International Relations Courses (IR) - Online Graduate
IR 510 World Politics Intl Relations 6 Cr.
This course explores the dominant theories of international relations, and main trends in world politics. It addresses seminar changes in modern international politics, and theoretical assumptions and world views in international relations. It surveys the evolution of the discipline and its various branches.
IR 520 American Foreign Policy 6 Cr.
Encompasses the period from the late 19th century to the present and reviews critical cases in the history of US foreign relations. Students examine US government actions in international affairs through various methodological contexts in foreign policy development and implementation. Explanations are drawn from history, international relations theory, and area studies. Special emphasis is placed on post-Cold War developments in America’s foreign relations, especially focusing on the use of force, application of coercive diplomacy and the impact of global issues on US foreign policy.
IR 530 International Security 6 Cr.
This graduate level course surveys some of the major debates and topics in international security. It is designed to give students an understanding of the most important substantive areas in the field of International Security and to tie academic research on security-related issues to policy. The course will examine both traditional understandings of and approaches to international security. New actors and issues considered relevant since the end of the Cold War will be discussed. The tension between the relative importance of traditional approaches to security, interstate relations, and the relevance or impact of less immediate but important influences such as human security and climate change will also be examined.
IR 531 National Security 6 Cr.
This course examines security threats to the United States, institutions and policies to address them, and various methods and instruments available to policy-makers and practitioners to avoid, manage, mitigate, and resolve major security threats and events. The focus is on man-made threats, but natural disasters are addressed as well. The course material and exercises take into account the networked nature of America’s critical infrastructure.
IR 541 Intel & Natl Security Policy 6 Cr.
Intelligence plays a key role in US national security. This course provides the history, structure, roles, and responsibility of the intelligence community and the relationship between intelligence and senior policy makers, including Congress and the President. It also explains intelligence as a discipline including collection and analysis as well how oversight and accountability are applied to intelligence activities. This course challenges students to evaluate and analyze the effectiveness of the intelligence community and its products against changing threats to the United States.
IR 543 PoliEconomy of IntDevelopment 6 Cr.
This seminar endeavors to understand the process of facilitating development as encompassing a complex set of social, economic, political, cultural and institutional transformations. The seminar aims to introduce students to the wide range of theories about development that inform issues such as the economic effects of different growth strategies, the difficulties of foreign aid as well as the role of markets, states and civil society. Specifically, we will study questions such as: How important are political institutions to economic development and what role do they play? How does economics affect political institutions and government policies? Why do inefficient and/or harmful institutions survive? Highlighted will be the interplay of theories and histories of various forms of development to provide a graduate level of introduction to the political economy of development in a theoretical, historical, and comparative perspective.
IR 549 Regions of the World 6 Cr.
Covers the overarching themes of the region’s political culture and institutions, the economy, regional and national identities, and international relations. It examines the decisive social, cultural, economic, and political issues defining the world region in question in its own historical and geographic context. The concepts, theoretical approaches and methodology for analysis are selected individually for each region to better address its unique features and characteristics.
IR 553 Capital and international Development 6 Cr.
The course explores the relationship between capital and institutions of human society. It explains what capital is and how it works, and addresses unequal economic development among global regions, the role of international aid, conditions of global poverty, and debates about better international development policies.
IR 555 Field Exam 0 Cr.
The International Relations Field Exam is a necessary part of the Master of Arts program in International Relations. Its successful completion is required to graduate from the program. The exam is based on the current taught seminars of the program.
IR 590 Masters Research Paper I 6 Cr.
This research seminar provides students the opportunity to research issues, trends, theories or events in international relations of their own choice. Each student researches individualized topic and prepares a written major paper that offers a practical or theoretical perspective on interstate, regional or national security question of international importance. The students are expected to synthesize knowledge acquired in the previous seminars of the program. Students are required to exhibit in-depth critical thinking, analysis, and effective writing skills.
IR 591 Masters Research Paper Conclusion and Examination 3 Cr.
Students enrolled in the Master’s Research Paper seminar will conclude their research projects. Once ready, their research project will be evaluated in written and/or oral examination. Students will make necessary changes, updates, and revisions to their final research paper, and will submit the final copy of their manuscript to the university.
IR 595 MIR Residency 0 Cr.