Academic Advising
Academic advising at Norwich University enables students to become independent in their efforts to maximize academic and personal success. The purpose of academic advising is to foster student-centered partnerships with advisors to manage and develop sound and satisfying educational plans, encourage and support personal growth, and explore career and life-long opportunities.
Advisee responsibilities include
- formulating an academic plan
- developing class schedules each semester
- communicating health and personal issues that may affect academic performance
- responding to advisor requests
- reviewing their degree evaluation
- understanding degree requirements
Advisor responsibilities include
- facilitating academic transition to Norwich
- formulating an academic plan that meets graduation requirements
- reviewing class schedules each semester
- offering guidance regarding academic progress
- assisting with any necessary petitions and forms
- referring students to appropriate university services
Open and candid communication between both members of the advising team will enhance the student’s opportunity for academic success.