Master of Civil Engineering

This is an archived copy of the 2018-19 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Program Director: Thomas J. Descoteaux 
Program Coordinator: Linda Ratsep

Medicine, law, architecture, accounting, pharmacy – all professions that require education in excess of four years, whether by a separate “Professional School” or by simply requiring more than four years to obtain an undergraduate degree. Much discussion has occurred lately in the engineering community concerning the “status” of the profession in the eyes of the public. Concerns over compensation, loss of respect from society in general, and the increasing trend toward viewing engineers as a commodity instead of as valued and skilled professionals has prompted some to take a hard look at the current educational system. Many engineers agree that, in light of the explosive growth of technology, the steady decrease in the number of credits required for an undergraduate engineering degree (from an average of 150 semester hours in
1950 to 133 today), and the loss of influence and control in the worlds of finance and politics (both critical to successfully solving the world’s problems through engineering), the skill set provided by a four year education is no longer adequate.

In light of these problems, the Board of Directors of the American Society of Civil Engineers unanimously adopted Policy 465 in 2001:

“The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) supports the concept of the Master’s degree or Equivalent as a prerequisite for licensure and the practice of civil engineering at a professional level."

ASCE encourages institutions of higher education, governmental units, employers, civil engineers, and other appropriate organizations to endorse, support, and promote the concept of mandatory post-baccalaureate education for the practice of civil engineering at a professional level. The implementation of this effort should occur through establishing appropriate curricula in the formal education experience, appropriate recognition and compensation in the workplace, and congruent standards for licensure.”

Norwich University saw ASCE’s Policy 465 as an opportunity to create a graduate program unlike any other. The Master of Civil Engineering program stresses the fundamental skills needed for success by tomorrow’s civil engineer. These skills include not only technical competency in your field of expertise but also the broad range of communication and management skills needed in the highly entrepreneurial business environment that comprises our profession.

Curriculum Map/Plan of Study

Term 1
Project Management Techniques, Tools and Practices6
Term 2
Engineering Mathematics6
Term 3
One concentration course
Term 4
One concentration course
Term 5
One concentration course
Term 6
Capstone Design Project 16
Residency 20
Total Cr.36

Pre-admission Requirements

Students not meeting the admission requirements of the Master of Civil Engineering program with respect to their previous course work will be required to pass fundamentals courses with a grade of B or better in order to be admitted to the degree program. Fundamentals courses do not satisfy degree requirements of the Master of Civil Engineering degree.

Fundamentals Courses
CE 501Hydraulics for Environmental Engineers3
CE 503Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering6
CE 505Engineering Analysis Techniques3
CE 506Engineering Mechanics I3
CE 507Fundamentals of Structural Engineering6
CE 509Fundamentals of Environmental/Water Resources Engineering6
CE 571Elementary Geotechnical Tools Laboratory1
GB 501Fundamentals of Business Management6
GB 502Quantitative Methods and Financial Analysis for Managers6

Curriculum Requirements

The 18-month Master of Civil Engineering program is divided into six, eleven-week, six-credit courses. Three courses comprise the program “core” and are required of all Master of Civil Engineering students. For the other three courses students choose from four available concentrations: structural engineering, environmental/water resources engineering, geotechnical engineering, or construction management.

Core Courses (18 Credits)

GB 544Project Management Techniques, Tools and Practices6
EG 501Engineering Mathematics6
CE 561Capstone Design Project6
Culminating Academic Requirement
CE 595Residency0
Total Cr.18

Concentration Courses (18-19 Credits)

Environmental/Water Resources Concentration (18 credits)
CE 525Physiochemical & Biological Processes in Water & Wastewater Treatment6
CE 535Stormwater Management and GIS Applications for Water Resources6
CE 555Geoenvironmental Engineering - Groundwater Flow and Waste Containment6
Total Cr.18
Structural Concentration (18 credits)
CE 528Classical, Matrix, and Dynamic Analysis of Structures6
CE 538Design of Steel and Timber Structures6
CE 558Design of Reinforced and Prestressed/Precast Concrete Structures6
Total Cr.18
Geotechnical Concentration (19 credits)
CE 523Intermediate Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering6
CE 533Earthquake Engineering and Soil Stabilization6
CE 553Computer Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering Case Histories6
CE 572Intermediate Geotechincal Tools Laboratory1
Total Cr.19
Construction Management Concentration (18 credits)
CE 529Information Technology6
CE 539Contracts and Insurance6
CE 559Project Finance and Accounting6
Total Cr.18

One-Week Residency

All degree candidates of the Master of Civil Engineering are required to attend a one-week Residency Conference on the Norwich University campus, during which they may attend professional presentations, participate in roundtable discussions with faculty, and present capstone design projects. The one-week residency is a degree requirement.

Faculty Member Institution at which highest degree was earned
Thomas Descoteaux, PhD, PE (Program Director) University of Connecticut
Linda Ratsep, MCE, MBA, PE (Program Coordinator) Villanova University; Drexel University
William Barry, PhD Carnegie Mellon University
Michael S. Blount, MS, PE Georgia Institute of Technology
Matthew Bovee, PhD University of Kansas
Robert Caulk, MSCE University of Vermont
Arif Cekic, PhD, PE Wayne State University
Jamie Colby, MS, PE Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Paul Draghi, PhD Indiana University
Kenneth Edwards, PhD, PE Iowa State University
Andrew Ernest, PhD, PE Texas A&M
Kenneth Lamb, PhD, PE University of Nevada – Las Vegas
Will Lindquist, PhD, PE University of Kansas
W. Nicholas Marianos, PhD, PE Tulane University
Joseph Miller, PhD, PE Michigan Technological University
David Nowacki, MBA, MS Louisiana State University
Bryan Pascarella, MBA University of Pittsburgh
Carmine Polito, PhD, PE Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Jared Reigstad, MCE, PE Norwich University
Scott Sabol, MSCE Pennsylvania State University
Timothy Tyler, PhD, PE Virginia Polytechnic University
Loren Wehmeyer, PhD, PE The University of Iowa