International Studies Major

This is an archived copy of the 2019-20 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

B.A. International Studies - Curriculum Map 2019-2020 Catalog

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Exceptions to any of the provisions listed below in the footnotes may be petitioned to and approved by a majority vote of the IS Faculty Advisory Board. The decision of the Board may be appealed to the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and the Committee on Academic Standing and Degrees. The final decision shall be communicated to the Office of the Registrar.

New PlanGrids
Fall Cr. Comp. Spring Cr. Comp.
EN 101 Composition and Literature I3EN 102 Composition and Literature II3
IN 101 Introduction to International Studies c3PO 105 American Politics (General Education Social Science ) c3
HI 108 The History of Civilization II (General Education History)3Modern Language4 
Modern Language 14 General Education Math3 
   General Education Leadership1-3 
Fall Semester Total Cr.: 13Spring Semester Total Cr.: 14-16
Fall Cr. Comp. Spring Cr. Comp.
PO 215 International Relations c3EC 202 Principles of Economics (Micro) c
or 201 Principles of Economics (Macro)
EC 201 Principles of Economics (Macro)
or 202 Principles of Economics (Micro)
3PO 202 Introduction to Comparative Politics c3
Modern Language 205 1, c3 Modern Language 206 1, c3 
BA Intercultural Elective3 BA Intercultural Elective3 
General Education Math3 General Education Ethics 3 
Free Elective3    
Fall Semester Total Cr.: 18Spring Semester Total Cr.: 15
Fall Cr. Comp. Spring Cr. Comp.
Study Abroad Free Elective 73 Comparative Politics Elective 33 
Study Abroad Free Elective 73 Modern Language (300 level) 13 
Study Abroad Free Elective 73 General Education Lab Science 4 
Study Abroad Modern Language (300 level) General Education Arts & Humanities 2, 73  General Education Literature 3 
Study Abroad Free Elective 73 Free Elective3 
Fall Semester Total Cr.: 15Spring Semester Total Cr.: 16
Fall Cr. Comp. Spring Cr. Comp.
Comparative Politics Elective 33 EC 419 International Economics3
History Elective (200 level) 43 IN 410 Seminar in International Studies (Capstone ) 6, c3
History Elective (300 level)3 History Elective (200 level) 43 
General Education Lab Science4 History Elective (300 level) 53 
Free Elective3 Free Elective3 
Fall Semester Total Cr.: 16Spring Semester Total Cr.: 15