Professor Paulette Thabault (director); Assistant Professors Kate Healy, Llynne Kiernan, and Jessica Wood; Lecturers Lisa Hardy, Sara Kawasaki, Lili Martin, and Lorraine Pitcher.
The Nursing Department offers a four-year program leading to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and eligibility to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). The first year of the BSN program is dedicated to courses in the Humanities, Sciences, Social Sciences and two foundation courses in Nursing. The clinical experience begins in the spring of the sophomore year and continues through the remainder of the program. By graduation students will have practiced in a variety of settings, including hospitals, community/home health agencies, schools and clinics. Well equipped, modern, simulation laboratories provide on-campus learning labs for skill acquisition and health assessment practice. Morning, evening, and weekend hours are utilized for the clinical experience. Students will take a pre-NCLEX exam in their senior year to determine readiness for NCLEX exams. Students are required to purchase student uniforms. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from clinical agencies. Nursing majors must have current “American Heart Association Health Care Provider ”certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) upon entering the sophomore year and through all subsequent nursing courses. All immunizations must be up to date and tuberculosis skin test done annually.
- Integrate knowledge derived from nursing science, health related sciences, and humanities when designing and providing patient-centered care.
- Provide patient centered care in which the dignity, spirituality, and rights of the individual family and community are respected.
- Promote the profession’s obligation to legal, ethical and moral standards.
- Lead based on the values of commitment, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.
- Employ informatics to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making.
- Communicate effectively in a manner that fosters respectful and collaborative decision making, thus enhancing patient satisfaction and health outcomes.
- Integrate political awareness, critical thinking, social justice and participation in the policy process with professional role behavior.
- Use the best current evidence coupled with clinical reasoning to minimize risk and improve quality and safety of patient care.
- Value the pursuit of practice excellence, lifelong learning, and professional engagement to foster professional growth and development.
- Ethical behavior and clinical reasoning, promoting advocacy, collaboration and leadership in the patient care setting
- Professional accountability for nursing practice with emphasis on patient safety
- Evidence Based Practice skills with the ability to conduct basic research
- Patient centeredness with emphasis on families and communities.
- Connectedness, with strong peer advocacy in the work place environment
The BSN Program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036, (202)-887-8476 and approved by the Vermont State Board of Nursing , Office of Professional Regulations, 89 Main Street 3rd Floor, Montpelier, VT 05520-2482, (802) 828-2396.
Nursing at Norwich University is grounded in core essentials of baccalaureate education and predicated on the profession’s ideals to meet the needs of a complex, dynamic healthcare environment. Inherent in professional practice are the emerging trends in population health, patient care technology, and cultural diversity. The Faculty believes that through direct patient care and simulated clinical experience students will acquire the knowledge base to ensure optimum health outcomes for our patients, families and communities.
The Faculty further believes that teaching and learning evolves, through a seamless progression, in competency based nursing practice. Graduates become proficient in patient centered care with emphasis on quality improvement methods and patient safety. The responsibility of the professional nurse is complex, requiring expertise in leadership, communication and teamwork.
Admission standards:
In addition to the university General Admission Requirements , nursing applicants must:
- Meet or exceed the SAT requirement of 1050 for Math and Reading combined
- Complete 4 years of high school (HS) math including Algebra, Geometry and Trig
- Complete 3 years of HS science including Biology and Chemistry
- Transfer college level science courses current within 5 years
- Online science courses are not transferable
- College level GPA must be at a minimum of 3.0
- Transfer students must submit a letter of reference from the Chairperson/Dean of the transferring school prior to acceptance.
- Background screening is a requirement for admission and condition of both acceptance and progression in nursing
Students must also submit to intermittent background screening as required by clinical agencies. A criminal record deemed to be of consequence or the habitual intemperate use or addiction to habit forming substances precludes enrollment in the Program.
Progression and Graduation:
A minimum grade of C+ is required in all Nursing courses. C + grades are required in BI 215, BI 216, BI 220, CH 101 , CH 102 , MA 232 and MA 235 to progress within the program. Only one failed nursing course may be repeated during the program. A student must receive a grade of C+ or higher in the repeated nursing course in order to progress in the program. In nursing courses with both theory and clinical components, the clinical component of the course is graded as a letter grade. Because the clinical component of the course is an integral component to the course, the student must successfully complete the clinical component of the course in order to pass the course. If the student does not successfully complete the clinical portion of the course, a grade of F will be recorded for the course and the clinical. Students must pass both the theory and clinical components of a nursing course in order to pass the course. If the students fails one component and passes the other, the course is failed. In order to progress, students must meet the criteria for academic progression as stated in the Norwich University 2012 Academic Regulations. Upon successful completion of the program, the graduate is awarded the Bachelor of Science Nursing degree.
Each state’s Board of Nursing has the sole authority to grant graduates the privilege of taking the NCLEX-RN examination; therefore, students are directed to refer to the state in which they plan to practice for specific legal requirements. An applicant may be required to submit additional documentation and could be denied the privilege of sitting for the NCLEX-RN examination subject to the particular state’s regulation
Clinical Warning/Suspension:
In all nursing courses, with a clinical component, a written clinical warning may be given to students who clinical performance is unsafe/unsatisfactory. When a student has, in the professional judgement of a clinical instructor, performed so as to endanger a client or is unsafe/inappropriate to provide clinical care, the clinical instructor will immediately remove the student from the clinical setting. See the Nursing Handbook for further information.
Dismissal from the Nursing program:
Students will be dismissed from the School of Nursing for any of the following:
- Earning a grade of C+ or less in two Nursing courses during the student's enrollment in the Nursing program.
- Failure to achieve a minimum grade of C+ in any repeated Nursing course.
- Failure to maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA
- Unsafe laboratory/clinical practice as defined by the School of Nursing
- Unprofessional behavior, as defined by the ANA Code of Ethics and ANA Standards of Practice
- Failure to earn a grade of C+ on a second attempt of BI 215, BI 216, BI 220 ,CH 102 CH 101, MA 232 and MA 235
B.S. in Nursing - Curriculum Map 2016-2017 Catalog
Print PDF Curriculum Map
Freshman | |||
Fall | Cr. | Spring | Cr. |
BI 215 Human Anatomy & Physiology I (General Education Lab Science)C+ | 4 | BI 216 Human Anatomy & Physiology IIC+ | 4 |
EN 101 Composition and Literature I | 3 | CH 101 Introduction to General ChemistryC+ | 4 |
General Education History | 3 | EN 102 Composition and Literature II | 3 |
NR 104 Focus on NursingC+ | 3 | MA 232 Elementary Statistics (General Education Math)C+ | 3 |
PY 211 Introduction to Psychology (General Education Social Science) | 3 | NR 105 Promoting Healthy IndividualsC+ | 3 |
Semester Total Credits | 16 | Semester Total Credits | 17 |
Sophomore | |||
Fall | Cr. | Spring | Cr. |
CH 102 Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry (General Eucation Lab Science)C+ | 4 | BI 220 Introductory MicrobiologyC+ | 4 |
MA 235 Clinical Mathematical Methods (General Education Math)C+ | 3 | NR 215 Client, Psy/Mental Health ProbC+ | 3 |
NR 206 Health Assessment Across the LifespanC+ | 3 | NR 215L Client, Psy/Mental Health ProbC+ * | 2 |
NR 204 Nursing InformaticsC+ | 1 | NR 225 Research For Evidence-Based PracticeC+ | 3 |
PY 220 Developmental Psychology | 3 | NR 219 Simulations for Clinical PracticeC+ * | 2 |
SO 216 Soc of Health, Wellness & Med | 3 | ||
Semester Total Credits | 17 | Semester Total Credits | 14 |
Junior | |||
Fall | Cr. | Spring | Cr. |
NR 314 Technological Innovations in Clinical NursingC+ | 1 | General Education Literature | 3 |
NR 316 Care of the Adult 1C+ | 3 | NR 321 Nursing LeadershipC+ | 3 |
NR 316L Care of the Adult 1 PracticumC+ * | 3 | NR 331 Care of Women and Childbearing FamilyC+ | 3 |
NR 399 Pathopharmacology for NursingC+ | 4 | NR 331L Care of Women-Childbearing Family PracC+ * | 1 |
PH 350 Medical Ethics (General Education Ethics) | 3 | NR 341 Care of Children&Child RearingC+ | 3 |
SO 316 Aging in Society | 3 | NR 341L Care of Children&Child RearingC+ * | 2 |
NR 351 Family Centered NursingC+ | 1 | ||
Semester Total Credits | 17 | Semester Total Credits | 16 |
Senior | |||
Fall | Cr. | Spring | Cr. |
General Education Arts & Humanities | 3 | NR 421 Coordinator of CareC+ | 3 |
MG 360 Health Economics & Policy | 3 | NR 421L Coordinator of Care PracticumC+ * | 4 |
NR 416 Care of the Adult IIC+ | 4 | NR 431 Promoting Health in CommunitiesC+ | 3 |
NR 416L Care of Adult IIC+ * | 4 | NR 431L Promoting Health in Communities: Clinical PracticumC+ * | 2 |
NR 420 Care at End of LifeC+ | 2 | NR 441 Nursing CapstoneC+ | 4 |
Semester Total Credits | 16 | Semester Total Credits | 16 |
Total Credits For This Major: 129 |
C+ | This course requires a grade of C+ or higher. |
* | These courses link theory and clinical and requires a grade of C+ or higher to progress in the program. Also a grade of C+ or better in clinical to progress in the program |
Nursing, science, and math courses must be taken in order presented in the curriculum map. Deviation requires department permission. A letter grade of C+ or better is required in all nursing practical courses. |
NR 104 Focus on Nursing 3 Cr.
This survey course introduces the profession of nursing and offers insight into career options, roles and opportunities open to the baccalaureate nurse. This course encourages the student to think broadly about nursing while it provides an introduction to the foundations of the profession. Nursing major only.
NR 105 Promoting Healthy Individuals 3 Cr.
This course focuses on the use of basic concepts from nursing, nutrition, integrative therapies and biophysical sciences, as well as Healthy People 2020 to explore the determinates of health, wellness, and illness of individuals. Environmental, and sociocultural economic and lifestyle factors that influence health will be discussed. Students complete a health promotion project for one individual in the community. Evaluation of health information as relevant and reliable will be incorporated as a foundation for health promotion. Prerequisite: NR 104, BI 215, PY 211, EN 101, History Elective, Nursing Majors only.
NR 204 Nursing Informatics 1 Cr.
This course is designed to provide students with an initial experience in accessing information from a variety of sources. Further, through active learning, this course guides students through utilization of a number of commonly used information technologies. Basic information and computer competencies will be learned and assessed. NR 104 (C+), NR 105 (C+), MA 232, Freshman 2 Nursing Majors only.
NR 206 Health Assessment Across the Lifespan 3 Cr.
Students study age specific approaches to assessment of human health. Focusing on evaluation of health and function of individuals, students acquire knowledge of health assessment and promotion in relation to comprehensive nursing care. The concepts are presented within the context of human growth and development, culture, and environment. Students learn to perform a comprehensive and holistic assessment of the patient including: systematic collection, analysis, and synthesis of health data from patients and secondary sources. Successful students will demonstrate a physical examination on a laboratory partner at the end of the course. 2 hours of lecture and 2 hours of lab. Prerequisites: BI 216, PY 211, NR 104, NR 105 (C+), CH 101, EN 102, MA 232, History Elective. Freshman 2 nursing majors only.
NR 215 Client, Psy/Mental Health Prob 3 Cr.
In this course students are introduced to current theory and research about contemporary practices in mental health nursing. Students develop their use of self as a therapeutic tool and focus on a holistic approach to assessment and care of persons with psychological issues and selected psychiatric disorders and conditions. Students will provide care to patients with mental health and social health problems and their families as part of the interdisciplinary health care team. Prerequisites CH 102, MA 235,NR 206, NR 204, PY 220, SO 216. Co-requisite NR 215L. Sophomore 1 Nursing majors only.
NR 215L Client, Psy/Mental Health Prob 2 Cr.
This immersion course teaches students how to apply current theory and research about contemporary practices in care of patients’ with mental health and social health problems. Students demonstrate the use of self as a therapeutic tool and focus on a holist approach to assessment and care of persons with psychological issues and selected psychiatric disorders and conditions. Students will provide care to patients with mental health and social health problems and their families as part of the interdisciplinary health care team. Clinical failure will result in overall NR 215 failure regardless of course theory grade. Prerequisites: CH 102, PY 220, NR 206, NR 204, MA 235, SO 216 Corequisite: NR 215. Sophomore 1 nursing majors only.
NR 219 Simulations for Clinical Practice 2 Cr.
This revolutionary course provides the student with simulations for clinical practice that are designed to teach novice nursing students how to think like a nurse. The course will cover the essential nursing skills, nursing process, aspects of formation of nursing diagnosis through direct patient simulation. Simulations will be selected that will foster students to think critically about patients, their families, proper nursing interventions. Concept based learning techniques will be incorporated into the course. Students will begin to learn professional nursing cognitive and behavioral practices by learning critical concepts and skills through simulation. Teaching the course in the proposed fashion will allow students to gain beginning competence prior to entering acute care facilities. 6 Hospital simulated clinical hours/week. Prerequisites: NR 204, NR 206, CH 102, MA 235, PY 220, SO 216 and nursing majors only. Sophomore 1 nursing majors only.
NR 225 Research For Evidence-Based Practice 3 Cr.
Introduces clinical based nursing information technology. Nurses are expected to provide safe, competent, and compassionate care in an increasingly technical and digital environment. A major theme in healthcare environment is the increase of information systems and technologies to improve the quality and safety of patient care. This course provides foundational informatics competencies that all nurses should possess to meet the standards of providing safe, quality, and competent care. Prerequisites: NR 204, NR 206, MA 235, CH 102, PY 220, SO 216. Sophomore 1 nursing majors only.
NR 314 Technological Innovations in Clinical Nursing 1 Cr.
This junior level course introduces the nursing student to clinical based nursing information technology. Nurses are expected to provide safe, competent, and compassionate care in an increasingly technical and digital environment. A major theme in this new healthcare environment is the use of information systems and
technologies to improve the quality and safety of patient care. Nurses are directly engaged with information systems and technologies as the foundation for evidence-based practice, clinical-decision support tools, and the electronic health record (EHR). While Nursing Informatics is a highly specialized field, this course provides foundational informatics competencies that all practicing nurses and graduating nursing students should possess to meet the standards of providing safe, quality,
and competent care. 1 classroom hour per week. Pre-Reqs: BI 220, NR 105, NR 204 (c+), NR 215, NR 215L, NR 225, NR 219 and NR 204(C+). Co-Req: NR 316L,
Sophomore 2 nursing majors only.
NR 316 Care of the Adult 1 3 Cr.
In this course students integrate the physiological, psychological, spiritual, developmental and socio-cultural dimensions of adults as they study nursing care during wellness and illness. Focus is on the musculoskeletal, endocrine, immune, integumentary, gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems. Students learn the professional nursing role in planning care of the adult client. 3 Lecture hours per week. Pre-requisites: BI 220, NR 105, NR 215 (C+), NR 219, NR 215L, NR 225, Co-Requisite NR 316L. Sophomore 2 nursing major only.
NR 316L Care of the Adult 1 Practicum 3 Cr.
This course asks students to apply knowledge of the physiological, psychological, spiritual, developmental and socio-cultural dimensions of adults as they study nursing care during wellness and illness. Students learn the professional nursing role in planning care of the adult client through clinical experiences at external agencies. Acquisition of communication and psychomotor skills is critical to providing nursing care. Clinical hours 8 hours per week. Prerequisite: BI 220, NR 105, NR 215, NR 215L, NR 219, NR 225. Co-requisite: NR 316. Sophomore 2 nursing majors only.
NR 321 Nursing Leadership 3 Cr.
In this course students focus on theoretical foundations and conceptual principles of nursing leadership and the skills necessary to practice leadership competently in healthcare environments. The course is designed to enhance leadership self-awareness and to encourage students to fashion personal perspectives on how to lead professionally. Analyzing trends and issues in the current healthcare system has implications for exercising leadership and will help students determine the way they can make a difference. 3 lecture hour Prerequisites: NR 314, NR 316, NR 399(C+), or permission of the instructor. Sophomore 2 nursing majors only.
NR 331 Care of Women and Childbearing Family 3 Cr.
In this course students are introduced to current evidence based knowledge, theory and skills of the practice of maternal/newborn and women’s health nursing building on knowledge from preceding courses in the social and physical sciences, and nursing courses, to help the student further develop the professional role behavior. Covered topics may include health promotion, disease prevention, genetics, social justice, issues of access and gender in healthcare. The continuity of care delivery from practitioner’s office to hospital to home is stressed enabling the emerging clinician to see the interdisciplinary team at work in the care of women and childbearing families. Prerequisites: NR 314, NR 316, NR 316L, NR 399, PH 350, SO 316 Co-requisites: NR 331L.
NR 331L Care of Women-Childbearing Family Prac 1 Cr.
In the clinical practicum of Nursing Care of Women and Childbearing Families students apply current knowledge, research and skills in contemporary practice of maternal/newborn and women’s health nursing to the care of selected clients. Client selection will be based on availability and will include newborns, postpartal mothers, antepartal mothers and families, and intrapartal mothers and families. The emphasis will be on safe, evidence based care for this vulnerable patient population. Clinical hours 45. Prerequisites: NR 314, NR 316, NR 316L, NR 399, PH 350, SO 316 Co-requisite: NR 331.
NR 341 Care of Children&Child Rearing 3 Cr.
In this course students focus on the nursing care of children, adolescents and families dealing with health and developmental challenges of childhood and explore health promotion needs of childrearing families. This course employs a developmental perspective through which major causes of morbidity and mortality are examined while it challenges students to develop critical and creative reasoning skills and utilize empathetically appropriate communication skills as the basis for care. 3 lecture hours per week. Prerequisites NR 314, NR 316, NR 316L, NR 399, PH 350, SO 316 Co-Requisite NR 341L. Junior 1 nursing majors only.
NR 341L Care of Children&Child Rearing 2 Cr.
In this course students apply knowledge of the causes of childhood and adolescent illness in context with the relevant developmental challenges specific to the patient. Health promotion needs of the child and family in illness are stressed. Critical thinking and empathetically appropriate communication serve as the context for care. Clinical hours - 80. Prerequisites: NR 314, NR 316, NR 316L, NR 399, PH 350, SO 316 Co-Requisite NR 341. Junior 1 nursing majors only.
NR 351 Family Centered Nursing 1 Cr.
In this course students acquire an understanding of family centered care from a variety of cross disciplinary theoretical perspectives. Students will apply critical thinking in the analysis of family care across clinical settings and contexts. Traditional and contemporary family definitions will be examined along with the changes in structure, role, and function as families begin, age and face end of life issues. An introduction to the medical home will be incorporated, indentifying the roles of the health care team, the family and the client. 1 lecture hour Prerequisites: NR 314, NR 316, NR 316L, NR 399, PH 350, and SO 316. Junior 1 nursing majors only.
NR 399 Pathopharmacology for Nursing 4 Cr.
This course builds upon the student’s prerequisite Biological and chemical sciences and begins the study of human pathophysiology and the application of pharmacotherapies commonly encountered with each of these disease processes. Epidemiology, disease state presentation with common clinical evaluations, mortality and morbidity will be addressed. At the conclusion of students demonstrate cumulative knowledge of the pathophysiologic and pharmacologic processes utilized in the care of and promotion of health and wellness across the lifespan. Evidence based practice for use, cost, ease of administration, compliance and efficacy will be discussed. Prerequisites: BI 216, BI 220, CH 102, MA 232, NR 206 (C+), NR 215, NR 215L, NR 219 (C+), NR 225 (C+). Sophomore 2 nursing majors only.
NR 416 Care of the Adult II 4 Cr.
In this course students are required to integrate the physiological, psychological, spiritual, developmental and socio-cultural dimensions of adults as they study nursing care during wellness and illness. Focus is on the neurological system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, hematology and oncology. Students learn the professional nursing role in planning care of the adult client. 4 lecture hours per week. Prerequisites: NR 321, NR 331, NR 331L, NR 341, NR 341L, NR 351, NR 399 (C+), Co-Requisite NR 416L. Junior 2 nursing majors only.
NR 416L Care of Adult II 4 Cr.
In this course students apply knowledge of the physiological, psychological, spiritual, developmental and socio-cultural dimensions of adults as they study nursing care during wellness and illness. Students learn the professional nursing role in planning care of the adult client through clinical experiences at external agencies. Acquisition of communication and psychomotor skills is critical to providing nursing care. Prerequisites: NR 321, NR 331, NR 339 (C+), NR 331L, NR 341, NR 341L, NR 351 Co-Requisite: NR 416. Junior 2 nursing majors only.
NR 420 Care at End of Life 2 Cr.
In this course students will study current theory and research about contemporary practices caring for clients and their families at the end of life. It teaches students effective interaction skills with clients, families and health care providers. Throughout the course, students develop their use of self as a therapeutic tool and focus on a holistic approach to assessment and care of persons with a variety of life-limiting illnesses/diseases. Interventions will be discussed regarding the physical care as well as psychological, social, cultural and spiritual care of clients and their families as they face life’s final journey. Classroom: 2 hours. Prerequisites: NR 321, NR 331, NR 339 (C+), NR 331L, NR 341, NR 341L, NR 351, NR 341, and NR 399 (C+). Junior 2 nursing majors only.
NR 421 Coordinator of Care 3 Cr.
NR 421 - Coordinator of Care 3 credits
In this course students integrate the physiological, psychological, spiritual, developmental and socio-cultural dimensions of adults as they study nursing in the context of uncertain and complex clinical environments. Students will use previous medical surgical nursing knowledge and builds skill sets as they prepare to enter the nursing professions as a new graduate nurse. Students will work one on one with an agency preceptor in a specialty of interest. 3 lecture hours per week
Prerequisites: NR 416, NR 416L, NR 420, MG 360 Co-Requisite NR 421L. Senior 1 nursing majors only.
NR 421L Coordinator of Care Practicum 4 Cr.
NR 421L - Coordinator of Care Practicum 4 credits
In this final undergraduate clinical practicum, students demonstrate achievement of knowledge and skills in nursing practice as they enter into professional practice. Clinical experiences include seven weeks of practice under the guidance of an agency preceptor. Students integrate knowledge and skills from the humanities and basic, behavioral, social leadership and nursing sciences in developing the professional role in selected adult and pediatric health environments. Learning experiences allow students to gain confidence; practice critical thinking, leadership and ethical decision making in clinical situations. 168 hours clinical, 30 Simulation hours Prerequisites: NR 416, NR 416L, NR 420, MG 360 Co-Requisite NR 421. Senior 1 nursing majors only.
NR 431 Promoting Health in Communities 3 Cr.
NR 431 - Promoting Health in Communities 3 credits
In this course students learn current theory and research about contemporary practices in community/public health nursing. In population-focused nursing, the group, aggregate, community, or population is the unit of care. Epidemiologic studies have shown that lifestyle, environmental and genetic factors are major determinants of population health. Students will work collaboratively with community agencies to address population-focused health issues. Classroom 3 hours Prerequisites: NR 416, NR 416L, NR 420, MG 360 Co-requisite: NR 431L. Senior 1 nursing majors only.
NR 431L Promoting Health in Communities: Clinical Practicum 2 Cr.
NR 431L - Promoting Health in Communities: Clinical Practicum 2 credits
In this course, students will apply concepts of community/public health in providing population-focused care to groups, aggregates, and communities. Clinical experiences are coordinated in a variety of settings and require students to engage with individual agencies and in collaboration with community partners in addressing community/public health issues. Students are encouraged to clarify their own beliefs and values in order to provide nonjudgmental nursing care. . Prerequisites: NR 416, NR 416L, NR 420, MG 360 Co-requisite: NR 431. Senrior 1 nursing majors only.
NR 441 Nursing Capstone 4 Cr.
NR 441 - Nursing Capstone 4 credits
In this course the student begins to transition to the role of graduate nurse and explores issues relevant to contemporary nursing practice including the ethics and regulation of practice. Local, state, national and international policies and initiatives and their influence on health of populations are examined. Students create and implement an approved capstone leadership project which is undertaken with guidance of faculty and clinical partners and reflects integration of all elements of the BSN curriculum. Classroom 2 hours; seminar leadership project 2 hours.
Prerequisites: NR 416, NR 416L, NR 420, MG 360. Senior 1 nursing majors only.
NR 499 Promoting Health in Communitie 1 Cr.
This course introduces students to current theory and research about contemporary practices in community/public health nursing. In population-focused nursing, the group, aggregate, community, or population is the primary unit of care. Epidemiologic studies have shown that lifestyle, environmental and genetic factors are major determinants of population health. Students will work collaboratively with international community agencies in a service-learning model to address population-focused health issues. Prerequisites: Instructor permission.