Appendix B: Academic Dishonesty

This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Academic dishonesty is the failure to maintain academic integrity. Academic dishonesty includes (but is not limited to) such things as cheating, fabrication, bribery, obtaining or giving aid on an examination, having unauthorized prior knowledge of an examination, doing work for another student, presenting another person's work as one’s own, and plagiarism. Examples of academic dishonesty include:

Cheating on Exams and Other Assignments

Cheating is the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, and study aids. Unauthorized collaboration on examinations or other academic exercises is also cheating. Students must consult the instructor about permissible collaboration. Cheating or assisting another student to cheat in connection with an examination or assignment is academic fraud.

Committing Plagiarism

Plagiarism in any of its forms violates standards of academic integrity. Plagiarism is the act of passing off as one's own the ideas or writings of another. All academic disciplines recognize and value the contributions of individuals to knowledge and expertise. Note that unintentional plagiarism is still plagiarism.

Using False Citations

False citation is academic fraud. False citation is the attribution of intellectual property to an incorrect or fabricated source with the intention to deceive. False attribution seriously undermines the integrity of the academic enterprise by severing a chain of ideas that should be traceable link by link.

Submitting Work for Multiple Purposes

Students may not submit their own work (in identical or similar form) for multiple purposes without the prior and explicit approval of all faculty members to whom the work will be submitted. This includes work first produced in connection with classes at either Norwich University or any other institutions attended by the student.

Submitting False Data

The submission of false data is academic fraud. False data are data that have been fabricated, altered, or contrived in such a way as to be deliberately misleading.

Falsifying Academic Documentation

Any attempt to forge or alter academic documentation (including transcripts, certificates of enrollment or good standing, letters of recommendation, registration forms, and medical certification of absence) concerning oneself or others constitutes academic fraud.

Abuse of Library Privileges

Attempting to deprive others of equal access to library materials is a violation of academic integrity. This includes the sequestering of library materials for use by an individual or group; a willful or repeated failure to respond to recall notices; and the removal or attempt to remove library materials from any University library without authorization. Defacing, theft, or destruction of books and articles or other library materials that deprives others of equal access to these materials also is a violation of academic integrity.

Abuse of Shared Electronic Media

Malicious actions that deprive others of equal access to shared electronic media used for academic purposes are a violation of academic integrity. This includes efforts that result in the damage or sabotage of Norwich University computer systems or of any other computer systems.

Aiding someone in committing an academically dishonest act is just as serious as receiving the aid.

At the start of each seminar or course, the student should review the syllabus and, if they are provided in the online classroom, the instructor's directions and expectations.

The student should clarify with the instructor how much collaboration, if any, is permitted or expected when working on projects or assignments with other students.

The student must realize the risk inherent in providing a copy of his/her work electronically to other students. If others alter that file and submit it as their own work, the student may be implicated in a dishonesty incident.

The student should protect computer login identifications and passwords, to prevent access to his or her work by others.

Proper citation practices must be followed to acknowledge other people's words or ideas that have been included in a paper. Students with doubts about how to cite a source or provide a reference must consult the instructor.

A student must not include sources in a bibliography or reference list if the source was not used in the preparation of the assignment. Listing unused sources is called padding the bibliography.

A student should not share current or former assignments, projects, papers, etc. with other students to use as guides for their work. Such a practice could lead to claims of collaboration if another student lifts part or all of that work. Sometimes friendly assistance may escalate into claims of dishonesty.

A student must not collaborate with anyone when completing exams, unless explicit written permission is obtained from the instructor.