Transfer Credit
Transfers to Norwich
Students transferring from other institutions are governed by the following transfer credit policy:
- The academic departments shall determine the acceptance of specific courses if the courses have not previously transferred to Norwich.
- Courses in which a grade of less than C, or its equivalent, are not transferable.
- Grade points are not transferred.
- Credit will transfer only from institutions accredited by the appropriate regional accrediting association or, in accordance with the regulations pertaining to other extra-institutional learning as described in Credits, Core Substitutions, Prerequisite section.
- Limits on the amount of Transfer Credits apply as listed below.
- The posting of transfer credit for approved courses will be undertaken by the Registrar’s Office upon the receipt of an official transcript. An official transcript is one that corresponds with the credit granting institution’s definition of “official” and is received directly from that institution by the Admissions or Registrar’s office.
Norwich Students
- A Norwich student wishing to attend another regionally accredited collegiate institution for the purpose of obtaining semester credit hours acceptable to Norwich University should obtain prior approval of both the institution to be attended and the specific course or courses to be taken by filing a completed Transfer Credit Request form . No transfer of semester credit hours can be assured for courses for which prior approval was not been obtained.
- The academic departments will determine the acceptance of specific courses.
- Provided the grades earned are C or higher, semester credits for approved courses taken at other institutions may be transferred for credit toward the program requirements.
- Grade points are not be transferred.
- The posting of transfer credit for approved courses will be undertaken by the Registrar’s Office upon the receipt of an official transcript. An official transcript is one that corresponds with the credit granting institution’s definition of “official” and is received directly from that institution by the Admissions or Registrar’s office.
Norwich University’s Residence Requirement
(Limits the amount of degree credit which may be transferred to Norwich University.)
- At least 60 degree credits, of those required for the degree, must be earned at Norwich, including not less than 45 of the last 60 degree credits earned.
- Transfer credit from Norwich approved programs of international, or other off-campus study, are considered as Norwich credit for purposes of determining if 45 of the last 60 credits applied to an undergraduate program.
- Limits to transfer credit in major, minor, and concentration.
- Major: No more than 40% of credits required in courses specified in the discipline of the major (example: 40% of MA courses for a Math major).
- Minor and Concentration: No more than two of the six required courses specified in the discipline of the minor or concentration.
- Military members currently serving on active duty, including those in the National Guard, Reserves and U.S. Coast Guard, who are enrolled in an online degree completion program, may transfer into the degree program up to 70% of the required credits.
- Military members currently serving on active duty, including those in the National Guard, Reserves and U.S. Coast Guard, who are enrolled in a campus base degree program, may transfer into the degree program up to 75% of the required credits.
Statute of Catalog Limitations
Students must satisfy the catalog degree requirements of a catalog year that is within ten years of the graduation year.