Business Administration Courses (GB) - Online Graduate
GB 501 Fundamentals of Business Management 6 Cr.
This seminar presents learning in economics, management, and marketing and operations management from the perspective of a business manager. Students focus on the economic framework for business decision-making, learning the importance of and gaining an ability to assess market conditions as the context for all business strategy development and implementation, Management’s ability to plan for and execute advantageous a strategy to achieve organization objectives through efficient and effective allocation of its human, capital and intellectual resources are discussed. Students learn theory and skills for best practices in the marketing and operations management of products and services.
GB 502 Quantitative Methods and Financial Analysis for Managers 6 Cr.
This seminar concentrates on the learning and demonstration of competency in the accounting process, understanding the accounting equation, the basics of double-entry bookkeeping the income statement, the balance sheet and the statement of cash flow statement. Learning how these statements effect the calculation of financial ratios as tests of enterprise profitability, asset utilization, risk and liquidity is required.
GB 511 Strategic Resources Management 6 Cr.
This seminar focuses on strategic management of intangible assets of an organization: human capital, information capital, and organizational capital. Human motivation, workforce utilization, performance measurement, leadership, organizational culture and change, management information systems, knowledge management, and contingency planning are discussed.
GB 522 Managerial Finance 6 Cr.
This seminar introduces the problems of finance function and the responsibilities of the chief financial executive. Efficient allocation and uses of funds is emphasized. Topics include Financial Analysis, Cash Flow and Financial Planning, Capital Budgeting, Valuation Models, Risk and Return Analysis, Leverage and Capital Structure, Working Capital Management, and International Business Finance.
GB 532 Strategic Marketing & Operations Management 6 Cr.
This seminar centers on Marketing and Operations Management from their own functional perspectives in a business organization and how to achieve integration of the two functions. The Product Life Cycle (PLC) model is used as a framework for integrating the two disciplines to demonstrate how the nature and interface of marketing and operations change as products evolve through the PLC. Prereq GB 522.
GB 544 Project Management Techniques, Tools and Practices 6 Cr.
This seminar focuses on the fundamentals of project management and practices. The key elements of project management from the project management framework, the project life cycle, project process and key project management knowledge areas are discussed. Additionally, the project integration, scope, time, cost, quality, resource and schedule management are studied. Other areas of focus are project management procurement and overall project communications.
GB 545 Multinational Business Finance 6 Cr.
This seminar focuses on advanced topics in Corporate Finance and on Multinational Business Finance. Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) are unique institutions that act as catalysts and facilitators of international trade and as important producers and marketers in host countries where their subsidiaries are located. Identifies and describes the differences between multinational business finance and domestic finance. Topics presented are Global Financial Environment, Foreign Exchange Theory, The Foreign Exchange Market and Derivatives, Foreign Exchange Exposure, Financing The Global Firm, Foreign Investment Decisions, and Managing Multinational Operations. Prereq: GB 522, or permission of the program director.
GB 547 Supply Chain Management Strategy, Planning and Operations 6 Cr.
The focus of this seminar is the building of business supply chain strategies, which include: supply chain performance, fit and scope, supply chain drivers and metrics, processes, the management of suppliers, inventory strategies, parts management and distribution. Examines demand forecasting, aggregate planning and sales and operation planning, uncertainty, and archetype strategies with a focus on flexibility, speed and technology.
GB 548 Energy Resources and Markets 6 Cr.
This seminar focuses the energy resources and markets that include: introduction to the origins and the typology of the alternate ways to generate energy; price formation of energy and its markets; description of the existing markets and their most common negotiating instruments in relation to each type of energy: oil, natural gas, coal and electricity; development of energy markets and its regulations in U.S., EU and Latin America; environmental and climate change policies; and the feasible energy mix for the organization under the security of supply.
GB 549 Technology Management Strategy 6 Cr.
Students explore key technology management concepts related to strategy, planning, processes, the application technologies in key business operational areas from engineering, production, assembly, warehousing, distribution, transportation, procurement, contracts, networking, inventory and overall business operations. Prerequisites: GB 511, GB 522 and GB532.
GB 552 International Business Management 6 Cr.
This seminar addresses the strategic management of international organizations. Providing a theoretical framework to compare, contrast, and evaluate the differences between domestic-only and internationally active organizations. Learners examine and apply concepts pertaining to the globalization of business, the internationalization of a specific organization, and the factors that influence these two outcomes. Learners learn how to make decisions rooted in the increasingly international context of today's business world.
GB 554 Project Management Leadership, Communications and Teams 6 Cr.
This seminar focuses on project management leadership, effective communications and the management of project teams. Students explore the fundamental principles of good project management, including: leadership skills, winning stakeholder cooperation, writing the rules to manage expectations, project risk management, creating realistic schedules, achieving accurate project estimates, trade-offs between project cost, schedule and quality, building strong project teams, clear communications, measuring progress, problem solving, defining clear requirements and applying lean principles in project management. This seminar discuss project leadership, communication and team management skills integrating them with concepts from Seminar 4's, resulting in fundamental principles of project management being integrated with leadership, communications and team building practices and challenges.
GB 555 Investments and Portfolio Management 6 Cr.
Students learn the characteristics and analysis of individual securities as well as the theory and practice of optimally combining securities into portfolios. This seminar is organized around two basic themes: the security market, a highly efficient market, and an investor who diversifies and takes a long-term approach to investing, generally rewarded with higher returns and less risk.
GB 557 Supply Chain Management Logistics, Design and Execution 6 Cr.
Students learn supply chain “movement”, warehouse design, capacity management, delivering customer value, measuring logistics cost and performance, matching up supply with demand, creation of a responsive supply chain and the management of complexity and risk.
GB 558 Energy Saving Efficiency Proj 6 Cr.
Managing an organization's project to save and use energy in the most efficient way, including introductions to sustainability, energy intensity, energy efficiency and savings are topics of this seminar. These aspects are reviewed for electricity and heat generators energy systems. Students develop an efficiency solution project for a company, including financial aspects, auditing and energy strategies. Prereq: GB 548.
GB 560 Strategic Management 6 Cr.
Strategic management of entire organizations, which implies total responsibility for integrating and coordinating all activities and the accomplishment of long-term goals that determine organizational survival are discussed. Analytical models are used to dissect actual case scenarios, identify business problems, and develop strategic recommendations. Students debate topical and controversial current issues in corporate management and have the opportunity to interact with industry leaders. A project that integrates results of prior seminars into a cohesive strategic analysis of an international company is required along with a comprehensive outcomes assessment.
GB 561 Assessment Exam 0 Cr.
The assessment exam is a requirement of the MBA program and is part of the graduation requirement. The exam covers business concepts discussed throughout the MBA program and is administered during the student's final term. Exam dates and instructions will be provided by Norwich staff well ahead of time. The exam is not graded, and it does not affect the student's GPA for the program.
GB 564 Strategic Management in Project Management 6 Cr.
Applications from the GB 544 and GB 554 are applied in this seminar using the fundamental principles of project management from the project management framework, the project life cycle, project integration, scope, time, cost, quality, and schedule management. Students include the integration of leadership skills, winning stakeholder cooperation, project risk management, building strong project teams, clear communications, measuring progress and problem solving in a proposed project. Prereqs: GB 544 and GB 554, or permission of the Program Director.
GB 565 Strategic Management in Finance 6 Cr.
This seminar illustrates the application of tools and concepts of modern finance. This seminar is the culmination of the study of finance for the MBA program. The seminar relies on the techniques and theories of Corporate Finance, Multinational Business Finance, and Investments to expand students’ strategic perspectives and enhance their financial analysis skills. Case analysis is used and managing for corporate value creation is the focus of all cases used in this seminar. Prereqs: GB 522, GB 545, and GB 555.
GB 567 Supply Chain Management Assessment, Integration, and Optimization 6 Cr.
This seminar focuses on supply chain optimization, which includes topics such as: value assessment of the supply chain, baseline and optimization, capacity management, project management, demand forecasting, quantitative risk assessment, constraint optimization and time estimating techniques. Students learn to integrate important ideas associated with supply chain strategies, logistic operations, and operational optimization with a focus on continuous improvement of supply chain operations. Prereqs: GB 547 and GB 557, or permission of the program director.
GB 568 Managing CorporateEnergy Needs 6 Cr.
This seminar focuses on energy procurement optimization with security of supply, quality and low cost, including how to value available and feasible energy sources of supply, manage energy procurement processes, contracts management, sector supply strategies, demand forecasting, quantitative risk assessment, the company flow of information and cooperative procurement techniques. A detailed behavior of each relevant energy market (oil, gas & electricity) from the demand point of view is discussed. Components of the energy markets and the available energy origins are reviewed, as well as internal analysis of the organization needs and processes, to optimize all aspects of a company’s energy procurement. Students will acquire analytical and managerial capacity and skills to resolve the energy procurement of the organization. Prereqs: Completion of seminars GB 548 and GB 558.
GB 588 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
GB 595 Residency 0 Cr.
Residency is the final academic requirement for the MBA program. In a week-long residency at Norwich University, students meet with fellow students, faculty, and program staff in formal and informal classroom settings. Exemptions from the residency attendance and participation requirement must be approved in advance by the Dean. When an exemption is approved, an alternate academic assignment is required prior to the conferral of the master's degree. The annual Residency Conference includes program-specific academic recognition ceremonies and a college-wide graduation ceremony.