Interdisciplinary (ID)

This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


ID 110 Ecology and Geology of the Connecticut River Valley 4 Credits

This course starts with a four-day, on-campus, period. During this time there are lectures and slide presentations on water chemistry, water pollution, flora and fauna of the river and valley, and geology of the Connecticut River valley. Canoe instruction, biological and geological identification procedures, surveying methods, and water analysis techniques are also taught. A nine-day canoe trip follows during which the ecology and geology of the upper river valley are studied. The final day of the course is spent back on campus for additional testing and the preparation of final reports. This four-credit laboratory science course is intended for non-science majors and is offered during the time between graduation and the beginning of summer school.

ID 120 Partridge Seminar 3 Credits

An inter-disciplinary course inspired by Norwich University's unique history, educational mission, and Guiding Values whose content depends on the individual instructor and/or discipline and a changing annual theme. The course is open to first-year students only. Students may only take this course once.

ID 199 Topics Course 6 Credits

ID 220 Interdisciplinary Studies 3 Credits

The study of a current subject of academic inquiry that falls across disciplinary boundaries. Specific topics of ID 220 are approved for instruction on a case-by case basis by the respective division heads, following review by program, departmental and/or divisional curriculum committees, which also determine whether such courses may count as divisional electives. Each division decides whether its recommending body shall be the program, department, and/or division. The course is taught by faculty from two or more academic disciplines. Descriptive titles reflecting course content are included on student transcripts. ID 220 may not be used to satisfy the requirement of a history course for all baccalaureate degrees. General prerequisite: sophomore standing; additional prerequisites may be announced at pre-registration.