Naval Science (NS)
NS 121 Introduction to Naval Science 2 Cr.
Required for all freshman midshipmen. Provides a comprehensive overview of the Navy and Marine Corps organization, military courtesies and traditions. 2 lecture hours and (2 lab hours contracted students only).
NS 122 Sea Power and Maritime Affairs 3 Cr.
Required for all freshman midshipmen. Provides a comprehensive overview of the Navy’s heritage, mission and role in the development of the United States. 3 lecture hours and (2 lab hours contracted students only).
NS 221 Leadership and Management 3 Cr.
Required for all sophomore midshipmen. Provides an introduction to the principles of both leadership and management for future leaders. 3 lecture hours and (2 lab hours contracted students only).
NS 222 Navigation 3 Cr.
Required for all sophomore Navy midshipmen. Provides an introduction to the principles of navigation and basic seamanship. 3 lecture hours and (2 lab hours contracted students only).
NS 242 Marine Corps Weapons Systems 2 Cr.
Required for all sophomore Marine midshipmen. Provides a comprehensive overview of weapons in the Marine Corps inventory. 2 lecture hours and (2 lab hours contracted students only).
NS 321 Naval Ship Systems I 3 Cr.
Required for all junior Navy midshipmen (except Nurses). Provides an introduction to basic naval engineering concepts and naval propulsion systems. 3 lecture hours and (2 lab hours contracted students only).
NS 322 Naval Ship Systems II 3 Cr.
Required for all junior Navy midshipmen (except Nurses). Provides an introduction to basic naval weapons engineering concepts and weapons systems. 3 lecture hours and (2 lab hours contracted students only).
NS 331 Evolution of Warfare 3 Cr.
This course is required for NROTC (Marine option) midshipmen 2nd class and MECEP students. Students trace the development of warfare to the present day. This course covers the causes of continuity and change in the means and methods of warfare. It addresses the influence of political, economic, and societal factors on the conduct of war, with significant attention focused on the role of technological innovation in changing the battlefield. Students will explore the contribution of preeminent military theorists and battlefield commanders to our modern understanding of the art and science of war. 3 lecture hours (plus2 lab hours for contracted students).
NS 342 Small Unit Leadership Skills 2 Cr.
Required for all junior Naval ROTC contracted Marine option Midshipmen and non OCS complete seniors. Optional for Students/Cadets who are approved to attend Officer Candidate School (OCS) through a Marine Corps Recruiting Command commission program. Provides candidates with all basic skills, knowledge, and physical preparation before attending OCS during summer training. Candidates will continue to develop their oral and written communications skills through preparation of warning, fragmentary, and operation orders; and their leadership and management skills through analytical and decision making abilities. Co-Requisite: NS 342L.
NS 342L Small Unit Leadership Skills Lab 1 Cr.
Required for all junior Naval ROTC contracted Marine option Midshipmen and non OCS complete seniors. Optional for Students/Cadets, pending medical waivers and approval by the Professor of Naval Science, who are approved to attend Officer Candidate School (OCS) through a Marine Corps Recruiting Command commission program. Lab is also referred to “bulldog training” and will test the physical and mental standards candidates are expected to achieve while attending OCS. Students/Candidates will be evaluated based upon the application of military topics discussed in Small Unit Leadership Skill lecture. In this course students acquire an understanding and application of USMC military terms and small unit level operations. Co-Requisite: NS 342. Pre-Requiste: Naval ROTC contracted members or instructor approval.
NS 421 Naval Operations and Seamanship 3 Cr.
Required for all senior Navy midshipmen (except Nurses). Provides an introduction to advanced navigation and seamanship, shipboard operations and naval warfare doctrine. 3 lecture hours and (2 lab hours contacted students only).
NS 422 Leadership and Ethics 3 Cr.
Required for all commissioning seniors. Provides all prospective commissionees with advanced leadership, ethics, service etiquette, and junior training. 3 lecture hours and (2 lab hours contacted students only).
NS 431 Amphibious Warfare 3 Cr.
Required for all senior Naval ROTC Marine option Midshipmen and MECEP students. Students learn the fundamental terms, concepts, and theories of general warfare and amphibious warfare. These terms, concepts, and theories shall be applied through a historical analysis of amphibious operations, identifying the evolution of amphibious doctrine, tactics, and technology. Focuses on the evolution of the U.S. Marine Corps into a specialized amphibious force, with particular attention devoted to the structure and capabilities of the present day U.S. Marine Corps as a forward deployed and rapid deployment force and the development of Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare concepts. Prerequisite: NS 331 Evolution of Warfare or instructor approval.