Center for Civic Engagement (Service Learning & Volunteer Opportunities)

This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 Catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Service-Learning Opportunities

Students are encouraged to explore both credit-bearing and co-curricular service-learning opportunities that are tied to their academic interests and learning objectives.  Service-learning allows students to apply what they’re learning to the real world, in real time with real outcomes that affect the community the students are serving.  To learn more about potential projects both within and outside the classroom, contact the CCE Director by phone (at x2670) or by stopping by Wise Campus Center (room 230) to schedule an appointment. 

Volunteer Opportunities

In keeping with the mission and tradition of Norwich University, students, staff, and faculty engage in a variety of community service activities throughout the entire calendar year. All students and student groups are encouraged to participate in a variety of volunteer opportunities during the week, weekends and even during holiday breaks. In conjunction with the Student Activities Fair at the beginning of each academic year, a Volunteer Fair is held on campus which allows the University community to register for volunteer activities directly with local community-based organizations. Students who wish to volunteer with a local nonprofit organization on a one-time or on-going basis are encouraged to register as an NU volunteer by visiting and creating a profile at or by visiting the

Center for Civic Engagement in WCC 230. Leadership and service projects are local, national and international in scope and consist of work with the elderly, youth, homeless, hungry, and economically disadvantaged. All students are encouraged to become active volunteers as part of their college experience, with the aim of developing graduates who are "ready, not reluctant" to serve their community and

nation. All volunteer programs offered through the CCE are student-led and include the following:

  • Norwich University Emergency Medical Services (NUEMS) team
  • Rotaract (Service Leadership team)
  • Buddy Up Youth Mentoring Program
  • NU Scouting Association (for all Boy Scout and Girl Scout program participants)
  • CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)

Annual volunteer events include biannual blood and bone marrow registration drives, the Penguin Plunge fundraiser benefitting the VT Special Olympics, the Crop Walk for Hunger, various food, book, clothing and supply drives, an annual clothing re-use program, and an end-of-the-year “Trash to Treasure” re-use program for unwanted, quality items donated by students leaving campus.  Opportunities to help organizations like the VT Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity, the Northfield Veterans’ Place, Vermont Cross Trail, Mayo Health Center, the Boys and Girls Club, and many others take place each week!

Additionally, domestic Alternative Break trips take place over Thanksgiving and Spring Breaks, while the NU VISIONS Abroad program features international trips during summer vacation.   In some instances, academic credit can be arranged in advance for students’ participation in these trips, but this must be initiated by the student and supported by their academic advisor.

Co-Curricular Service - Learning Projects

Students who would like to participate in a service-learning project outside the classroom may be interested in the co-curricular projects available through the Service-Learning and Volunteer Program Offices. Although wonderful learning experiences; such projects do not typically provide academic credit. Examples of co-curricular projects include:

  • Business Plan projects for Habitat for Humanity,
  • Hunger in America projects,
  • On-going substance abuse education peer response network,
  • Volunteer program trips.

Interested students should stop by the Service-Learning Program Office.

Volunteer Programs

In keeping with the mission and tradition of Norwich University, students, staff, and faculty engage in a variety of community service activities. Successful blood drives are held several times each year supported by both volunteer workers and donors from the Norwich family;  Norwich students actively participate in tutoring/mentoring programs through the Northfield Youth Center and the Northfield Middle/High School, as well as other area high schools; and patients at the Veterans Hospital are cheered by visits from members of Naval ROTC. The Norwich University Volunteer Organization (NUVO), Circle K, Semper Fi, Golden Anchors, and the Arnold Air Force Society are all student groups focused on community service activities that regularly provide service to the town of Northfield.

All student groups are encouraged to participate in community service activities. Resident Assistants plan one group community service activity per semester for traditional students living in the residence halls. NU VISIONS, an alternative break program that provides students with the opportunity to volunteer their services in various parts of the United States, is offered to all students. NU VISIONS' trips are usually during spring break with weekend service trips interspersed throughout the academic year.