Military History (MH)
MH 510 Introduction to Military History: Historiography and Method 6 Cr.
The first seminar examines how military history developed as a distinct discipline, and will train you in the "tools of the trade": historiography and methodology. Historiography, or the art of practicing history as a distinct discipline, is an examination of the history of historical thought, from the first works of history in the classical world to the present time. The seminar will cover some of the varied historiographical schools and concepts that have evolved. Historical methodology and informational literacy will also be studied. How do historians gather information and formulate hypotheses? The development of research methods, including the use of primary and secondary sources, are discussed. History involves interpretation; the role of objectivity, selectivity, and bias are examined.
MH 520 Global Military History to 1800 6 Cr.
This seminar explores the military history of the United States and Europe from classical Greece to the 19th century. The emphasis is on the "Western Way of War" as defined by historians Geoffrey Parker and Victor Davis Hanson. In virtually every conflict between Western states and non-Western powers, from the Persian Wars through the colonial era, the west has emerged victorious. Are there experiences and characteristics that have distinguished warfare in the West from the rest of the world? Other prominent military historians, including John Lynn, have challenged the notion that a distinct, continuous Western Way of War exists. The seminar consists of an in-depth examination of these conflicting interpretations of military history and the major themes in the military history of the West.
MH 530 Military Thought and Theory 6 Cr.
This seminar studies the most influential military theoreticians and strategists from the period of the Thirty Years War to the present day. Students will examine the theories of Clausewitz, Jomini, Douhet, Mahan, Corbett, and Mao Tse-Tung. This seminar also examines theories of deterrence and nuclear war as well as post-Maoist revolutionary warfare.
MH 540 Non-Western Military History 6 Cr.
This seminar will present an introduction to Non-Western military history, covering a wide range of topics including military thought, strategy and tactics, technologies, and cultural factors as they pertained to the waging of war. Non-Western military history is rapidly maturing as a field of scholarly inquiry, particularly with respect to Asia. Therefore, this seminar will introduce students to the latest scholarship and interpretations, which both challenge and complement aspects of the debates about Western superiority mentioned above. Due to the wider availability of source materials and the research expertise of the seminar designer, this seminar will devote more attention to East Asia than to other parts of the non-Western world. Nevertheless, weekly lessons will be arranged topically and will in many cases encompass a variety of geographical areas. Students will be strongly encouraged to think comparatively throughout the class. Students will be challenged to determine if any society had definitely unique approaches to warfare or if the universals are far more important than the specifics.
MH 541 Chinese Military History 6 Cr.
This seminar will provide an introduction to Chinese military history, covering a wide range of topics including military thought, strategy and tactics, technologies, and cultural factors as they pertained to the waging of war. This offering will introduce students to the latest scholarship and interpretations, which both challenge and complement aspects of the debates about the “Western way of war.” Students will be strongly encouraged to think comparatively throughout the class. In the process we will attempt to determine if any society had definitely unique approaches to warfare or if the universals are far more important than the specifics.
MH 543 Amphibious Warfare 6 Cr.
This seminar examines amphibious operations from antiquity to the present. It also sketches broader contexts for amphibious warfare as it has affected political, diplomatic, and economic change by determining to what degree, if at all, various amphibious actions figured in what has been labeled as an early-modern “military revolution” that contributed to the “Rise of the West.”.
MH 550 U.S. Military History 6 Cr.
This seminar will present an introduction to American military history from the colonial era to the present. Students will be challenged to critically evaluate Russell Weigley's "American Way of War" thesis and examine the impact American conflicts and the U.S. military has had an American Society.
MH 551 Race and Gender in Military History 6 Cr.
This seminar will cover the complex issues surrounding racial integration in military institutions, including intriguing questions around citizenship and ethnicity. Students will also examine the history of women's participation in warfare and issues of gender integration in the military.
MH 552 Total War 6 Cr.
This seminar will examine the origins of the concept and practice of “total war” in the period from the French Revolution to the end of the Cold War. The French Revolution, Napoleonic Wars, American Civil War, First World War and Second World War will be examined. Students will examine the evolution of modern war, the characteristics of “total war” as well as the usefulness of the concept of “total war” in describing these massive conflicts.
MH 562 Capstone Paper 6 Cr.
Norwich requires a "Capstone Paper" that must be written and submitted during the latter part of Seminar 6. The Capstone has all the elements of the traditional thesis, including a program-approved topic of the student's own choosing to be explored in depth, the use of appropriate academic sources.
MH 569 Comprehensive Exam 0 Cr.
This degree completion exercise is designed to assess students’ knowledge of military history in general and the specific sub-fields they have studied during their program of study. The goal of the written examination is to assess student knowledge in the field of military history gained during the students’ program of study. In each examination students must demonstrate graduate level knowledge of the pertinent historiography of the field(s) examined in their course of study, graduate level analysis, an ability to synthesize information from various scholarly sources and develop and defend their interpretation of historical events. Students must also make a credible case regarding their argument’s historical and historiographic significance. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Seminars 1-6. Additional fees may apply.
MH 570 M.A. Thesis 3 Cr.
Thesis I is the first of two required seminars for the thesis project in the MMH and MAH programs. Students will conduct primary and secondary source research and write drafts of their thesis under the guidance of a faculty thesis advisor. Students pursuing a research question requiring primary and/or secondary sources in one or more foreign languages must demonstrate advanced reading proficiency in the pertinent foreign language(s). External assessment such as the Defense Language Proficiency Examinations, Foreign Service Institute examination or reading comprehension tests approved by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages will be used to assess foreign language proficiency. If required for the research project, proof of foreign language competency must accompany the petition for the thesis option. Thesis and additional fees will be applied.
Prerequisites: approval of Program Director, Associate Program Director for Academics and Capstone Director, successful completion of Seminars 1-5, and, if applicable, advanced reading knowledge of the pertinent foreign language(s).
MH 571 MA Thesis II 3 Cr.
The second of two required seminars for the thesis project. Students will continue their research related to their M.A. thesis and will write a final version of the thesis under the guidance of their thesis advisor. Upon approval of the thesis advisor, the student will submit their thesis to their thesis committee and schedule an oral defense with his/her advisor and MMH/MAH thesis readers. A successful oral defense and final manuscript meeting the approval of a majority of the thesis committee will result in a grade of S (Satisfactory).
Prerequisites: grade of SP in MH570: Thesis I.
MH 595 Residency 0 Cr.
MH 697 Staff Ride 0 Cr.