Mechanical Engineering (ME)
ME 211 Mechanical Engineering Tools I 2 Cr.
An extension of EG 109 with a more in-depth treatment of 3-D solid model generation including extrusion, revolving, sweeping and lofting. Further development and modification of 3-D solid drawings. Laboratory: 3 hours. Prerequisite: EG 109.
ME 307 Thermodynamics II 3 Cr.
Applications of thermodynamics to power and refrigeration cycles, combustion mechanisms, mixture and flow processes. Development of thermodynamic relationships and equations of state. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisite: EG 206.
ME 311 Mechanical Engineering Tools II 2 Cr.
An extension of ME 211 with additional application of computer based design and analysis methods. An emphasis will be placed on design for manufacturing and other tools appropriate to the mechanical engineering profession. Laboratory: 3 hours. Prerequisite: ME 211.
ME 356 Manufacturing Processes 4 Cr.
A study of the principles of manufacturing processes. Metal removal, casting, joining and deformation processes are covered as well as introductions to numerically controlled machinery, computer-aided manufacturing, rapid prototyping, robotics, computer integrated manufacturing and modern manufacturing systems. Classroom 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: ME 311, EG 203.
ME 363 Kinematic and Kinetic Sythesis 3 Cr.
A study of the principles of motion and the forces necessary to cause, and be created by motion. Applications to the design of typical machine elements such as gears, linkages and cams. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisites: EG 202, MA 223.
ME 368 Design of Machine Elements 3 Cr.
A study of the application of the theories of mechanics and stress analysis to the design of fundamental machine parts. Some of the topics covered are shafts, springs, screws, belts, gears, rivets, bearings and lubrication. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisites: EG 301.
ME 370 Mechanical Systems Design 3 Cr.
An introduction to the methodology of design including problem definition, generation and evaluation of alternatives, and design completion. Emphasis is placed on creativity, feasibility, and the effect of economic and societal factors on alternative selection. Goals are achieved through the use of case studies and small projects. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisite: junior standing.
ME 381 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory I 2 Cr.
A study of the fundamentals of mechanical and electronic instruments and their use in measurement systems to obtain data on temperature, pressure, displacement, acceleration, and other physical variables. Introduction to experimental methods and procedures, reduction of data to significant form, and the organization of experimental results in written reports. Lecture 1 hour, laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: EE 204.
ME 382 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II 1 Cr.
Application of instrumentation to observations of gas and liquid behavior, thermo-dynamic and mechanical aspects of machines and devices. Dynamic and transient considerations in instruments, physical systems, and experimental data. Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: ME 381.
ME 435 Mechanical Control Systems 3 Cr.
Synthesis and analysis of mechanical control systems with feedback. Use of linearization techniques and Laplace Transform methods of analysis. Techniques for determining system stability. Emphasis is placed on operational characteristics of components and their effect on system design. Computer simulation of system operation. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisites: MA 224, EG 202.
ME 465 Heat Transfer 3 Cr.
A study of the fundamentals of heat transfer by conduction, radiation, and convection. Steady and unsteady state conduction. Study will include boundary layer theory, internal and external convective flows, two-phase flow, and heat exchange design theory. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisites: EG 206, EG 303, MA 224.
ME 467 Mechanical Engineering Design I 3 Cr.
A capstone design project is taken up to the point of prototype construction, testing and hardware specification. The specific skills and knowledge needed by practicing engineers in the product realization process are emphasized and developed. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisite: senior standing, ME 370.
ME 468 Mechanical Engineering Design II 3 Cr.
Design completion of the capstone project initiated in ME 467 including hardware specification, instrumentation, laboratory testing, data reduction, and evaluation. Written design report required with oral presentation and defense. Prerequisite: ME 467.
ME 487 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory III 2 Cr.
A continuation of the Mechanical Engineering laboratory sequence with experiments stressing the performance characteristics of heat power equipment and the application of theory learned in thermodynamics and fluid flow. Classroom 1 hour, laboratory 2 hours. Prerequisite: EG 303. Corequisite: ME 307.
ME 490 Advanced Topics 3,4 Cr.
A course that provides specific work in an area of the instructor's special competence and indicated student interest. An extension of basic principles to applied areas such as HVAC, heat transfer, thermodynamics, stress analysis, environmental control, turbo-machinery, propulsion systems and aerodynamics. Classroom or seminar, 1-3 hours. Prerequisite: senior standing. Offered as occasion demands.