notified after the start of enrollment that they are being activated or deployed to a combat zone or in direct support of or proximity to a combat zone, or;
- Any student, or the spouse of a student if the student has a dependent child, who is a member of the National Guard or reserve forces of the United States and who is ordered to state military service or federal service or duty may:
- Withdraw from the entire registration and receive a full refund of tuition and mandatory fees;
- Make arrangements with the student's instructors for course grades, or for incompletes that shall be completed by the student at a later date. If such arrangements are made, the student's registration shall remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed for the courses in full;
- Make arrangements with only some of the student's instructors for grades, or for incompletes that shall be completed by the student at a later date. If such arrangements are made, the registration for those courses shall remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed for those courses. Any course for which arrangements cannot be made for grades or incompletes shall be considered dropped and the tuition and mandatory fees for the course refunded, or;
- If having successfully completed at least 60% of a seminar or course and whose cumulative grade represents sufficient knowledge of the seminar or course, request to have a grade assigned at the time of withdrawal. In lieu of requesting a grade, bachelor's students may submit to their Department Chair a study plan outlining how the final weeks of academic work will be completed. Upon approval of the study plan, a grade of Incomplete will be assigned. Incomplete grades assigned as a result of approved study plans for activated or deployed students must be resolved within 180 days of the issuance of the original incomplete grade.
Students will be required to provide a copy of orders confirming that the date of activation/deployment was during the currently enrolled academic semester. Upon any future re-matriculation at Norwich University, the student will be charged tuition and fees at the rate in force at the time of re-matriculation.