Bachelor of Science in Management Studies
Program Overview
Chair, Department of Continuing Studies: Mark L. Parker
The Bachelor of Science in Management Studies (BSMS) is an upper-division bachelor’s degree completion program. Intended for students with prior professional experience in the public, private, or military sectors, the BSMS provides students with a solid academic foundation in general management principles and practices while emphasizing core competencies in such areas as leadership, communication, and technology. By also completing a required concentration in a specialized area of management studies, graduates of the program will have demonstrated the ability to apply knowledge and proficiency in general management to specific management environments, contexts, and challenges.
Curriculum Requirements
The Bachelor of Science in Management Studies (BSMS) is designed for students with at least 30 credit hours of prior college coursework or its equivalent in eligible military or professional training. The program consists of four curriculum areas:
- Electives
- Core Courses
- Required Concentration
- Capstone
The electives are taken by students who enter the program with fewer than 60 credits. The core courses are degree requirements to be taken by all students. All BSMS students must complete an 18-credit concentration in a specialized management area or discipline. The capstone is the culminating activity for the program and is required for completion of the degree.
Students who matriculate the BSMS with between 30 and 59 credits of prior coursework or its equivalent will take the appropriate number of credits needed to reach the 60 credit minimum from among the following elective courses. Students with fewer than 59 prior credits may be required to take certain of these courses in order to fulfill the General Education requirements for the bachelor’s degree. [Courses marked with an *asterisk are under development; courses marked with a † may be used to fulfill a General Education requirement]:
- COMM 215 Technology-Mediated Communication (3)
- ECON 310 Socio-Economic Studies (3)
- ENGL 101 English Composition† (3)
- ENGL 250 Crime in Literature† (3)
- HIST 210 History of the U.S. Constitution (3) †
- HIST 310 Historical Studies† (3)
- MATH 102 Liberal Arts Mathematics† (3)
- MATH 232 Elementary Statistics† (3)
- PHLS 205 Critical Thinking (3)
- POLS 306 Comparative Politics (3)
- RELG 300 Comparative Religion† (3)
- SCIE 301 Environmental Science† (3)
- SOCI 330 Military Sociology† (3)
- SOCI 335 Introduction to Cultural Competence (3)
Core Courses
Students in the BSMS are required to complete the following core courses for a total of 39 credits:
- *ECON 350 Seminar in Economics (6)
- *ECON 351 Seminar in Finance (6)
- *ACCT 350 Seminar in Financial & Managerial Accounting (6)
- *MATH 213 Business Statistics (3)
- MNGT 315 Leadership (3)
- MNGT 320 Strategic Planning (3)
- *MNGT 330 Management Information Systems (3)
- *MNGT 340 Change Management (3)
- *PHLS 325 Ethics in Business & Management (3)
- *WRTG 301 Business & Professional Writing (3)
Students in the BSMS program are required to complete one of the following 18-credit concentrations:
- *MNGT 401 Seminar in Leadership I: Fundamentals (6)
- *MNGT 402 Seminar in Leadership II: Leadership Styles & EQ (6)
- *MNGT 403 Leadership of Change (3)
- *MNGT 404 Leadership in a Technology-Driven World (3)
Public Sector Management
- *MNGT 411 Seminar in Public Sector Management I: Administration & Policy (6)
- *MNGT 412 Seminar in Public Sector Management II: Research & Analysis (6)
- *MNGT 413 Ethics in Public Sector Management (3)
- *MNGT 414 Legal and Regulatory Environment of Public Sector Management (3)
Human Resource Management
- *MNGT 421 Seminar in Human Resource Management I (6)
- *MNGT 422 Seminar in Human Resource Management II (6)
- *MNGT 423 Human Capital Planning (3)
- *MNGT 424 Technology in the Modern Workplace (3)
Technology Management
- *MNGT 421 Seminar in Technology Management I (6)
- *MNGT 422 Seminar in Technology Management II (6)
- *MNGT 423 Project Management I (3)
- *MNGT 424 Project Management II (3)
The capstone course, *MNGT 495 (3), is the culminating academic activity for BSMS students. In it, students propose, develop, and deliver a final project that combines the general knowledge acquired in the core courses with the specific knowledge of the concentration area. The final project may be in the form of a business or strategic plan, a formal proposal in response to an RFP, a research study of a management or leadership problem, or other type of substantive project. The capstone course may not be fulfilled through transfer credit.