Master of Arts in Diplomacy
Program Director: Lasha Tchantouridzé
Associate Program Director of Academics: Charles Lerche
The Master of Arts in Diplomacy degree is designed for government, military, non- governmental, and business professionals who must operate within a challenging international environment. The curriculum offers a unique combination of seminars that provide students with an effective understanding of the international system. This includes a substantial grounding in the theories behind that system, the structural constraints of the system (International Law), and knowledge of the prime motivator to interact within the system (International Economics). The degree then moves into its concentrations. Currently, there are four concentrations within the program; International Conflict Management, International Terrorism, International Commerce, and Cyber-Diplomacy.
With the increase in globalization, there is a growing need to demonstrate a mastery of the international environment and the challenges it presents. The Diplomacy program gives students the tools by which to more effectively operate within this increasingly complex international system. All students will complete a 36 credit-hour program (a maximum of 12 credits can be transferred into the program with the approval of the Program Director) that culminates in a June residency at the Norwich University campus. The program is divided between a core and a concentration. All students must complete the core before moving on to their chosen concentration. In addition, in order to graduate all students must complete the comprehensive examination or its equivalent offering, and an exit portfolio.
Curriculum Map
Semester 1 | Credits | Semester 2 | Credits | Semester 3 | Credits |
GD 510 Theory and the International System or 511 The History of Diplomacy in the International System | 6 | One concentration course | 6 | One concentration course | 6 |
One concentration course | 6 | One concentration course | 6 | GD 555 Comprehensive Exam1 | 0 |
One concentration course | 6 | ||||
GD 575 Exit Portfolio | 0 | ||||
GD 595 Residency2 | 0 | ||||
12 | 12 | 12 | |||
Total Credits: 36 |
1 | Students must complete the comprehensive exam prior to enrollment in their final course. |
2 | Students are required to attend a one-week, on campus Residency Conference in the June following or concurrent with their final course. |
Curriculum Requirements
Core Curriculum
The core seminars are designed to give students a solid understand of central concepts within the international system. Like many other academic disciplines, the field of International Relations does not have a single unifying theory as to why things happen within the global system. Therefore, it is essential to acquire a firm grounding in the contending theories as to why the system works the way it does. This will give students a firm foundation when building their own views as to which theory more effectively explains the international system.
Once this foundation is established, students then go on to look at the constraints or lack of constraints on the “actors” within the internationals system (such as states, multi-national organizations, non- governmental organizations, etc.) These constraints are established by international norms delineated in the international legal system. Once the basics of the system are understood, students explore what makes the system “go” or work. Here the international political economy is explored. What motivates “actors” to interact is their desire to exchange goods or services or dominate those goods or services. The very fact that the world is now talking in terms of increasing “globalization” is reflective of the fact that almost all “actors” are thinking in terms of a global impact. Insights into this phenomenon are essential to a student’s understanding of the international system.
All students start with either the Theory seminar (GD 510) or the History seminar (GD 511) followed by five concentration seminars. The required courses must be completed before moving into a concentration, unless specific exceptions are approved by the Program Director. Concentration seminars are to be taken in sequence unless specific exceptions are approved by the Program Director.
Core Requirements for all Concentrations | ||
GD 510 | Theory and the International System | 6 |
or GD 511 | The History of Diplomacy in the International System | |
GD 555 | Comprehensive Exam | 0 |
GD 575 | Exit Portfolio | 0 |
Culminating Academic Requirement | ||
GD 595 | Residency | 0 |
Total Credits | 6 |
All concentrations follow the same format; 30 credit hours composed of five, six-credit, eleven-week seminars. Within the required courses students are exposed to the fundamental concepts, while the concentration courses expose them to the challenges within the chosen specialization. This in-depth analysis of a subfield gives the student the expertise and understanding to be more effective in dealing with the challenges presented by various types of international transactions.
International Conflict Management Concentration
This concentration is designed to allow students to further study all aspects of conflict within the international arena. The first seminar explores the various methods by which “actors” (be they states, corporations or individuals) in the international system can avoid getting embroiled in conflict. This seminar further explores the various methods actors have used to contain the impact and spread of the conflict, if they could not avoid it. The second seminar deals with the very important task of resolving a conflict. This approach is coupled to the aspect that actors must consider in terms of a post-conflict cleanup. A successful reconstruction is a vital aspect of post-conflict reconciliation. Finally, the Conflict Management concentration ends with a choice for students: in one elective the student delves further into the nature of international conflict; or alternatively, a student can explore the growing field of human rights within conflict studies. The idea motivating human rights research is to promote peace by defusing the problems that are seen to cause conflict.
International Conflict Management Courses | ||
GD 520 | Law and the International System | 6 |
GD 530 | Economics and the International System | 6 |
GD 540 | Conflict Avoidance, Prevention & Containment in the International System | 6 |
or GD 546 | International Security | |
GD 550 | Conflict Resolution & Post-Conflict Reconstruction in the International System | 6 |
GD 560 | Military Intervention & Conflict Management in the International System | 6 |
or GD 561 | Human Rights and Conflict in the International System | |
or GD 567 | Diplomacy and Communication | |
Total Credits | 30 |
International Terrorism Concentration
This concentration explores the multifaceted concept of terrorism in both the 20th and 21st centuries. The first seminar provides an historical introduction and explores the more “traditional” state supported or sponsored forms of terrorism. The second seminar of the concentration delves into the emerging concept of terrorism that is conducted internationally, primarily by non-state actors, terrorist organizations. Such groups would include those engaged in narco- terrorism, religiously motivated violence, and so forth. Finally, the last seminar of this concentration explores various mechanisms developed in the international system to address the threat of international terrorism.
International Terrorism Courses | ||
GD 520 | Law and the International System | 6 |
GD 530 | Economics and the International System | 6 |
GD 542 | Terrorism: Introduction and State Sponsored Terrorism | 6 |
or GD 546 | International Security | |
GD 552 | International Terrorism by Non-State Actors | 6 |
GD 562 | International Response to Transnational Terrorism | 6 |
or GD 567 | Diplomacy and Communication | |
Total Credits | 30 |
International Commerce Concentration
This concentration is for students of international commerce and business who would like to enhance their understanding of conducting business in the global economy. In the first seminar students examine private sector business and, in particular, focus on exploring internal and external environmental conditions when conducting business in a global environment. The second seminar of the concentration turns toward the idea of a multi-national workforce and the unique set of challenges such a workforce presents. This involves human resource management on an international scale. The final seminar of the concentration deals with the need for international business actors to build their diplomatic or public relations image. This effort is analogous to countries having ministries for foreign affairs or state departments -- a good international public image is increasingly seen as a need in the business world, as well.
International Commerce Courses | ||
GD 520 | Law and the International System | 6 |
GD 530 | Economics and the International System | 6 |
GD 544 | Global Commerce and the International System | 6 |
GD 554 | Cross Cultural Management in the International System | 6 |
GD 564 | Global Corporate Diplomacy | 6 |
or GD 567 | Diplomacy and Communication | |
Total Credits | 30 |
Cyber Diplomacy Concentration
Cyber Diplomacy concentration addresses fundamental issues, debates, and events in International Relations, and specifically those pertinent to the cyber space. As the arena of international transactions is growing in both scope and depth, the students of diplomacy have to make themselves familiar with a wide array of issues, including those taking place or affecting the cyber space.
Cyber Diplomacy Courses | ||
GD 520 | Law and the International System | 6 |
GD 567 | Diplomacy and Communication | 6 |
or GD 530 | Economics and the International System | |
or GD 540 | Conflict Avoidance, Prevention & Containment in the International System | |
or GD 542 | Terrorism: Introduction and State Sponsored Terrorism | |
or GD 544 | Global Commerce and the International System | |
or GD 564 | Global Corporate Diplomacy | |
or GD 561 | Human Rights and Conflict in the International System | |
GD 547 | Cyber Policy I | 6 |
or GD 548 | Studies in Cyber Systems I | |
GD 557 | Cyber Policy II | 6 |
or GD 558 | Studies in Cyber Systems II | |
GD 568 | Cyber Capstone | 6 |
Total Credits | 30 |
Additional Program Requirements
In addition to the degree requirements for each concentration there are a few other program elements that students are required to complete in order to qualify for the Master of Arts degree in Diplomacy. Each requirement is graded on a pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.
Comprehensive Exam
All students will take a written exam where, typically, they will be given eight questions in four groups of two questions per group (the format may vary slightly). Students must choose one of the two questions in each group, thus answering four questions. The questions will be devised by program faculty and will not be given to students in advance. The test will be proctored and four hours in length. The exam is typically administered during the break between GD 55X and GD 56X or at the beginning of GD 56X. It is a closed book exam; in other words, no sources other than what is in a student’s mind can be used or consulted. The exam will be graded by a minimum of two faculty members. A grade of pass, fail one question (immediate re-sit), or fail will be awarded. Students who publish an article in a peer-reviewed academic journal may be exempt from the Comprehensive Exam requirement. Students who successfully defend a thesis may be exempt from the Comprehensive Exam requirement.
Exit Portfolio
At the end of their program, all students will be assessed in the Exit Portfolio classroom, GD575. This requirement consists of electronic copies of all FINAL research papers delivered in each program seminar. Therefore, from the outset, a student must retain a MARKED readable copy of all his or her FINAL research papers throughout the degree program. If a seminar does not have a "final paper" assignment, the written assignment with the biggest grade weight will be submitted. Instructors in the final seminar will examine each portfolio and report a grade of satisfactory/unsatisfactory or pass/fail to the Program Director. If a student fails the exit portfolio requirement, the Program Director will identify a further course of action to meet program graduation requirements. The Exit Portfolio instructor’s report will be part of the graduation criteria and a grade of satisfactory/pass will be required in order for the student to graduate from the program.
One-Week Residency
All degree candidates of the Master of Arts in Diplomacy are required to attend a one-week Residency Conference on the Norwich University campus, during which they may attend professional presentations, participate in roundtable discussions with faculty, and present papers. The one-week residency is a degree requirement.
Thesis Track
MA Thesis in the Diplomacy program is optional. Students may submit a proposal to pursue a thesis on a topic of their choosing in addition to all other requirements for the degree. Students may apply to the thesis track at the conclusion of their second seminar and propose a topic. Students should also present the endorsements of the instructors from their first two seminars, and present samples of their written work. A student in the Thesis Track will have a thesis supervisor, a faculty member specializing in the chosen area of research. All students will follow the established rules and procedures identified in Norwich University's Thesis Handbook for Diplomacy students. Upon completion of the thesis seminar, the student must defend the work before a committee comprised of the thesis advisor, two additional readers, and a chair. A grade of Pass, Pass with Minor Revisions, Pass with Major Revisions, or Fail will be identified by the committee.
- The optional MA Thesis is not a degree requirement and as such may be completed outside the normal Diplomacy degree process without hindering completion of the degree. This allows students to complete a thesis after graduation if desired. The MA thesis courses are not eligible for Federal Student Aid Programs when taken outside the normal degree process.
- The MA Thesis may become a degree requirement if the thesis track is approved for a student in lieu of the comprehensive exam requirement. If the thesis track/comprehensive exam exemption is granted, the student will not graduate from the program until successful defense of the thesis. In this scenario, the MA thesis courses are eligible for Federal Financial Aid Programs.
Thesis Seminar (12 Credits)
GD 570 Graduate Thesis Research I | 6 | |
GD 571 Graduate Thesis Research II | 6 | |
GD 579 Graduate Research Project Exam | 0 | |
Total Credits | 12 |
Faculty Member | Institution at which highest degree was earned |
Lasha Tchantouridze, PhD (Program Director) | Queens University |
Charles Lerche, PhD (Associate Program Director of Academics) | University of Ibadan (Nigeria) |
Clifford Bates, PhD | Northern Illinois University |
Narain Batra, PhD | Gujarat University |
John Becker, PhD | University of Denver |
Najiba Benabess, PhD | University of Wisconsin |
Bond Benton, PhD | University of Vienna |
Stefan Brooks, PhD | University of Houston |
Rowland Brucken, PhD | Ohio State University |
Eric Bush, PhD | Widener University |
Anthony Cain, PhD | Ohio State University |
Stanley Carpenter, PhD | Florida State University |
Emily Copeland, PhD | The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy |
Paula Doherty, PhD | Nova Southeastern University |
Robert Farkasch, PhD | York University |
Don Harrington, PhD | University of Connecticut |
Michael Jackson, PhD | Brandeis University |
David Jones, PhD | State University of New York at Albany |
William Jong-Ebot, PhD | University of Wisconsin |
Seung-Ho Joo, PhD | Pennsylvania State University |
Angela Kachuyevski, PhD | The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy |
Brian Kupfer, PhD | Claremont Graduate University |
Jonathan Levy, PhD | William Howard Taft Law School |
James Miskel, PhD | State University of New York |
Darryl Mitry, PhD | University of Southern California |
Amit Mukherjee, PhD | Syracuse University |
Eric Nelson, PhD | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Scott Nelson, PhD | Arizona State University |
Robert Pauly, PhD | Old Dominion University |
Daniela Peterka-Benton, PhD | University of Vienna |
Russell Ramsey, PhD | University of Florida |
Tim Riesen, PhD | Claremont Graduate University |
Eileen Scully. PhD | Georgetown University |
Steven, Shirley, PhD | Old Dominion University |
Eugene Tadie, PhD | Northern Illinois University |
Stephen Twing, PhD | University of South Carolina |
Shelton L. Williams, PhD | Johns Hopkins University |