Mathematics Courses (MATH) - Online Undergraduate
MATH 1XX Math Elective 6 Cr.
This course is used for transfer when no equivalent Norwich course exists. This course indicates successful demonstration of the required Basic College Mathematics Competency.
MATH 232 Elementary Statistics 3 Cr.
A course that covers the study of frequency distributions, averages and standard deviations, normal curve, probability, decision-making, sampling techniques, testing hypotheses, chi-square, students-t and F-distributions, correlation and linear regression. Prerequisite: A college level mathematics course or equivalent as determined by departmental placement testing.
MATH 2XX Math Elective 6 Cr.
This course is used for transfer when no equivalent Norwich course exists. This course indicates successful demonstration of the required Intermediate College Mathematics Competency.
MATH XXX Math Elective 100 Cr.