Criminal Justice Courses (CRMJ) - Online Undergraduate
CRMJ 188 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
CRMJ 201 Foundations Criminal Justice 3 Cr.
This course provides a general survey of the principles, systems, and processes of criminal justice. Students will explore conceptions and definitions of crime, criminal law, due process, and the organization and operation of the three basic components of the criminal justice system – the police, the courts, and corrections – both individually and in relationship to one another. Pre-requisites: none.
CRMJ 288 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
CRMJ 303 The Study of Crime 3 Cr.
This course covers the various biological, psychological, and sociological types of theory that have been offered to explain the incidence of crime in society. Various types of crime, including violent, property, corporate, political and victimless crime, methods of studying crime, and characteristics of criminals are also examined. Pre-requisite: None.
CRMJ 305 Law Enforcement Administration 3 Cr.
An introduction to the principles of public Law enforcement administration as they are applied in the operation of criminal justice agencies, local, state and federal. This course will emphasize how such topics as organization, decision making, leadership style, personnel policy, planning, and budgeting are specifically adapted by criminal justice administrators to meet the needs of their agencies. Simulations will be used extensively as a tool for mastering administrative principles. Prerequisite: CRMJ 201 or permission of Program Manager.
CRMJ 306 Procedural Due Process 3 Cr.
This course examines the principle that the government must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a person according to the law. Students will explore and examine procedural due process as it relates to the procedure of arresting and trying persons who have been accused of crimes. Students will also examine specific government actions that may deprive an individual of life, liberty, or property. Overall, the course will address the applications and administration of due process as well as potential abuse. Pre-requisites: none.
CRMJ 307 Cold Case Investigations 3 Cr.
This course examines the process of cold criminal case investigations. Students analyze the reasons why investigations become classified as a cold case and the factors involved in re-assigning or re-opening a cold case. Students also study the problems, practices and methods in investigating a cold case. Advances in forensic evidence and science are studied as they apply to criminal investigations and the ability to solve cases formally considered unsolvable. As part of this process, actual criminal cases are analyzed and discussed. Students have the opportunity to research cold cases and develop investigative approaches to solving such cases.
CRMJ 340 Investigative Interviewing 3 Cr.
Foundations in Interrogation offers a multidimensional and integrated perspective in the operational, legal, and ethical frameworks for interrogation tradecraft and current interrogation practitioners and managers serving in law enforcement, the military, or the intelligence community. Prereqs: CRMJ 201 or Program Manager approval.
CRMJ 388 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
CRMJ 400 Capstone 6 Cr.
Students analyze and synthesize program learning with a particular focus on ethics and leadership. Students analyze ethical scenarios and a tactical ethics text and present an in-depth ethical analysis paper. Students must address how their work will contribute their department and/or the Law Enforcement and Public Safety collective body of knowledge about the topic(s) under discussion. Pre-requisites: Completion of all BSCJ courses or permission of the Program Manager.
CRMJ 488 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.