Sociology Courses (SOCI) - Online Undergraduate
SOCI 1XX Sociology Elective 6 Cr.
This course is used for transfer when no equivalent Norwich course exists. This course indicates successful demonstration of the required Social Science Competency.
SOCI 209 Methods of Social Science Research 3 Cr.
The purpose of this course is to develop a working understanding of social science research and research methodology, with an emphasis on its application within the criminal justice field. The course covers the purposes and rationale for conducting social science research, formulation of research design from problem or issue identification, and descriptions of different research designs and their applications. Pre-requisites: SSMA 232.
SOCI 220 Cultural Issues & CJ System 3 Cr.
This course explores the issues of race and ethnicity as they relate to crime and our criminal justice system in a culturally diverse society. Students will examine the broader social context of race and ethnicity in our American society, with a special focus on the changing ethnicity of communities and related changes in social and institutional public policy. Students will also learn how cultural diversity impacts the roles of the police, our court system, and correctional facilities; how it influences the death penalty; and how it affects juvenile and minority youth justice. Other discussion topics include cross-cultural communication, the implementation of cultural awareness training, multicultural representation in law enforcement, and criminal justice interaction. Pre-requisites: none.
SOCI 322 Drugs and Gangs 3 Cr.
This course analyzes transnational crime and corruption issues within global politics. Focus is given to potential national and international responses to transnational threats. Students also examine the increasing relevance of criminality and governmental corruption and how it becomes a major aspect of national security policy. Pre-requisites: none.
SOCI 325 Public Safety Diverse Society 3 Cr.
Students learn about law enforcement issues in a society with increasing physical, cultural and economic diversity. Topics include women and minorities in policing, conflict resolution, cross cultural communication, building community relationship and partnerships, and controversial issues such as racial profiling. Pre-requisites: none.
SOCI 330 Military Sociology 3 Cr.
This course provides a sociological perspective of the military as both an institution and as an occupation. It examines the social structure and functions of the military and the social factors that influence behavior in and of the military. In terms of function, it examines the changing purposes of the military in view of changing national and international conditions; and in terms of structure, it examines the norms, values, traditions, organizations, and culture of the military. It is designed to provide greater insight into the routine life within the military and into contemporary issues confronting the military. Pre-requisites: none.
SOCI 335 Intro to Cultural Competence 3 Cr.
Students learn key concepts in the study of cultures and explore how culture and cultural contexts and language influence values, expectations, behavior, communication styles and conflict resolution. Pre-requisites: None.
SOCI 401 Culture and Anthropology 6 Cr.
Students complete a study for a particular region in relation to its culture, social groups and organizations, social stratification, and other relevant characteristics of the region. The study will include a comparative analysis of the various cultures and ethnic minorities that exist throughout the region. The study will further explore how the legal structure of the region deals with the cultural challenges and opportunities in the region. The study will include recommendations for improvement and/or strengthening the regions’ societies. The course culminates with a substantive research paper. Pre-requisites: Completion of SOCI 335 or permission of Department Chair.
SOCI 406 Area Studies 6 Cr.
Students complete a study which surveys and evaluates a particular region in relation to its geographic location, diversity and resources. The study should include a summation of the geography of the region and how it relates to implementation of a project or the resolution of a problem in the region. It will examine the current natural resources and resource challenges of the region, paying particular attention to mineral, oil, water and other high valued items present in the region. It will analyze future challenges of the region in terms of geography as well as resources. The study will include recommendations for improvement and/or strengthening the region’s resources. The course will culminate with a substantive research paper.
SOCI XXX Sociology Elective 100 Cr.