Business Administration
Charles A. Dana Professor Michael Puddicombe; Professors D. William Jolley, Michel Kabay and Mehdi Mohaghegh; Associate Professors David Blythe, Jeremy Hansen, Huw Read, and Thomas Yandow; Assistant Professors Alex Chung, Kahwa Douoguih, and Susan Helser; Lecturers Matthew Bovee, James Rogler, and Kris Rowley.
A Business Administration minor will come to understand the relationships between marketing, quantitative theory, accounting, economic principles, and financial, human, and organizational management.
Business Administration Minor Curriculum Map 2017-2018 Catalog
- Students with any major except Accounting or Management may pursue a minor in Business Administration.
- Students seeking a minor in Business Administration must obtain the approval of the School's Director.
- All 6 courses require a grade of C or higher.
AC 205 | Principles of Accounting-Financial | 4 |
EC 201 | Principles of Economics (Macro) | 3 |
EC 202 | Principles of Economics (Micro) | 3 |
MG 309 | Management of Organizations | 3 |
MG 314 | Marketing Management | 3 |
Choose one of the following courses: | 3-4 | |
Principles of Accounting-Managerial | 4 | |
The Structure and Operation of the World Economy | 3 | |
Corporate Finance | 3 | |
Business Applications & Problem Solving Techniques | 3 | |
Introduction to Business | 3 | |
International Dimensions of Business | 3 | |
Organizational Behavior | 3 | |
Human Resources Management | 3 | |
Total Cr. | 19-20 |
Accounting Courses
AC 201 Introduction to Accounting and Financial World 3 Cr.
This course is designed strictly for the non-business major. It is a survey course of accounting and financial concepts, including the basic accounting equation, financial statement structure, financial statement analysis, cost structures (fixed/variable/breakeven analysis/overhead), cost systems, an introduction to basic capital markets, working capital management and present value concepts. Whenever possible the materials used in this class will use the context of the individual student’s major area of study or future professional area of employment. 2 lecture hours and 2 laboratory hours.
AC 205 Principles of Accounting-Financial 4 Cr.
An introduction to accounting principles and theory for the sole proprietorship. The recording of business transactions through the accounting cycle, from journalizing, posting, adjusting, and closing entries through work papers and preparation of financial statements, is studied. Related topics include: internal control, receivables and payables, the control of cash transactions, inventories, depreciation, intangible assets, and payroll accounting. Ethical business practices and client privacy issues are stressed throughout all phases of the course.
AC 206 Principles of Accounting-Managerial 4 Cr.
The completion of the study of financial accounting and an introduction to and emphasis on managerial accounting. Topics covered include: partnerships, corporations, earnings per share, dividends, bonds payable, the Statement of Cash Flows, the analysis and interpretation of financial statements, the budgeting process and cost accounting concepts. Protection of proprietary information and information security is re-enforced throughout the course. Prerequisite: AC 205.
AC 335 Intermediate Accounting I 3 Cr.
Building on the foundations of Principles of Accounting the course provides a more in-depth study of accounting theory and practice. Beginning with a brief review of the accounting process, the course delves into the conceptual framework for accounting, the accounting standards setting process, and the hierarchy of accounting pronouncements. The course then explores the components of the financial statement package including such issues as the quality of earnings and the measurement and reporting of unusual, infrequent, and non-operating items; the Statement of Cash flows is also studied in depth. Accounting, reporting, and valuation issues surrounding cash, receivables, inventory and long-term assets are also covered including the impairment of tangible and intangible assets. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in AC 205 and AC 206.
AC 336 Intermediate Accounting II 3 Cr.
A continuation of the in-depth study of accounting theory and practice begun in Intermediate Accounting I. The course addresses the valuation, accounting, and reporting of both short and long-term investment securities, current and contingent liabilities, notes and bonds payable, and shareholders' equity. In addition, the accounting for leases, income taxes, pensions, stock-based compensation, earning per share, and accounting changes are also studied. Prerequisite: AC 335 or AC 205 and AC 206 with a grade of "C" or better and permission of the instructor.
AC 419 Taxation I 3 Cr.
Designed to introduce the student to certain elementary tax concepts: tax rate structure, exemptions, deductible versus non-deductible expenses, depreciation basis, capital gains and losses, tax credits, withholding, and computation of the personal income tax. Within the context of the personal income tax, planning considerations will be stressed as well as legal and ethical issues concerning client confidentiality. Prerequisites: AC 205 and AC 206 with a grade of "C" or better.
AC 428 Auditing 3 Cr.
A study of the auditing environment, including legal liability and professional ethics begins with the concept of auditing and the auditing profession. Additional topics concerning the audit process, including internal control, evidence, sampling and EDP auditing and specific audit procedures are examined. In addition the nature and types of auditors' reports are studied. Prerequisites: AC 336 or permission of the instructor. 3 lecture hours.
AC 441 Cost Accounting 3 Cr.
A study of the basic elements of cost accounting concepts and procedures. Emphasis is on how cost data can be used as management tools. Cost behavior and control, cost-volume-profit relationships, job and process costing, activity-based accounting, budgeting and responsibility accounting, flexible budgeting and standards, income effects of alternative costing methods and cost behavior, costs and the decision process, and philosophy and organization of the master budget are analyzed. Prerequisite: AC 206.
AC 442 Advanced Accounting 4 Cr.
An advanced course emphasizing accounting theory and practical applications in selected areas. Such areas include: partnerships, branches, business combinations, consolidated financial statements, segment reporting, forecasts, multinational companies, bankruptcy, and accounting for governmental units and other non-profit entities. Prerequisite: AC 336.
AC 450 Internship in Accounting 3 Cr.
The internship program is designed for students who want to apply their studies by working in a public accounting firm or in private accounting within a business, industry, or public agency. The student will be required to work closely with a faculty supervisor to develop and implement a structured experience tailored to the career goals of the student. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing and written consent of the department chair and internship committee.
Civil Engineering Courses
CE 211 Surveying 3 Cr.
A course in the theory and practice of plane surveying. Horizontal and vertical control, design of circular and parabolic curves, tachometry, construction surveys and earthwork quantities are covered in lecture. Fieldwork presents the practical applications of lecture material with the use of transits, tapes, levels, electronic distance measuring devices and theodolites. Classroom 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: MA 107.
CE 214 Site Development and Engineering 4 Cr.
A course that teaches the tasks and considerations involved in environmentally sound land development. Road design and it's interaction with development sites will be presented. Other topics covered include contours, drainage utilities, cut and fill, and aesthetic considerations. Codes and legal requirements will also be covered. CADD (Computer Aided Drawing and Design) software specific to Civil Engineering work will be introduced and employed extensively on student projects. Classroom 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: CE 211.
CE 220 Introduction to Environmental Technology 4 Cr.
A study of the fundamentals of environmental control technology. The course covers the topics of air pollution, water pollution, solid and hazardous wastes, and radioactive wastes. Noise pollution and control are also covered. The generation and treatment of wastes along with their effects on the environment are included in the course. The laboratory includes the basic methods of measuring pollution. Three Credits: Classroom 3 hours. Four Credits Classroom 3 hours, laboratory 2 hours. Prerequisite: CH 103. Not open to engineering students.
CE 264 Specifications and Estimating 1 Cr.
A laboratory in plan reading, quantity analysis and cost estimating of Civil Engineering projects. Students will be exposed to standard formats for specifications and estimating. Students will write sample specifications and will gain experience in construction estimation. Laboratory 3 hours. Co-requisites: CE 211.
CE 299 Special Topics: 1-4 Cr.
CE 318 Soil Mechanics 3 Cr.
An introduction to the engineering properties of soil: soil classification; soil structure and mineralogy; water flow through soils; compressibility and consolidation; shear strength. Laboratory testing of soils and soil exploration. Offered to allow students from other institutions to transfer 3 credit equivalent courses.
CE 321 Materials Laboratory 1 Cr.
A laboratory course in the application of basic mechanics of materials principles to cement, aggregate, concrete, steel and wood. Operation of various types of testing machines and gauges. Tests of tension, compression, flexure, torsion, impact, shear, hardness and fatigue. Laboratory observations, analysis, interpretation and reports. Classroom 1 hour, laboratory 2 hours. Corequisite: EG 301 or CE 351.
CE 322 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 Cr.
A laboratory course in which the principles of fluid mechanics are applied to civil engineering problems. The design and implementation of a laboratory research study, the analysis of data, the presentation of results, and the development of engineering conclusions are integral parts of this course. Lab topics include hydrostatics, pipeflow, open channel flow, flow measurement, and resistance to flow. Classroom 1 hour, laboratory 2 hours. Prerequisite or concurrent enrollment: EG 303.
CE 328 Soil Mechanics 4 Cr.
An introduction to the engineering properties of soil: soil classification; soil structure and mineralogy; water flow through soils; compressibility and consolidation; shear strength. Laboratory testing of soils and soil exploration. Classroom 3 hours, laboratory 2 hours. Prerequisite: EG 301 or permission of the instructor.
CE 332 Engineering Hydrology 3 Cr.
A study of the location, movement, and distribution of the waters of the earth for practical applications to society. This course includes the study of the engineering aspects of precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, steamflow and flood and drought prediction. The application of hydrological statistics and computer applications are stressed. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisite: EG 303 or permission of the instructor.
CE 336 Introduction to Transportation Engineering 3 Cr.
An introduction to different modes of transportation with emphasis on roadway and traffic engineering. Topics include transportation planning, highway geometric and pavement design, drainage, construction, traffic-control devices, traffic operations and management, and highway capacity analysis. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisites: CE 211: Surveying.
CE 348 Structural Analysis 3 Cr.
A course on the analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate beams, frames and trusses. Topics include loads to buildings, shear and moment diagrams, influence lines and classical methods of analysis. Computer applications are introduced using a general frame analysis program. The use of analysis in the overall design process is stressed using a semester-long project. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisite: EG 301.
CE 351 Statics and Mechanics of Materials 4 Cr.
A study of elementary, primarily two-dimensional engineering mechanics. Fundamental concepts and basic laws of statics, force systems, structures, and support reactions for loading patterns. Stress-strain relationships to forces: concepts and applications. Consideration of engineering materials and their suitability in various structures and mechanisms. Classroom 4 hours. Prerequisites: MA 107 and PS 201. Not open to engineering students.
CE 419 Foundation Engineering 3 Cr.
A course on the use of soil properties to determine bearing capacity and settlement of shallow and deep foundations. Design of earth and earth supporting structures. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisite: CE 328 or permission of the instructor.
CE 421 Environmental Engineering 4 Cr.
This course covers the basics of air, water, waste and noise pollution in the context of quality, control and treatment design using sustainable engineering practices. New and emerging contaminants as well as their impact on the environment will be covered along with a primer on risk assessment and other contemporary environmental engineering issues. Classroom 3 hours, Laboratory 3 hours, Co/Prerequisite: EG 303 and CH 104, or instructor permission.
CE 422 Waste and Water Treatment 3 Cr.
A study of physical, chemical and biological processes for water and wastewater treatment. The course emphasizes the evaluation of unit processes and the design of water and wastewater treatment facilities. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisite: CE 421.
CE 432 Solid and Hazardous Waste Engineering 3 Cr.
A course on the state-of-the-art techniques for disposal of solid and hazardous waste material. Aspects covered will be system design, public health protection, and environmental protection. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisites: CH 104 and junior or senior status in engineering or science.
CE 441 Transportation Engineering 3 Cr.
The planning, design, and construction of transportation systems to meet the mobility requirements of society while considering economic, environmental, and societal constraints. System maintenance and administration are also included. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisite: CE 211 or permission of the instructor.
CE 442 Design of Steel Structures 3 Cr.
An introduction to the design of metal structures using the LRFD-AISC code as the basis. Topics include design of tension, compression and bending members; bolted and welded connections. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisite: CE 348.
CE 444 Reinforced Concrete Design 3 Cr.
An introduction to the design of reinforced concrete members under bending, shear and axial loadings according to ACI 318R code requirements. Topics also include one-way slabs, footings and retaining walls and an introduction to pre-stressed concrete. Use of the computer as a design tool is introduced. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisite: CE 348.
CE 446 Soils in Construction 4 Cr.
This is the first course in geotechnical engineering, one of the sub-disciplines of Civil Engineering. Its purpose is to impart knowledge of the engineering properties and behavior of soils that are used for construction of foundations and earth structures. Classroom 3 hours, laboratory 2 hours. Prerequisite: Junior standing or higher.
CE 450 Air Pollution Control 3,4 Cr.
A course presenting sources of air pollution and the effect on the environment, the measurement of air pollutants, modeling of air pollutant dispersion, and design of control measures. Use of manual monitoring techniques and physical and chemical fundamentals to measure air quality. Course may be taken for three credits without the lab. Classroom 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: EG 206.
CE 451 Air Pollution Control Equipment Design 3 Cr.
This course builds on and amplifies material studied in CE 450. Properties of air pollutant emissions and thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer principles are utilized to design air pollution control equipment. Several major design projects are undertaken by student teams; interim and final design reports are required. In addition, a module on air quality modeling is included. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisite: CE 450.
CE 452 Introduction to Air Pollution Control 3 Cr.
A course presenting sources of air pollution and the effect on the environment, the measurement of air pollutants, modeling of air pollutant dispersion, and design of control measures. Classroom 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: EG 206.
CE 455 Structures I 3 Cr.
This course builds directly on the material learned in CE 351 and is specifically directed to the study of the response of structural systems to various loadings. Gravity and lateral loads as well as load combinations on a structure are developed using appropriate building codes. The response of the structural system to imposed loading is studied by classical and computer analysis techniques. Finally, this course introduces the students to the design of simple steel structures that meet the appropriate building code. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisite: CE 351. Not open to engineering majors.
CE 456 Structures II 3 Cr.
This course is intended to introduce the students to and develop an understanding of, structural design of wood, concrete and masonry. Particular attention will be given to failure modes of the member types and materials. Each of the principal member types, beam and column as well as connections, will be studied and members designed to meet the appropriate code. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisite: CE 455. Not open to engineering majors.
CE 457 Wood, Steel, and Concrete Structures 4 Cr.
This course builds directly on the material learned in CE 351 and is specifically directed to the study of the response of structural systems to various loadings. Gravity and lateral loads as well as load combinations on a structure are developed using approriate building codes. The response of the structural system to imposed loading is studied by classical and computer analysis techniques. This course introduces the students to applicaitons - the design of simple structures of wood, steel, concrete and other materials that meet the appropriate building code. Classroom 4 hours. Prerequisite CE 351. Not open to engineering majors.
CE 458 Structural Issues for Construction 3 Cr.
This course is intended to introduce the students to structural building applications, and to develop knowledge and comprehension of structural design of steel, wood, concrete, and masonry. Particular attention will be given to concrete members, concrete form design requirements, steel connections, failure modes of the member types and materials. Detailed construction issues with each material will be emphasized. Each of the principal member types, beam and column as well as connections, will be studied and members designed to meet the appropriate code. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisites: CE 455 or CE 457. Not open to engineering majors.
CE 460 Construction Management 3 Cr.
A course on the organization, scheduling and management of the construction project utilizing CPM and PERT. Survey of management functions by which construction is authorized, purchased, supervised, accomplished, inspected and accepted, including labor management relations and site design. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisite: MA 107 AND CE 264.
CE 475 Senior Project Planning 1 Cr.
Each student will work with a mentor and together will define and analyze a project so that an efficient design can be completed. The project scope will be developed, tasks will be laid out, and a schedule to complete the project will be created. All of this will be presented orally and in written form in a project proposal. Prerequisite: Senior status. Corequisite: CE 460.
CE 480 Senior Design 3 Cr.
A capstone course in civil engineering. This course builds on and integrates the engineering concepts developed in prior course work into the complete design of a major civil engineering project. The course will require a written and an oral presentation of the completed design to include, where appropriate, plans and specifications. Prerequisites: CE 328, CE 348, and CE 421, or departmental approval.
CE 490 Advanced Topics 4 Cr.
A course that provides instruction in an area of the instructor's special competence and student interests. Advanced topics would be presented in such areas as air pollution control, water and wastewater treatment, bioremediation, and nuclear radiation. Offered as the occasion demands. Prerequisite: senior standing.
Economics Courses
EC 106 The Structure and Operation of the World Economy 3 Cr.
This course will introduce students to the operation of the world economy. Emphasis will be on the identification and description of economic concepts such as tariffs, multinational companies, stock markets, debt, international trade balances and international banking. These concepts will be developed utilizing examples from current world economic conditions. Prerequisite: This is a freshman course-permission of instructor required for any exception.
EC 1XX Economics Transfer Elective 3 Cr.
EC 201 Principles of Economics (Macro) 3 Cr.
Description and analysis of the American economic system in terms of basic economic concepts and the determination of national income and its fluctuation. Prerequisite: one semester of college mathematics.
EC 202 Principles of Economics (Micro) 3 Cr.
Study of the behavior of individuals in making decisions on the allocation of limited resources. This course examines how these decisions and behaviors affect the markets for goods and services. Prerequisite: one semester of college mathematics.
EC 300 Topics in Economic History 3 Cr.
This course will focus on the progress and development of economic institutions of industrialized nations. These institutions, such as private property, free markets, financial intermediation and discretionary fiscal policy, will be discussed in a historical perspective. Prerequisites: EC 201 and EC 202. Offered in the spring odd years.
EC 301 Intermediate Price Theory 3 Cr.
A study of the economic behavior of consumers and producers and their interrelationship in a market economy. Emphasis is on the application of economic theory and the tools of analysis to price determination and market behavior. Welfare economics and other modern analytical techniques are also introduced. Prerequisites: EC 201, EC 202 and either MA 108 or MA 121.
EC 302 National Income Analysis 3 Cr.
The theory and policies of determining national income, achieving economic stability and maintaining economic growth. Attention is given to leading post-Keynesian and Monetarist economists' interpretation of current economic conditions. Prerequisites: EC 201, EC 202, and either MA 108 or MA 121.
EC 304 Labor Economics 3 Cr.
Operation of labor markets from theoretical and policy perspectives. Topics include: human capital theory, the impact of labor unions and public policy issues relevant to collective bargaining, unionism, wages and income. Prerequisites: EC 201 and EC 202. Offered in the spring even years.
EC 310 Money and Banking 3 Cr.
The principles and institutions of money, banking and finance as they influence the performance of the economy. The major topics covered are the nature of money, commercial banking and financial institutions, central banking, monetary theory, monetary policy, inflation and the international monetary system. Prerequisites: EC 201, EC 202 and QM 213 or permission of the instructor.
EC 331 Business and Government 3 Cr.
A study of the institutional relationships between business and government, with stress upon public policies toward business and the role of government in fostering competition. Emphasis is placed upon the economic effects of the antitrust laws through outside readings and analysis of landmark court decisions. Other topics covered are concentration and mergers, restrictive business practices, monopoly and oligopoly. Prerequisites: EC 201 and EC 202. Offered in the fall even years.
EC 403 Comparative Economic Systems 3 Cr.
The study of major economic systems. Theories of capitalism, socialism and communism and their implementation by major nations are discussed. Prerequisites: EC 201 and EC 202. Offered in the spring odd years.
EC 406 Public Finance 3 Cr.
An investigation of the effects of government expenditures and revenues on the efficiency of resource allocation and the equity of the income distribution. Topics covered include public goods, externalities, benefit-cost analysis, the structure of major taxes and expenditure and tax incidence. Prerequisites: EC 201 and EC 202. Offered in the fall even years.
EC 419 International Economics 3 Cr.
International trade and the theory of comparative advantage. Special attention is given to free world trade and economic development in other countries and groupings as in the European Common Market. Prerequisites: EC 201 and EC 202. Offered in the fall odd years.
Finance Courses
FN 311 Corporate Finance 3 Cr.
Development of the basic theoretical framework for decision-making in financial management, emphasizing the time-value of money and hte analysis of cash flows. Areas of concentration are financial institutions and markets, financial statement analysis, the role of time value in finance, bond and stock valuation,capital budgeting decision process, risk and return analysis, cost of capital and dividend policy. Prerequisites: AC 206 or AC 201, EC 202, QM 213 or permission of the instructor.
FN 407 Corporate Finance II 3 Cr.
Special topics in financial management including: international managerial finance, mergers and acquisitions, hybrid and derivative securities, working capital management, short-term and long-term financing, financial planning, leverage analysis and capital structure theory. Prerequisites: QM 213, FN 311. Offered in the spring-odd years.
Management and Marketing Courses
MG 098 Junior Career Conference 1 Cr.
This third year seminar focuses on evolving career decisions for Business & Management majors. Guest faculty are drawn from University Board of faculty members and associates with extensive real-world business acumen. Students will experience developing skills to prepare for entering the global workplace in their chosen fields and professions. 1 lecture hour.
MG 099 Senior Career Conference 1 Cr.
This fourth year seminar focuses on evolving career decisions for Business & Management majors. Guest faculty are drawn from University Board of faculty members and associates with extensive real-world business acumen. Students will hone and finalize skills to prepare for entering the global workplace in their chosen fields and professions. 1 lecture hour.
MG 101 Introduction to Business 3 Cr.
The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the world of business. Students will learn about business organization and ownership and will survey union management relations, marketing, accounting, finance, international business, the legal environment, and the stock market. The course is designed to explore the relationship between social responsibility and profits in our free enterprise system. Prerequisite: permission of instructor required for upperclassmen.
MG 1XX Management Transfer Elective 3 Cr.
MG 224 Principles of Entrepreneurship 3 Cr.
This course provides an introduction to the creative and innovative managerial practices of successful entrepreneurship. This course reviews the significant economic and social contributions entrepreneurs provide to society, the intense lifestyle commitment, and the skills necessary for entrepreneurial success. This course provides an overview of the entrepreneurial process. Prerequisites: not open to freshmen students.
MG 299 Topics: 4 Cr.
MG 2XX Management Transfer Elective 3 Cr.
MG 305 Introduction to Sports Management 3 Cr.
This course will provide an overview of the sports industry from the perspective of variety of stakeholders in the industry. It covers the major business disciplines of management, marketing, finance, operations, information technology, accounting, communications, ethics and law. 3 lecture hours.
MG 309 Management of Organizations 3 Cr.
A study of the functions of modern management: planning, organization, staffing, leading, and controlling. This study is applicable to the management of military, government, educational and non-profit, as well as business organizations. The ethical and social responsibilities of management and contemporary challenges such as the internationalization of organizations are integrated in all aspects of this course. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing or permission of instructor.
MG 310 Production/Operations Management 3 Cr.
Principles and applied study of the operation of manufacturing and service organizations. Managerial tools and diagnostics, decision-making, and financial management are introduced. Problems of small, medium, and large-sized businesses are studied. Prerequisites: QM 213.
MG 314 Marketing Management 3 Cr.
This course immerses the student in the strategies and processes of marketing management - market analysis, segmentation, targeting and positioning, and the implementation and evaluation of marketing plans. When the student has completed this course they will understand how a marketing plan is developed and have the skills necessary to identify, analyze and solve marketing problems. Prerequisite: EC 202 or permission of instructor. 3 lecture hours.
MG 319 International Dimensions of Business 3 Cr.
This course is designed to familiarize the student with the basic concepts and terminology of international business, and to gain an appreciation of the differences in social, political, and economic conditions among nations and how these affect the conduct of business and trade between nations. Topics include comparative cultural, political, and economic environments, international trade theory and policy, foreign exchange and exchange rate determination, the dynamics of international business-government relationships, and corporate policy and strategy of the multinational firm. Prerequisite: EC 201 or EC 202.
MG 341 Business Law I 3 Cr.
A study of the law and legal system as they affect business. Topics include the court system, constitutional law, torts, criminal law and contracts. Students will learn how morality and social responsibility are integrated into our legal system. Students must complete an ethical standards paper in an appropriate context. Prerequisite: Sophomore 1 or higher. ".
MG 346 Business Law II 3 Cr.
A continuation of the analysis of the legal dimension of business operations that was developed in Business Law I. Special emphasis will be given to the legal environment as it relates to the accounting student's professional certification. Topics include bankruptcy, commercial paper, secured transactions, agency, corporations, and partnerships. Prerequisite: MG 341 or permission of instructor.
MG 351 Organizational Behavior 3 Cr.
This course considers the individual, the nature of organizations, and the issues resulting from the dynamic relationship of people in organizations. The course addresses such topics as learning, personality, motivation, organization structure, leadership, ethics, communication, and change.
MG 360 Health Economics & Policy 3 Cr.
This course introduces students to principles of health economics and public policy in health and social welfare. Topics include support for public health, policy intervention in health determinants, the relationship between government regulation and market competition, the demand for healthcare, and the supply of services. This course will enable students to apply economic reasoning to the health-care challenges facing society. Prerequisite: One semester of college level mathematics or QM 213.
MG 399 Topics 3 Cr.
MG 3XX Management Transfer Elective 3 Cr.
MG 408 Human Resources Management 3 Cr.
The management of human resources is one of the most challenging and critical aspects of contemporary organizational functions. This course addresses such issues as the nature of the American labor force, equal employment opportunity, personnel planning and staffing, compensation, employee well-being and job security, and collective bargaining. In addressing these issues attention is given to the ethical, legal, and moral questions involved. Prerequisite: MG 309 or permission of instructor.
MG 409 Organizational Leadership 3 Cr.
This course prepares students to apply leadership principles to the roles they play as managers. Students will discover more about themselves and learn more about the connection between the individual and the organization. Other topics include organizational culture, structure, group behavior, motivation, power, politics, organizational change, and workplace conflict.
MG 411 Consumer Behavior 3 Cr.
This course is designed to help the student understand the concepts of consumer behavior that provides the basis for marketing strategies. Students will gain an understanding of how consumers make decisions regarding the purchase and use of products and services and the internal and external factors that influence this process. Prerequisite: MG 314.
MG 416 Advanced Marketing 3 Cr.
In this course students will examine the key concepts and issues in developing a marketing strategy from the perspective of the corporate and SBU decision-maker. The course will take students through the process for formulating marketing strategies under various market conditions, for developing strategic and tactical marketing action plans, and how to evaluate and control a marketing plan and budget. Students undertaking this course will be required to use knowledge gained from previous marketing subjects in completing course assignments. Prerequisite: MG 314.
MG 426 Marketing Research 3 Cr.
This course explores the process and tools for data collection and analysis used to solve marketing problems. In addition, the subject addresses when marketing research is appropriate and how to define the research problem, as well as the role of marketing research in marketing decision making. This course will provide students with practical experience in the use of computer based data analysis techniques and make students aware of the biases and limitations inherent in various research methodologies. Prerequisites: QM 213, MG 314.
MG 429 Seminar in Advanced Management I 3 Cr.
A topics course addressing managerial problems in various environments. Prerequisites: MG 309, MG 310, FN 311, and MG 314.
MG 441 Integrated Marketing Communications 3 Cr.
This course will provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to develop appropriate communication strategies consistent with strategic marketing principles. The role of communications in the client organization's marketing plan is emphasized. The concept of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) for coordinating the individual communication elements of advertising, direct marketing and public relations to achieve specific marketing objectives is stressed. Prerequisite MG 314. 3 lecture hours.
MG 448 Small Business Strategies 3 Cr.
A course that integrates the functional areas of management-human resources, finance, marketing, and operations they uniquely affect the small business enterprise. Case studies and lectures develop the student?s problem solving abilities. Prerequisites: MG 309, MG 310, FN 311, and MG 314.
MG 449 Administrative Policy and Strategy 3 Cr.
A capstone course designed to integrate the students' undergraduate studies. Case studies, collaborative assignments, writing assignments and oral presentations provide opportunities to synthesize and apply the knowledge gained from courses in the management program. A comprehensive Division examination is included in this course. Prerequisites: MG 309, MG 310, FN 311, and MG 314.
MG 450 Internship in Management 3 Cr.
The internship program is designed for students who want to apply their studies by working with a business, industry, or public agency. The student will be required to work closely with a faculty supervisor to develop and implement a structured experience tailored to the career goals of the student. Prerequisites: senior standing and written consent of the department chair and internship committee. Normally only available during the summer.
MG 4XX Management Transfer Elective 3 Cr.