Minimum Grade Standards
Minimum grade standards are established for various curricula. These minimum standards are shown in various Curriculum Maps in Majors/Concentrations/Minors section of this catalog.
Grades and grade points shall be awarded as listed below:
Grade | Grade Points |
A | 4.0 grade points per credit |
A- | 3.7 grade points per credit |
B+ | 3.3 grade points per credit |
B | 3.0 grade points per credit |
B- | 2.7 grade points per credit |
C+ | 2.3 grade points per credit |
C | 2.0 grade points per credit |
C- | 1.7 grade points per credit |
D+ | 1.3 grade points per credit |
D | 1.0 grade points per credit |
D- | 0.7 Grade points per credit hour |
F | 0.0 grade points per credit |
P (Pass) | no grade points; does not affect GPA |
AU (Audit) | no grade points |
I (Incomplete) | no grade points |
NC (No Credit) | no grade points; does not affect GPA |
NG (No Grade) | None (Not used for final grade) |
S (Satisfactory) | no grade points; only assigned to zero credit courses |
SP (Satisfactory Progress) | no grade points; only assigned to for variable credit courses |
U (Unsatisfactory) | no grade points; only assigned for zero credit courses or uncompleted variable credit courses |
W (Withdrawal from course) | no grade points; does not affect GPA |
Grade Point Average (GPA)
- GPA is computed by dividing grade points earned by GPA credits, after applying the repeat grade policy.
- Only grade points earned and credits attempted in courses at Norwich are included in computing the student’s grade point average. (See the Repeat Courses policy below).
- Grades for courses taken after conferral of a degree will not be used to recalculate the grade. Grade point averages for these courses will be calculated separately.
Repeat Courses/Repeat Grade Policy
- A student shall not receive credit twice for any course, except for where course descriptions note allowance for repetition of credit.
- If a previously graded course is repeated, and a grade other than W is earned, only the last grade earned in the course is calculated in the GPA.
- All grades previously earned in the course are removed from GPA calculations; even in the event that a lower grade is earned upon repetition of the course. If a failing grade is earned upon repetition of a course, any previous credit earned is lost. Credit by examination does not constitute a repetition under this provision.
- Any time a course is taken (and then repeated); it is Excluded from cumulative GPA calculations and it is designated with an E to the right of the course on the transcript.
- The repeated course is Included in cumulative GPA calculations and is designated with an I to the right of course on the transcript, except when a W (withdraw) grade is earned.
- Grades for courses taken after conferral of a degree will not be used to recalculate the grade. Grade point averages for these courses will be calculated separately.
Pass/Fail Option (P/F)
- Students in good academic standing may choose one course per semester in the sophomore, junior, pre-senior and senior years in which to exercise a Pass/Fail option.
- Courses chosen under this option must be free electives. Courses that satisfy University requirements, or are specifically listed courses in the student’s major, or require a minimum grade of C, or are restricted electives, other than free electives, may not be taken pass/fail.
- To receive P grade student’s work in the designated course must be of at least D- quality. A failing grade of F will be entered on the student’s academic record and will be included in all grade point computations, if the student's work was below D- quality. P grades earn credit, but are not be included in grade point computations.
- Students seeking to take a course under the Pass/Fail option shall complete and submit a Pass/Fail Grading Request form to the Registrar’s Office prior to the course withdrawal deadline.
Incomplete Grades (I)
- A student who fails to complete required work in any course due to authorized absence caused by illness or emergency may receive the grade of Incomplete (I).
- I grades may not be assigned for simple failure to submit required work or not attending class, regular leave, or detached service.
- I grades are only assigned at the end of the semester; not at mid-semester.
- Faculty determine the deadline by which the student must submit Incomplete work. However, the deadline shall be no later than:
- Monday of the eighth week of Spring semester for Fall Incomplete grades
- Monday of the eight week of Fall semester for Spring and Summer Incomplete grades
- If faculty do not submit a Change of Grade form to the Registrar’s Office prior to the dates lists above, the Registrar’s Office will lapse the I grade to a Failing (F) grade and notify the student.
- Exception to the dates listed above is students who were ill during the semester, or those who are deployed.
- Students who have documented medical reasons for not completing coursework prior to the end of the semester are allowed up to the end of next full semester to complete the work. If faculty do not submit a Change of Grade form to the Registrar’s Office prior to Final Exams for Fall and Spring semesters, or the end of Summer, the Registrar’s Office will lapse the I to a Failing (F) grade and notify the student.
- See the Military Accommodation Policy for deployment related circumstances.
- A course carrying the grade of I is excluded from the computation of total credits and grade point averages.
- A student with a grade of I is ineligible for consideration for the Dean’s List honors. Dean’s List eligibility is determined at the end of Fall and Spring terms.
Grading Practices Notification For Students
Course syllabi must designate the method of grading in the course and of the weight that is attached to all course requirements.
Grade Reporting By the Faculty
- Faculty enter grades for all on-campus courses twice during the semester.
- Mid-semester grades are entered on, or before, Monday of the eighth week of Fall and Spring semesters, in accordance with the Academic Calendar. In the rare case where sufficient course evaluation is not available for the reporting of a grade at mid-semester, the grade of “NG” (no grade) is entered. Mid-semester grades are not official grades, are not entered on the permanent record, and are reported for the sole purpose of assisting students in assessing their academic status at mid-semester.
- Final grades are entered at the conclusion of the semester. These grades are posted on the permanent academic record.
- Final grades must be entered within seventy-two hours after the last day of final examinations. Spring Semester grades for graduating Seniors must be entered in less than seventy-two hours. The time for submittal of these grades will be as directed by the Registrar’s Office.
- Faculty will maintain course grade records for a minimum of one year. Faculty leaving the employment of the University will submit these grade records to their respective department.
Grade Notification
- Mid-semester grades appear on student's Banner Web. Mid-semester grades for first semester freshman are sent to the eligible parent or guardian.
- After grades have been entered, students may view their grades on Banner Web. After a period of about one week the students will be able to review their grades and term and cumulative GPA, and Academic Standing on their unofficial Academic Transcript (also on Banner Web).
- Parents wanting to see the grades of their student must have the student access Banner Web. Norwich University does not mail grades, or provide grades over the phone, in compliance withe Data Privacy (FERPA) policy .
Academic Warning at Mid-Semester
- Students who are failing two or more courses at mid-semester will be issued an academic warning and must report to the Academic Achievement Center.
- The Registrar’s Office will notify the eligible parents or guardians of all first semester freshmen receiving Academic Warnings if the student has allowed for this information to be released to his/her parents or guardians.
Changes In Final Grades
- Assignment of final grades in each course is the responsibility of the faculty of record. Students are urged to meet promptly with the faculty member if they have questions regarding the assigned grade.
- Faculty assign a final grade only after a careful and thorough evaluation of the student’s performance in the course and in accordance with the grading plan given to the student at the start of the course.
- Unless, as a result of a formal grievance process , a final grade will be changed only for cause as determined by the faculty and will require the recommendation of the Department Chair/Director and must be accomplished PRIOR to a degree being posted on a student record. .
- The SVPAA will normally not allow a grade change request if it is received by the Registrar’s Office more than 120 days after the grade to be changed was issued.
Course Audit
- A fee will be assessed for a course audit. The fee will not be charged to a full-time matriculated student unless the audit is an overload.
- Students taking courses as auditors will receive a grade of AU (Audit) on their permanent academic record.
- Auditing students are expected to participate in class discussion and laboratory activities
- Students must declare audit status at the time of registration. If not declared at the time of registration, students must secure faculty approval to change from graded status to audit status prior to first day of final exams.
- Students may audit a course only if, in doing so, students desiring to take the course for credit are not excluded because of enrollment limitations.
- Once a student has requested, and been approved for an Audit grade, s/he is not allowed to subsequently change grading status back to a regular letter grade.