German (GR)
GR 111 Beginning German I 6 Cr.
An intensive course providing an introduction to the German language, in which speaking proficiency, aural comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, reading and writing are brought to a level enabling students to use the language actively in everyday situations. Not open to students who have successfully completed GR 205 or higher. Classroom 6 hours, laboratory 2 hours. Prerequiste: Appropriate score on placement exam.
GR 112 Beginning German II 6 Cr.
A continuation of German 111, in which language skills are brought to a level enabling students to participate more fully in general conversation, to read more sophisticated passages, and to write with a firmer command of syntactical structures. Classroom 6 hours, laboratory 2 hours. Prerequisite: GR 111 or equivalent. Not open to students who have successfully completed GR 205 or higher.
GR 150 Topics Course 3 Cr.
Specialized topics relating to culture, business practices, or language. Topic will be indicated in the schedule of classes. This is an introductory-level course. Course may be repeated for credit if the topic differs. Taught in German.
GR 150EN Topics Course in English 3 Cr.
Specialized topics relating to culture, literature, business practices, or language. Topic will be indicated in the schedule of classes. Taught in English. This course does not meet the Modern Language requirement.
GR 1XX German Elective 3 Cr.
GR 205 Intermediate German I 3 Cr.
A sequence that provides aural-oral practice in German, in which students are enabled to enter into full discussion of topics that include abstract themes; review and expanded use of syntactical structures; intensive and extensive reading; and composition. Classroom: 3 hours, laboratory: 1 hour. Prerequisite: GR 112, NU placement, or a score of 500 on the CEEB German Reading Test.
GR 206 Intermediate German II 3 Cr.
A sequence that provides aural-oral practice in German, in which students are enabled to enter into full discussion of topics that include abstract themes; review and expanded use of syntactical structures; intensive and extensive reading; and composition. Classroom 3 hours, laboratory 1 hour. Prerequisite: GR 205 or the equivalent, NU placement exam or score of 500 on the CEEB German Reading Test.
GR 250 Topics Course 3 Cr.
Specialized topics relating to culture, literature, business practices, or language. Topic will be indicated in the schedule of classes. Taught in German. Prerequisite: GR206 or permission of the instructor. Counts as Arts & Humanities elective. Course may be repeated for credit if the topic differs.
GR 250EN Topics Course in English 3 Cr.
Specialized topics relating to culture, literature, business practices, or language. Topic will be indicated in the schedule of classes. Taught in English. Topics in Literature count as a General Education Literature elective and have EN 102 as a prerequisite; others as a General Education Arts & Humanities elective. This course does not meet the Modern Language requirement.
GR 2XX Intermediate German Elective 3 Cr.
GR 321 Survey of German Culture I: From the Beginnings to 1848 3 Cr.
Introduction to major currents in German social, political and cultural history from the time of the Roman Empire until the Revolution of 1848. Taught in German. Prerequisite: GR 206 or equivalent.
GR 322 Survey of German Lit I: From the Beginnings to 1848 3 Cr.
Introduction to major texts and literary figures from the Roman Era until the Revolution of 1848, including, among others, Tacitus, Charlemagne, the courtly poets, Luther, the literary Baroque, Lessing, Goethe, Schiller, Kleist, the brothers Grimm, Büchner and Heine. Taught in German. Prerequisite: GR 206 or equivalent.
GR 323 Survey of German Culture II: 1848 to 1945 3 Cr.
Introduction to major currents in German social, political, and cultural history from the evolution of 1848 through Bismarck and German unification to World War 1, the Weimar Republic, and the period of Fascism and the Holocaust. Taught in German. Prerequisite: GR 206 or equivalent.
GR 324 Survey of German Literature II: 1848 to 1945 3 Cr.
Introduction to major texts and literary figures from the first unification of Germany until the end of World War II, including Nietzsche, Hofmannsthal, Rilke, Thomas Mann, Kafka, Brecht, and others. Taught in German. Prerequisite: GR 206 or equivalent.
GR 325 Survey of German Culture III: 1945 to the Present 3 Cr.
Introduction to major currents in German social, political, and cultural history of the Germanies and Austria, post-war to post-wall: the period of Allied occupation followed by the economic miracle of the 1950s and 60s, radicalism and upheaval in the late 60s and 70s, and finally, the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall, culminating in the uneasy co-existence between East and West that has prevailed since re-unification. Taught in German. Prerequisite: GR 206 or equivalent.
GR 326 Survey of German Literature III: 1945 to the Present 3 Cr.
Introduction to major texts and literary figures active since the end of World War II, including Borchert, Böll, Celan, Bachmann, Frisch, Dürrenmatt, Grass, Christa Wolf, Peter Schneider, Jurek Becker and others. Taught in German. Prerequisite: GR 206 or equivalent.
GR 350 Topics Course 3 Cr.
Specialized topics relating to culture, literature, business practices, or language. Topic will be indicated in the schedule of classes. Taught in German. Prerequisite: GR 206 or permission of the instructor. Topics in Literature count as General Education Literature elective; others as General Education Arts & Humanities elective. Course may be repeated for credit if the topic differs.
GR 350EN Topics Course in English 3 Cr.
Specialized topics relating to culture, literature, business practices, or language. Topic will be indicated in the schedule of classes. Taught in English. Topics in Literature count as a General Education Literature elective and have EN 102 as a prerequisite; others as a General Education Arts & Humanities elective. Course may be repeated for credit if the topic differs. This course does not meet the Modern Language requirement.
GR 3XX Advanced German Elective 3 Cr.
GR 415 Seminar on a Topic in German Literature and Culture 3 Cr.
A study of a particular author, theme, genre, or literary movement, including cultural themes. Offered as occasion demands. Topic varies each year these courses are offered.
GR 421 Reading and Research in German Literature or Civilization 3 Cr.
A report on an approved project of original research in literature or civilization under the direction of a department member. Limited to students who have demonstrated aptitude for independent work. May be scheduled either or both semesters. Prerequisite: permission of the department chair.