A degree candidate may opt to fulfill the requirements of any university catalog that came after, not before, the catalog under which he or she originally matriculated. (See also readmission policy.) Academic policies that are not directly tied to the degree, major, minor, and concentration requirements are constantly in a review. Students need to make themselves aware of these policies in addition to their degree requirements. Academic policies are published annually on the registrar’s website as the current academic year’s catalog. Amendments to a degree, major, minor, and concentration requirements are posted to students electronically as well as posted as an addendum to the specific year’s catalog on the registrar’s website.
Undergraduate Degrees
Norwich University awards the following undergraduate degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies. Degree candidates are subject to the degree/major requirements of the catalog year which they have declared.
Undergraduate Degree Requirements
Summary of a degree requirement for the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies.
- Achieve a minimum of 120 total undergraduate credits; courses numbered 100-499 (See also advanced standing.)
- Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0
- Complete a minimum of 30 credits from Norwich University
- Complete the requirements for a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
- Complete the General Education Curriculum
- Complete at least one major
Double counting credits
Unless specifically stated otherwise, students may use the same course to satisfy more than one requirement with one degree. If one or more courses satisfy requirements for more than one major and/or minor program, additional credits are not required; however, students must earn the minimum number of credits for the degree, major or minor.
Bachelor of Science (BS)
The Bachelor of Science is a degree credential to include General Education requirements and a minimum of 30 credits toward a declared major. BS degrees are awarded with majors in Accounting, Architecture Studies, Athletic Training, Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Communications, Computer Science, Computer Security & Information Assurance, Construction Management, Criminal Justice, Design Arts, Education, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Science, Exercise Science, Geology, Health Sciences, International Business, Management, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Neuroscience, Nursing, Physical Education, Physics, and Psychology. Degree Completion majors include Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Cyber Security, Data Analytics, National Security Studies, and Strategic Studies and Defense Analysis.
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
The Bachelor of Arts is a degree credential to include General Education requirements, Bachelor of Arts supplement requirements and a minimum of 30 credits toward a declared major. BA degrees are awarded with majors in Criminal Justice, English, History, International Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Spanish, and Studies in War & Peace.
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS)
The Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree includes General Education requirements and Core Domains.
Graduate Degrees
Norwich University awards the following graduate degrees: Master of Accounting, Master of Architecture, Master of Arts, Master of Business Administration, Master of Civil Engineering, Master of Public Administration, Master of Science. Degree candidates are subject to the degree/major requirements of the class catalog year to which they have declared.
Graduate Degree Requirements:
- Complete at least 30 credit hours of course work as prescribed by the program of admission.
- Complete at least two-thirds of the required degree credits at Norwich University.
- Earn a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.
- Earn no more than six credits at the C/C+ grade level.
- Attend the required on-campus Residency Conference (not required for MARC degree).
Earning Two Degrees
A student may elect to fulfill the requirements of the BA, BS and BIS degrees in different majors and be awarded separate degrees. For example, a student may earn a BA in Psychology and a BS in Computer Science. The General Education requirements for the University may be met once; all major and BA requirements must be met. The student will be awarded a separate diploma for each degree and all earned degrees are listed on the official transcript.
A student may earn more than one master’s degree through the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies in two different programs. For example, a student may earn an MBA and an MPA. However, a minimum of 45 graduate credits is required to be awarded multiple master’s degrees (MBA, MPA, MSL, etc.). The student will be awarded a separate diploma for each degree and all earned degrees are listed on the official transcript.
Advanced Standing: Undergraduate and Graduate Courses Taken Simultaneously
Courses taken at the undergraduate level may not be used toward any graduate degree requirements. For those programs offering advanced standing opportunities (simultaneous undergraduate and graduate coursework) each program will state which courses can be applied to the undergraduate degree while also fulfilling the master’s program requirements. Graduate credits may be applied to fulfill a maximum of 25% (30 credits) of an undergraduate degree. At least 30 credits of the graduate program must be unique hours to the graduate program; e.g. for a master’s degree requiring 45 credits, 15 credits may be applied to an undergraduate degree.
An undergraduate student who is not on a master’s degree track may be granted permission to enroll into a maximum of 6 credits which can be applied toward the undergraduate degree. The student must gain permission to enroll into a graduate course from the Program Director. To apply the credits to the undergraduate degree, the student will follow the Course Substitution policy.
Diploma and Transcript
- Apostilled diplomas include a letter of authenticity, are notarized and are considered official documents for international students. A request for duplicate diploma is available on the Registrar's website.
- Military College of Vermont (MCV) diplomas are awarded to Cadets who have met requirements set by the Commandant as published in the Corps of Cadets & ROTC section of the catalog.
- Transcripts are the official student record of all courses enrolled in and the grades earned.
- Undergraduate transcripts are printed with degree, major, minor, concentration, Latin honor. Also, Dean’s List honors and Academic Standing are listed for each term enrolled.
- Graduate transcripts are printed with degree, major, and concentration
The major is the field of academic specialization within a degree. It is defined as the departmental requirements of:
- A set of required courses, outlined in the curriculum
- At least two courses at the 300-400 level.
- Interdisciplinary majors must include courses from more than one related academic discipline
Declaration of Major
Students must meet requirements, as determined by the Department Chair/School Director, to be accepted into the desired major. To declare a major, minor, concentration, a student will submit a signed Field of Study Declaration form available on the website to the Registrar’s Office.
Change of Major
To change a major, minor, concentration or add additional programs, a student will submit a signed Field of Study Declaration form available on the website to the Registrar’s Office.
Earning Two or More Undergraduate Majors
Students may elect to fulfill the requirements for two or more majors and be awarded a multiple-major degree. For example, a student may earn a BS in Engineering and Management or BA in History and Spanish.
When the majors are different degrees, refer to the Two Degrees policy statement.
- A student may not earn both a major and a minor in the same field of specialization.
- All requirements for each major must be completed prior to the degree award.
- One diploma is awarded for both majors when under the same degree credential.
- Each major is listed on the official transcript.
Dismissal from a Major
School Directors/Department Chairs have the authority to dismiss a student from a major for academic deficiency or unsatisfactory performance in a clinical program or an internship, practicum or program. The action is retained in the student record. The student will be classified as undeclared until a new major is declared. (See also Declaration of a Major)
A minor is an approved course of study consisting of at least 18 credits of coursework. Most minors are designed by departments that offer majors, but some disciplines in which no major is offered may offer a minor. To declare a minor or minors, a student will submit a signed Field of Study Declaration form available on the website to the Registrar’s Office.
- At least one-third of the required hours in a minor must be done as coursework at Norwich University.
- At least 18 credits must earn a grade of C or higher.
- A student may not earn both a major and a minor in the same field of specialization.
- Minor requirements must be earned prior to the degree being awarded.
- A minor is not listed on a diploma.
- A minor is listed on the official transcript.
Dismissal from a Minor
A School Director/Department Chair has the authority to dismiss a student from a minor for academic deficiency or unsatisfactory performance in a clinical program or an internship, practicum or program. The action is retained in the student record.
A concentration is offered within a major. Generally, a set of course requirements will focus on one’s major curriculum in a specialized area. The major will include within its requirements when a concentration is required or an optional addition. To declare concentration or concentrations, a student will submit a signed Field of Study Declaration form to the Registrar’s Office available on the website.
- At least half of the concentration must be taken at Norwich University.
- Concentration requirements must be earned prior to the degree being awarded.
- A concentration is not listed on a diploma.
- A concentration is listed on the official transcript.
- A concentration will not be awarded after a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree has been awarded.
Earning Two or More Graduate Concentrations
A student may elect to fulfill the requirements for two or more concentrations. Such action requires the approval of the Program Director. For example, a student may earn an MS in Leadership with a Public Sector Leadership concentration as well as an Organizational Leadership concentration. To declare a major, minor, concentration, a student will submit a signed Field of Study Declaration form to the Registrar’s Office available on the website.
- All concentrations must be from the same graduate program. If concentrations are from different programs, then the student must apply for two degrees.
- A minimum of 42 graduate credits is required to be awarded a multiple-concentration degree.
- One diploma is awarded for all concentrations.
- A concentration is not printed on a diploma
- A concentration is listed on the official transcript.
An Academic or Professional certificate certifies that a person has received specific education and therefore is considered competent in a certain specific skill area. An Academic certificate may be awarded for completion of an approved set of credit-bearing courses at the undergraduate or graduate level. A Professional certificate may be awarded for a conference, a course, a seminar, or a designated set of courses or seminars focused on a specific topic or theme which students may study separately from, or in addition to, their degree requirements. The specific number of credits required for certificates vary by the individual certification program. Admission into a certificate program does not guarantee admission into a degree program. Certificates are not awarded retroactively.
Graduate Certificate:
- Bachelor degree required for admission to graduate certificate offerings
- Minimum 12 graduate (500 level or higher) credits
- Courses used to fulfill certificate requirements must have grades of B or higher
Graduate Professional Certificate:
- Bachelor degree required for admission to graduate certificate offerings
- No minimum graduate (500 level or higher) credits
- Courses used to fulfill certificate requirements must have grades of B or higher
Undergraduate Academic Certificate:
- No previous degree requirement
- Minimum 12 undergraduate credits
- Courses used to fulfill certificate requirements must have grades of C or higher
Undergraduate Professional Certificate:
- No previous degree requirement
- 0-36 credits
- Courses used to fulfill certificate requirements must have grades of C or higher
Completion Certificate:
- 0 credits (minimum four contact hours)
- Awarded for participation in a short-term conference, course, set of courses, seminars or other learning event developed around a specific topic or area of knowledge for which degree credit is not awarded.
- Students enrolled in a Certificate of Completion program are classified as non-matriculating students.
Earning Two or More Certificates
- Students may elect to fulfill the requirements for multiple certificates and be awarded all certificates.
- Students may receive an Academic Undergraduate certificate for completion of an approved minor or concentration that is pursued within a bachelor’s degree program
- A student may apply credits earned as a certificate toward another major, minor, or concentration.
- Students are awarded separate diplomas for each certificate.
- Academic certificates are listed on the official transcript.
Military Studies Certificate--Aerospace Science
Military Studies Certificate--Army
Military Studies Certificate--Naval Science