Course Overloads and Audits
Credit Overload (Extra Credits)
Well-qualified master’s students may elect to enroll in more than twelve (12) graduate credit-hours per semester subject to approval by the program director.
Course Audit
Course Audit
- A fee will be assessed for an audit course.
- Students completing courses as auditors will receive a grade of AU (Audit) on their permanent academic record.
- Auditing students are expected to participate as outlined by the relevant program director.
- Failure to attend class for more than 14 days will result in administrative withdrawal and a W will be recorded on the student's permanent academic record.
- Students must declare audit status at the time of registration. If not declared at the time of registration, students must secure faculty approval to change from graded status to audit status prior to the first day of final exams.
- Once a student has requested and been approved for an Audit grade s/he will not be allowed to subsequently change grading status back to a regular letter grade.
- Audited courses may not subsequently be taken for credit.
- Audited courses may not be applied against degree requirements.