College of Liberal Arts
Dean: Andrea Talentino
The College of Liberal Arts is composed of the Department of English and Communications, the Department of Modern Languages, Departments of History and Political Science; School of Justice Studies and Sociology; Department of Psychology and Teacher Education. In addition, the school is the administrative home of courses in philosophy and music.
Co-Curricular Activities
Through its academic programs, the College of Liberal Arts sponsors publishing, broadcasting, and performance activities open to all students of the university. These include the student newspaper, The Norwich Guidon; the student-produced video news magazine, Our American Journey; the campus literary magazine, Chameleon; the student radio station, WNUB-FM; the campus theatrical troop, The Pegasus Players; and such musical organizations as the Regimental Band, the Grenadiers (a rhythm and blues group), and the Campus Choraleers. These activities are described more fully in the General Information section of the university’s catalog, under the headings Musical Activities, Publications, Radio Station, and Television Program.