The field of academic specialization within the baccalaureate degree. It is defined as the departmental requirements set forth in the catalog, having a minimum of 10 courses totaling at least 30 credit hours, of which a minimum of two must be at the 300-400 level. Interdisciplinary majors may include courses from more than one related academic discipline.
Second Major
To declare a second major, students submit a signed Major/Minor Declaration form to the Registrar's Office. The form requires the approval of the current adviser, and Department Chair/Director of the second major as well as the second adviser assigned by the Department Chair/School Director of the second major. The student will follow the catalog year of the primary major.
Consists of six courses of three or more credits as specified in the catalog. No more than two of the six courses may be transfer courses (from another institution). Minors may include courses from more than one related discipline. The six courses for the minor must be completed with a grade of C or higher. A student may not earn both a minor and a major in the same field of specialization.
To declare a minor, students submit a signed Major/Minor Declaration form to the Registrar's Office. The form requires the approval of the student’s adviser, the Department Chair/ School Director of the academic department that offers the minor. Minor requirements will follow the catalog year of the student’s primary major. Minors can not be added after a Bachelor’s Degree is awarded.
Consists of six courses of three or more credits in a “specialized area” within a major, as specified by an academic department. It may consist of a selection of courses or an established minor in a specialized area within the major; approved by the department. Concentrations may include courses from more than one related academic discipline. No more than two of the six courses may be transfer courses (from another institution). The six courses for the concentration must be completed with a grade of C or higher. Concentrations are available only to students enrolled in the major under which the concentration is listed.
To declare a concentration, students submit a signed Major/Minor Declaration form to the Registrar’s Office. The form requires the approval of the student’s adviser, the Department Chair/School Director of the academic department that offers the concentration. Concentration requirements will follow the catalog year of the student’s primary major. Concentrations will not be awarded after a Bachelor’s Degree is awarded
Choice of Major
- Students must meet minimal major course and grade requirements, as determined by the Department Chair/School Director, to be accepted into the desired major.
Change of Major
To change a major requires students to submit a signed Major/Minor Declaration form to the Registrar’s Office. The form requires the approval of the Department Head or School Director, the assignment of the new adviser and the old adviser and include the catalog year that the student will follow.
Dismissal From a Major or Minor
School Directors/Department Chairs have the authority to dismiss a student from a major or minor for academic deficiency or unsatisfactory performance in a clinical program or an internship, practicum or program. Copies of dismissal letters must be sent to the Registrar’s Office.
Majors and Concentrations
- Accounting Major
- Actuarial Mathematics Concentration--Mathematics Major
- Architecture (graduate) Major
- Architectural Studies (undergraduate) Major
- Athletic Training Major
- Biology Major
- Biochemistry Major
- Chemistry & Biochemistry Major
- Chinese Major
- Civil Engineering Major
- Climate Science Concentration--Environmental Science Major
- Communications Major
- Computer Information Systems Concentration--Management Major
- Computer Science Major
- Computer Security & Information Assurance Majors
- Construction Management Major
- Criminal Justice Major
- Digital Media Technology Concentration-Communications Major
- Education Majors (Elementary & Secondary)
- Electrical & Computer Engineering Major
- English Major
- Environmental Science Majors
- Environmental Biology Concentration--Environmental Science Major
- Environmental Chemistry Concentration--Environmental Science Major
- Climate Change
- Environmental Engineering Concentration--Environmental Science Major
- Environmental Geology Concentration--Environmental Science Major
- Green Design
- Environmental Law & Protection Concentration--Environmental Science Major
- Environmental Policy & Management Concentration--Environmental Science Major
- Environmental Writing Concentration--Environmental Science Major
- Financial Economics Concentration-Management Major
- Forensics Concentration--Computer Security & Information Assurance Major
- Green Design Concentration--Environmental Science Major
- Geology Major
- Health Sciences Major
- History Major
- Information Assurance Management--Computer Security & Information Assurance Major
- International Studies Major
- Leadership Concentration--Management Major
- Management Major
- Marketing Concentration--Management Major
- Mathematics Majors
- Mechanical Engineering Major
- Nursing Major
- Physical Education-Teacher Education
- Physical Education-Exercise Science Concentration
- Accounting
- Architectural Studies
- Art
- Art History
- Biology
- Business Administration
- Chemistry
- Chinese
- Coaching
- Communications
- Computer Crime & Forensics
- Computer Science
- Construction Management
- Criminal Justice
- Economics
- Elementary Education
- Engineering Science
- English
- Entrepreneurship
- Finance
- French
- German
- Geology
- Health
- History
- Information Assurance
- Leadership
- Marketing
- Mathematics
- Neuroscience
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychology Minors
- Cross-Cultural Psychology
- Engineering Psychology
- Forensic Psychology
- Political Psychology
- Psychology
- Physics
- Secondary Education
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Sports Management
- Writing