Interdisciplinary (ID)
ID 110 Ecology and Geology of the Connecticut River Valley 4 Cr.
This course starts with a four-day, on-campus, period. Where there are lectures and presentations on water chemistry, water pollution, flora and fauna of the river and valley, and geology of the Connecticut River valley. Canoe instruction, biological and geological identification procedures, surveying methods, and water analysis techniques are also taught. A nine-day canoe trip follows where the ecology and geology of the upper river valley are studied. The final day of the course is on campus for additional testing and the preparation of final reports. This four-credit laboratory science course is intended for non-science majors and is offered during the time between graduation and the beginning of summer school. Lecture hours: 33 (total); Lab hours 133 (total).
ID 199 Pilot Course 1 Cr.
ID 1XX Interdisciplinary Elective 1 Cr.
ID 299 Pilot Course 3 Cr.