Professor Frances Sikola Chevalier (Department Chair and Program Director).
French is a useful strategic language, especially for those interested in careers in the military, business, the Department of Defense, research, and industry. It is ranked as the second most important communication language in the world after English by the Bloomberg Rankings (2014). Norwich has developed a program to prepare students to use French in the workplace or to strengthen an application for graduate school.
The French minor offers courses that are communicative and interactive at all levels. For beginning and intermediate-level students, a strong audio-video program facilitates learning language from native speakers through visuals and oral patterning. Every course includes a cultural focus. Literature, civilization courses and the examination of international French-language media sources provide opportunities for students to be alert to cultural differences outside their own culture to develop a more global perspective. The French minor offers service-learning courses and community service with leadership opportunities. Past examples of service include French-language interpreter/cultural role-play with 40 members of the National Guard, participation in Vermont's Lake Champlain Quadricentennial events representing the French heritage of the region, and the translation of a brochure for the Washington County Battered Women Services and Shelter.
All students are encouraged to participate in the program´s Cercle Francophone/French Club on-campus and to study abroad for a summer or semester in an approved overseas program to experience language immersion and explore products, practices, and perspectives of other cultures. Norwich maintains a student exchange program with the renowned French military academy, l'École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr in Coëtquidan, France.
The foreign language placement test is required before any student registers for a first course in the program.
The minor in French
Our program aims to provide students with competency using the forms of language and cultural expression appropriate for use in the professions.
Upon successful completion of the minor in French, students will present test results and written work in their dossiers showing the abilities to:
- develop linguistic skills in oral and written expression at the intermediate to low-advanced level
- engage in everyday conversation with native speakers of French
- communicate with respect and cultural understanding in the French language
- read and analyze authentic documents from French-speaking societies
- produce texts and media in French and demonstrate an understanding of approaches to translation
Careers for this Minor:
Because French is ranked the second most important communication language in the world after English according to the Bloomberg Rankings (2014) and has been identified as strategic for the military and counter-terrorist organizations, demonstrated proficiency in French language and culture can be a very useful asset for careers in
- military service
- diplomacy
- business
- law enforcement and peacekeeping
- state and federal government agencies
- industry and technology
- research
- teaching
- NGO global partnerships.
French Minor Curriculum Map 2016-2017 Catalog
All courses require a grade of C or higher. The courses required to complete the minor depend on the foreign-language proficiency level of the incoming student. See tracks A and B below:
A. Track A is to be completed by students who place at or below the intermediate level:
FR 205 | Intermediate French I | 3 |
FR 206 | Intermediate French II | 3 |
FR Elective (250 or higher) | 3 | |
FR Elective (311 or higher) | 3 | |
FR Elective (311 or higher) | 3 | |
FR Elective (311 or higher) | 3 | |
Total Cr. | 18 |
B. Track B is to be completed by students who place above the intermediate level:
FR Elective (311 or higher) | 3 | |
FR Elective (311 or higher) | 3 | |
FR Elective (311 or higher) | 3 | |
FR Elective (311 or higher) | 3 | |
FR Elective (311 or higher) | 3 | |
FR Elective (311 or higher) | 3 | |
Total Cr. | 18 |
FR 111 Beginning French I 6 Cr.
The main purpose of this intensive course is to lead students to communicate in French at a basic level, to appreciate the French-speaking world, and to develop cultural awareness. In a highly interactive environment, students learn to understand, speak, read, and write French. French-language films, videos, and music presented in lab sessions are selected to reinforce the cultural material discussed in class, improve speaking and listening skills, and address differences in nonverbal communication. Not open to students who have successfully completed FR 205 or higher. Classroom 6 hours, laboratory 2 hours. Prerequiste: Appropriate score on placement exam.
FR 112 Beginning French II 6 Cr.
A continuation of FR 111 in which language skills are brought to a level enabling students to participate more fully in general conversation, to read more sophisticated passages, and to write with a firmer command of syntactical structures. Cultural competency is further developed. Classroom 6 hours, laboratory 2 hours. Prerequisite: FR 111, NU language placement, or equivalent. Not open to students who have successfully completed FR 205 or higher.
FR 150 Topics Course 3 Cr.
Specialized topics relating to French and Francophone culture, business practices, or language. Topic will be indicated in the schedule of classes. This is an introductory-level course. Course may be repeated for credit if the topic differs. Taught in French.
FR 150EN Topics Course in English 3 Cr.
Specialized topics relating to French and Francophone culture, literature, business practices, or language. Topic will be indicated in the schedule of classes. Taught in English. This course does not meet the Modern Language requirement.
FR 1XX French Elective 3 Cr.
FR 205 Intermediate French I 3 Cr.
A course providing aural-oral practice in French, in which students enter into full discussion of topics that include abstract themes and cultural perspectives; includes the expanded use of syntactical structures, the reading of sophisticated material, composition, the viewing of selected French and Francophone films and documentary materials from French-language television. Taught entirely in French. Classroom 3 hours, laboratory 1 hour. Prerequisite: FR 112, NU language placement, a score of 500 on the CEEB French Reading Test, or permission of the instructor.
FR 206 Intermediate French II 3 Cr.
A course providing aural-oral practice in French, in which students enter into full discussion of topics that include abstract themes and cultural perspectives; includes the expanded use of syntactical structures, the reading of sophisticated material, composition, the viewing of selected French films and documentary materials from French television. Taught entirely in French. Classroom 3 hours, laboratory 1 hour. Prerequisite: FR 205 or the equivalent, NU language placement, score of 500 on the CEEB French Reading Test, or permission of the instructor.
FR 250 Topics Course 3 Cr.
Specialized topics relating to French and Francophone culture, literature, business practices, or language. Topic will be indicated in the schedule of classes. Taught in French. Prerequisite: FR 206 or permission of the instructor. Counts as Arts & Humanities elective. Course may be repeated for credit if the topic differs.
FR 250EN Topics Course in English 3 Cr.
Specialized topics relating to French and Francophone culture, literature, business practices, or language. Topic will be indicated in the schedule of classes. Taught in English. Topics in Literature count as a General Education Literature elective and have EN 102 as a prerequisite; others as a General Education Arts & Humanities elective. This course does not meet the Modern Language requirement.
FR 2XX Intermediate French Elective 3 Cr.
FR 311 Advanced French I 3 Cr.
A continuation of grammar review at the advanced level; further development of oral expression through discussion and formal presentations. An introduction to the analysis of Francophone literature and film; an overview of major events, including cultural and scientific developments affecting French thought. Students will prepare written work in a workshop atmosphere in which rewriting and collaboration are encouraged in order to teach self-correction. Readings, lectures, discussions, student presentations, written work entirely in French. Classroom 3 hours, laboratory 1 hour. Prerequisites: FR 206, NU language placement, or permission of the instructor.
FR 312 Advanced French II 3 Cr.
A continuation of grammar review at the advanced level; further development of oral expression through discussion and formal presentations. An introduction to the analysis of Francophone literature and film; an overview of major events, including cultural and scientific developments affecting French thought. Students will prepare written work in a workshop atmosphere in which rewriting and collaboration are encouraged in order to teach self-correction. Readings, lectures, discussions, student presentations, written work entirely in French. Classroom 3 hours, laboratory 1 hour. Prerequisites: FR 206, NU language placement or permission of the instructor.
FR 321 A Survey of French Literature I 3 Cr.
An introduction to French Literature. Lectures, reading, discussion in French. Includes an historical survey of French civilization comprising developments in art, music, philosophy and science. Readings in French literature from the Middle Ages to 1789, from the chivalrous medieval epic to the philosophes of the Enlightenment and expression of the egalitarian ideal of the revolution.. Readings, lectures, discussions, student presentations, written work entirely in French. Prerequisites: FR 206, or a 300-level course (may be taken concurrently), NU language placement, or permission of the instructor.
FR 322 A Survey of French Literature II 3 Cr.
An introduction to French Literature. Lectures, reading, discussion in French. Includes an historical survey of French civilization comprising developments in art, music, philosophy, the technology of warfare and the sciences. Readings in French literature from Romanticism to literature of the Absurd and beyond. Readings, lectures, discussions, student presentations, written work entirely in French. Prerequisites: FR 206, or a 300-level course (may be taken concurrently), NU language placement, or permission of the instructor.
FR 327 French Literature since 1900 I 3 Cr.
A study of French literature (novel) from the latter part of the 19th century to the present day. Topics of study include concurrent developments in the other art forms and in the sciences; the impact of the World Wars on Francophone authors and artists. Readings, lectures, discussions, student presentations, written work in French. Prerequisites: FR 206, or a 300-level course (may be taken concurrently), NU language placement, or permission of the instructor.
FR 328 French Literature since 1900 II 3 Cr.
A study of French literature (poetry, theater, and film) from the latter part of the 19th century to the present day. Topics of study include concurrent developments in the other art forms and in the sciences; the impact of the World Wars on Francophone authors and artists. Readings, lectures, discussions, student presentations, written work in French. Prerequisites: FR 206, or a 300-level course (may be taken concurrently), NU language placement or permission of the instructor.
FR 331 Advanced French Composition, Conversation, and Translation I 3 Cr.
A course in French stylistics, translation, oral reports and discussions in French. Prerequisites: FR 206, or a 300-level course (may be taken concurrently), NU language placement or permission of instructor.
FR 332 Advanced French Composition, Conversation, and Translation II 3 Cr.
A course in French stylistics, translation, oral reports, and discussions in French. Prerequisites: FR 206, or a 300-level course (may be taken concurrently), NU language placement or permission of instructor.
FR 350 Topics Course 3 Cr.
Specialized topics relating to French and Francophone culture, literature, business practices, or language. Topic will be indicated in the schedule of classes. Taught in French. Topics in Literature count as Literature elective; others Arts & Humanities elective. Course may be repeated for credit if the topic differs. Prerequisite:FR 206 or permission of the instructor.
FR 350EN Topics Course in English 3 Cr.
Specialized topics relating to French and Francophone culture, literature, business practices, or language. Topic will be indicated in the schedule of classes. Taught in English. Topics in Literature count as a General Education Literature elective and have EN 102 as a prerequisite; others as a General Education Arts & Humanities elective. This course does not meet the Modern Language requirement.
FR 3XX Advanced French Elective 3 Cr.
FR 415 Seminar: Topics in French Literature 3 Cr.
Study of a particular author, theme, genre, or literary movement, including cultural themes. Offered as occasion demands. Topic varies each year these courses are offered. Prerequisites: FR300-level course or permission of instructor.
FR 421 Reading and Research on a Topic in French Literature and Civilization 3 Cr.
A report on an approved project of original research in French literature or civilization under the direction of a department member. Limited to students who have demonstrated aptitude for independent work. May be scheduled either or both semesters. Prerequisites: FR300-level course, permission of the department chair and course instructor.