
This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Associate Professor Xiaoping Song, Assistant Professor Xingbo Li (Program Director)

The Chinese Program offers a wide range of courses that provide our students with linguistic and intercultural competence necessary for communication in Chinese with a balanced emphasis on four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. All students are encouraged to participate in the program’s cultural activities and experience cultural immersion in China. Chinese majors must study abroad in an approved overseas program in China. The foreign language placement test is required before any student registers for a first course in the program.

  • Pending

  • Pending

Careers for this Major:
  • International relations
  • Military Service
  • Diplomacy 
  • Education
  • International business 
  • Non-profit organizations

B.A. in Chinese - Curriculum Map

CN 111 Beginning Chinese I (If 205 is taken, an additional 3 credit elective must be taken; total credits must be 6)6EN 102 Composition and Literature II3
EN 101 Composition and Literature I3CN 112 Beginning Chinese II (If 205 is taken, an additional 3 credit elective must be taken; total credits must be 6)6
General Education Math3General Education Math3
Free Elective3General Education Social Science3
 15 15
EN 201 World Literature I (B.A. Requirement)3CN 206 Intermediate Chinese II3
CN 205 Intermediate Chinese I3EN 202 World Literature II (B.A. Requirement)3
General Education Ethics3General Education Lab Science4
General Education Lab Science4HI 211 Early East Asian Civilizations or 212 Modern East Asian Civilizations (General Education History (OR))3
Free Elective3
HI 315 Modern China
 Free Elective3
 16 16
CN 301 Advanced Chinese I3B.A. Social Science Elective3
CN 321 Chinese Literature, Culture and Society I 1911-19493CN 302 Advanced Chinese II3
HI 212 Modern East Asian Civilizations or 211 Early East Asian Civilizations (OR HI 315)3CN 322 Chinese Literature, Culture and Society II 1949-Present3
Free Elective3Free Elective3
Free Elective3Free Elective3
 15 15
CN Elective3CN 300 level3
CN Elective 3CN 399 Capstone3
CN Elective3Free Elective 3
Study Abroad 300 level 13Free Elective 3
Study Abroad 300 level13Free Elective3
 15 15
Total Credits: 122

Students are required to participate in a study abroad program, normally during the fall semester of the junior or senior year, in China or Taiwan.  


Summer study in China , Taiwan, or Middlebury (6 – 9 credits, depending on placement) is also highly recommended. See the Chinese program director.

Chinese Minor

All courses require a grade of C or higher.  The courses required to complete the minor depend on the foreign-language proficiency level of the incoming student. See tracks A and B below:

A. Track A is to completed by students who enter Norwich at or below the Intermediate level:

CN 205Intermediate Chinese I3
CN 206Intermediate Chinese II3
CN Elective (250 or higher)3
CN Elective (301 of higher)3
CN Elective (301 or higher)3
CN Elective (301 or higher)3
Total Credits18

 B.  Track B is to be completed by students who place above the Intermediate level.

CN Elective (301 or higher)3
CN Elective (301 or higher)3
CN Elective (301 or higher)3
CN Elective (301 or higher)3
CN Elective (301 or higher)3
CN Elective (301 or higher)3
Total Credits18


CN 111 Beginning Chinese I 6 Credits

An intensive course providing an introduction to the Mandarin language, including both traditional Chinese characters and the Pinyin transliteration system. In this course, speaking proficiency (including familiarization with Chinese tones), aural comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, reading and writing of Chinese characters are brought to a level enabling students to use the language actively in everyday situations. Classroom 6 hours, laboratory 2 hours. Not open to students who have successfully completed CN 205 or higher. Prerequiste: Appropriate score on placement exam.

CN 112 Beginning Chinese II 6 Credits

A continuation of CN 111, with continued emphasis on each of the language skill areas--speaking, listening, vocabulary, reading and writing. Classroom 6 hours, laboratory 2 hours. Prerequisite: CN 111 or equivalent NU placement. Not open to students who have suceessfully completed CN 205 or higher.

CN 205 Intermediate Chinese I 3 Credits

A course providing aural-oral practice in Chinese, in which students enter into full discussion of topics that include abstract themes and cultural perspectives; includes the expanded use of syntactical structures, the reading of sophisticated material, composition, and the viewing of selected Chinese films and documentary materials from Chinese-language television. Taught entirely in Chinese. Classroom 3 hours, laboratory 1 hour. Prerequisite: CN 112, NU language placement exam, or permission of the instructor.

CN 206 Intermediate Chinese II 3 Credits

A course providing aural-oral practice in Chinese, in which students enter into full discussion of topics that include abstract themes and cultural perspectives; includes the expanded use of syntactical structures, the reading of sophisticated material, composition, and the viewing of selected Chinese films and documentary materials from Chinese television. Taught entirely in Chinese. Classroom 3 hours, laboratory 1 hour. Prerequisite: CN 205 or the equivalent, NU language placement exam. 3 lecture hours.

CN 301 Advanced Chinese I 3 Credits

Oral and written practice of the language through class discussions of selected Chinese texts. Selective review of grammar, especially of the more difficult and subtle aspects, designed to facilitate an idiomatic and fluent use of the language. Classroom 3 hours. Prerequisite: CN 206, NU placement, or permission of instructor.

CN 302 Advanced Chinese II 3 Credits

Oral and written practice of the language through class discussions of selected Chinese texts. Selective review of grammar, especially of the more difficult and subtle aspects, designed to facilitate an idiomatic and fluent use of the language. Classroom: 3 hours. Prerequisite: CN 301, NU placement, or permission of instructor.

CN 321 Chinese Literature, Culture and Society I 1911-1949 3 Credits

Introduction to major currents in Chinese social, literary, and cultural history from 1911 to 1949. Taught in Chinese. Prerequisite: CN 206 or a 300-level course, NU placement, or permission of instructor.

CN 322 Chinese Literature, Culture and Society II 1949-Present 3 Credits

Introduction to major currents in Chinese social, literary, and cultural history from 1949 to present. Taught in Chinese. Classroom: 3 hours. Prerequisite: CN 206 or a 300-level course, NU placement, or permission of instructor.

CN 331 Advanced Chinese Composition and Conversation (I) 3 Credits

A study of original Chinese journalistic texts to elevate students’ Chinese language proficiency in writing and composition, oral reports and discussion, reading and comprehension, and in Chinese-English/English-Chinese translation. Prerequisite: CN 206 or a 300-level course (may be taken concurrently), NU language placement test, or permission of the instructor. 3 lecture hours.

CN 332 Advanced Chinese Composition and Conversation (II) 3 Credits

A study of original Chinese literary texts to elevate students’ Chinese language proficiency in writing and composition, oral reports and discussion, reading and comprehension, and in Chinese-English/English-Chinese translation. Prerequisite: CN 206 or a 300-level course (may be taken concurrently), NU language placement test, or permission of the instructor. 3 lecture hours.

CN 365 Chinese Literature, Culture and Society III: 221 BCE-1911 3 Credits

A survey of representative Chinese classical works – novels, short stories. Prose, poetry, and traditional operatic dramas – during Qin Dynasty (221-226 BCE), Han Dynasty (960-1279), Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Lectures, readings, discussions and written reports in Chinese. Prerequisite: CN 206 or a 300-level course (may be taken concurrently), NU language placement test, or permission of the instructor. 3 lecture hours.

CN 366 Chinese Literature, Culture and Society IV: Beginning-221 BCE 3 Credits

A survey of Chinese literary, historical and philosophical writings, legends. Folklore, myth, songs, and poems from Zhou Dynasty (1045 BCE-256 BCE), Shang Dynasty (1600 BCE- 1046 BCE), Xia Dynasty (2100 BCE-1600 BCE) and before. Lectures, readings, discussions and written reports in Chinese. Prerequisite: CN 206 or a 300-level course especially CN 365, NU language placement test, or permission of the instructor. 3 lecture hours.