Education (ED)
ED 104 Foundations of Education 3 Cr.
This course examines the historical, sociological, and philosophical foundations of the American educational system. Current trends in education will be reviewed and evaluated. Issues affecting the role of the teacher, including school governance and finance, legal foundations, social influences, and educational reform will be explored. This course is a prerequisite course for ED 234 Learning Strategies for Education Majors. Offered Fall and Spring semesters. 3 lecture hours.
ED 1XX Education Elective 3 Cr.
ED 234 Learning and Teaching Strategies 4 Cr.
This course includes an overview of the most commonly used strategies in elementary and secondary classrooms. Topics include planning, instructional objectives, media and computer applications, common learning strategies (lecture, discussion, cooperative learning, role playing, questioning, discovery learning) evaluation and assessment of learning. Secondary teacher licensure candidates prepare units and lessons in their fields of study applying specific methods and materials of the subject area. All students participate in microteaching situations. Required for elementary and secondary teacher licensure candidates. Twelve hours of classroom observation are required in this course. Offered in Fall. Prerequisite: ED 104.
ED 315 Special Needs Child 3 Cr.
An introduction to the developmental, emotional, behavioral, and learning characteristics of the special child. Topic areas include learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, emotional disorders, and physical handicaps. Also included are federal and state laws, regulations, curricular adaptations and integration strategies. Required and only for elementary and secondary Teacher/Education Licensure Candidates. Prerequisite: ED 234.
ED 351 Methods of Teaching Science to Elementary Students 3 Cr.
This course examines objectives, methods, and content in elementary science instruction. Emphasis will be on student preparation, teaching and carrying out science activities. These activities will be ready for classroom use. National standards, Vermont Framework, and Vermont Grade Cluster Expectations will be the basis for the content and for the appropriateness of content at different grade levels. This course cannot be used to meet the general education laboratory levels. Prerequisite ED 234. Ten hours of practicum is required and development of portfolio continues. A service-learning component is also offered to all students.
ED 360 Language Arts and Teaching Reading in the Elementary School 4 Cr.
A study of language development and reading, including an introduction to traditional instructional methodologies of reading and a study of the whole language approach to the language arts. Students will have opportunities to apply theory in various settings. Required for elementary teacher licensure candidates. Prerequisite: ED 234. Twelve hours of classroom observation are required in this course. A service Learning component is also attached to this course which will provides students an opportunity to work in the community in the context of literacy. Development of portfolio continues.
ED 363 Reading and Writing in the Content Area 4 Cr.
A course designed to familiarize content area teachers with the theories and practices of reading and writing in specific disciplines. Students will examine the developmental nature of the reading and writing processes and design discipline-specific materials. Students work as tutors at the secondary and college levels. Required of secondary teacher licensure candidates. Prerequisite: ED 234. A Practicum of 30 hours will be done by Secondary track students during this course. Offered in Spring.
ED 368 Curriculum & Methods in Secondary Subjects 4 Cr.
An examination of the curriculum and teaching strategies associated with the subjects taught in the secondary school, including English, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students will learn about the general methods for teaching at the Middle/High school level, but will concentrate on their area of content concentration in both their practicum and final project. Knowledge and research in child growth and development is used as a guide for determining the curriculum materials and procedures that are suitable for secondary education students. Students work with adolescents, develop curriculum, and teach lessons in the Middle/High School. Students will keep a reflective journal of all their experiences in the practicum. Required for Teacher Education Licensure secondary track. A Practicum of 30 hours will be required in this course. Offered in the fall. Development of a portfolio continues.
ED 401 Topics in Education 1 Cr.
In this course students are involved in individual investigation, survey, or a project related to education. Offered on demand.
ED 403 Topics in Education 3 Cr.
In this course the student has an opportunity to select and read in a specific area of interest in education that is not available through regular course offerings. Offered on demand.
ED 425 Student Teaching 12 Cr.
In this course there is a full-time student teaching assignment. This course may be taken only as a part of the teacher education licensure program. This is a capstone course for teacher education Licensure students. Offered every semester. 14 lecture hours. A service-learning componet is embedded in this course.
ED 432 Curriculum and Methods of the Elementary School 4 Cr.
An examination of the curriculum and teaching strategies associated with the subjects taught in the elementary school, including mathematics, science, social studies, health, physical education, and the fine arts. Knowledge and research in child growth and development are used as a guide for determining the curriculum materials and procedures that are suitable for children. Students work with children to develop curriculum and teach lessons in the elementary school. Required for elementary teacher licensure candidates. A Practicum of 30 hours will be done during this course. Usually offered in the spring semester.