Section IV - Grades, Averages and Marking Periods
This is an archived copy of the 2013-14 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit
- Grades
These grades and grade points shall be awarded:
Grade |
Grade Points |
A | 4.0 Grade points per credit hour |
A- | 3.7 Grade points per credit hour |
B+ | 3.3 Grade points per credit hour |
B | 3.0 Grade points per credit hour |
B- | 2.7 Grade points per credit hour |
C+ | 2.3 Grade points per credit hour |
C | 2.0 Grade points per credit hour |
C- | 1.7 Grade points per credit hour |
D+ | 1.3 Grade points per credit hour |
D | 1.0 Grade points per credit hour |
D- | 0.7 Grade points per credit hour |
F | 0.0 Grade points per credit hour |
P Pass/Fail option exercised | None |
AU (Audit) | None |
I (Incomplete) | None (Not used at mid semester) |
NG (No Grade) | None (Not used for final grade) |
S (Satisfactory) | None |
U (Unsatisfactory) | None |
W (Withdrawal from course) | None |
NS (Not Submitted) | None |
- Grade Point Average
- The grade point average is computed by dividing grade points earned by credit hours attempted after applying the repeat grade policy.
- Only grade points earned and semester credit hours attempted in courses at Norwich will be included in computing the student’s grade point average. (See the repeat course policy for the effect on the grade point average of course repetition).
- Grades for courses taken after conferral of a degree will not be used to recalculate the grade. Grade point averages for these courses will be calculated separately.
- Pass/Fail Option
- Students in good academic standing may choose one course per semester in the sophomore, junior, pre-senior and senior years in which to exercise a Pass/Fail option.
- Courses chosen under this option must be free electives. Courses that satisfy University requirements, or are specifically listed courses in the student’s major, or require a minimum grade of “C”, or are restricted electives other than free electives may not be taken pass/fail.
- To receive “Pass” credit under this option, the student’s work in the designated course must receive a semester grade of at least “D-”. An earned grade of “F” will be entered as such on the student’s academic record and will be included in all grade point computations. A “Pass” grade will earn credits but will not be included in grade point computations.
- Students seeking to take a course under the Pass/Fail option shall complete and submit the required form to the Registrar’s Office prior to the course withdrawal deadline. Forms are available on the Registrar’s Office web page.
- Incomplete Grades (I)
- A student who fails to complete required work in any course due to authorized absence caused by illness or emergency may receive the grade of incomplete (I).
- The grade “I” may not be assigned for simple failure to submit required work. It may not be awarded as the result of class cuts, regular leave, or detached service.
- A grade of “I” may only be assigned at the end of the semester and not at mid-semester.
- Faculty, when assigning a grade of “I”, shall complete the I Grade Form and email it to the student and Registrar’s office. The form requires:
- The reason the “I” grade was assigned;
- What work is still required;
- The deadline for submission of the work (the instructor determines the deadline, but the deadline shall be no later than 30 days from the last day of finals); and
- What the grade will be if no additional work is received from the student.
- The faculty member has 48 hours to submit a new grade to the Registrar’s Office. If no new grade is received the grade that the faculty member stated would be the grade if no additional work was received will be entered as the course grade.
- A course carrying the grade of “I” will be excluded from the computation of total semester credit hours and grade point averages.
- A student with a grade of “I” is ineligible for consideration for the Dean’s List. Dean’s List eligibility will be determined when a final grade is awarded.
- Course Drop/Add and Course Withdrawal
- A student may drop or add a course within one week after classes start. The deadline for dropping or adding a course is listed on the academic calendar. The permanent academic record will not reflect courses DROPPED during this period.
- During the time from the end of the DROP/ADD period and extending to two weeks following the date on which mid-semester grades are due, a grade of W will be entered on the Permanent Academic Record for any course withdrawal by a student, or the administration, who remains enrolled at the University. The student is responsible for filing a complete DROP/ADD/WITHDRAWAL form, with the Registrar’s Office prior to the withdrawal deadline. A student must meet with the faculty member prior to withdrawal and obtain their signature on the withdrawal form. After the deadline, a grade of “F” will be entered on the Permanent Academic Record for any course withdrawal unless the Committee on Academic Standing and Degrees approves the assignment of a grade of W.
- Withdrawals from the University
A student who separates from the University, for any reason, prior to the end of the semester will receive a grade of “W” in each class.
- Course Schedule Administrative Adjustment
- Within the first 20 school days of a semester, a college dean may approve course adjustments for students who have been enrolled in an inappropriate level of a course, such as MA 005 rather than MA 101 or vice versa. This adjustment is made using an Administrative Course Adjustment form containing all required signatures, and turned into the Registrar’s Office
- Within the first 20 school days of a semester, a college dean may approve course adjustments for students who are not on track to complete their degree by their expected date of graduation. To be eligible for this adjustment, the adjustment must allow the student to complete the degree within two semesters. This adjustment is made using an Administrative Course Adjustment form containing all required signatures, and turned in to the Registrar’s Office.
- Grading Practices Notification For Students
At the beginning of a course, on the course syllabus, a student must be made aware of the method of grading in the course and of the weight that is attached to all course requirements.
- Grade Reporting By the Faculty
- The faculty reports grades for all campus base programs twice during the semester.
- Mid-semester grades are reported to the Registrar’s Office on or before the Friday of the seventh week of each semester, in accordance with the Academic Calendar. In the rare case where sufficient course evaluation is not available for the reporting of a grade at mid-semester, the grade of “NG” (no grade) is reported.
- Final grades are reported to the Registrar’s Office at the conclusion of the semester. These grades are posted on the permanent academic record.
- Final grades will be submitted to the Registrar’s Office within seventy-two hours after the final examination has been administered. Seniors, in their spring semester will need to have their grades reported to the Registrar’s Office in less than seventy-two hours. The time for submittal of these grades will be as directed by the Registrar’s Office. For courses in which no final examination is given, final grades will be submitted to the Registrar’s Office seventy-two hours after reading day.
- Faculty will maintain course grade records for a minimum of one year. Faculty leaving the employment of the University will turn these grade records over to the department.
- Grade Notification
- Mid-semester grades will appear on the individual student Banner Web Self-Service account. A copy of the mid-semester report for first semester freshman will be sent to the eligible parent or guardian.
- After grades have been reported to the Registrar’s Office, students may view their grades on their “Degree Evaluation” form. After a period of about one week the students will be able to review their grades and current GPA on their “Academic Transcript” form. Both of these forms are on the web.
- Parents wanting to see the grades of their son or daughter must have them open one of the forms that show the grades. The University does not mail grades or give them to anyone over the phone to comply with FERPA.
- Academic Warning at Mid-Semester
- Students who are failing two or more courses at mid-semester will be issued an academic warning.
- Students receiving Academic Warnings must report to their academic advisor within 5 days.
- The Registrar’s Office will notify the eligible parents or guardians of all first semester freshmen receiving Academic Warnings.
- Official Grades
Official grades are final grades that are entered upon a student’s permanent academic record. Mid-semester grades are not official grades, are not entered on the permanent record, and are reported for the sole purpose of assisting students in assessing their academic status at mid-semester.
- Changes In Final Grades
Assignment of final grades in each course is the responsibility of the faculty member of record. Students are urged to meet promptly with the faculty member if they have questions about the assigned grade.
The faculty member assigns a final grade only after a careful and thorough evaluation of the student’s performance in the course and in accordance with the grading plan given to the student at the start of the course.
Unless as a result of a formal grievance process, a final grade will be changed only for cause and only at the request of the faculty member and with the approval of the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs. The Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs will require the recommendations of the Department Chair or School Director and the College Dean.
The Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs will normally not consider a grade change request if it is received by the Registrar’s Office more than 120 days after the grade to be changed was issued.