Interdisciplinary Studies Courses (INTD) - Online Undergraduate
INTD 188 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
INTD 200 The Partridge Seminar 3 Cr.
A study of Norwich University’s unique history, mission, and guiding principles that allows students to develop skills in information literacy, the writing of a research paper, and scholarly ethics. Students explore concepts such as leadership, community service, and citizenship in order to practice skills that are both embedded in the educational vision of Alden Partridge, Norwich’s founder, and that are essential to succeeding success in college and the workplace today. 3 Lecture hours per week. Pre-requisites: None. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
INTD 288 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
INTD 305 Human-Computer Interaction 3 Cr.
In this course, students examine the basic principles of good User Interface Design. The focus will be on what managers and executives must know and understand about how people use and interact with technology. Topics covered include the psychopathology of everyday things, which is a way of understanding tools, how people think about those tools, and the affordances of those tools; user interface design principles; human error including the predictability of error and how it can be prevented; and system design thinking and its implications on usability. Pre-reqs: none. Offered: Fall, Spring.
INTD 310 Epistemology& CriticalThinking 6 Cr.
Students are introduced to both historical and contemporary theories of knowledge acquisition and validation. Topics covered include: empiricist vs. rationalist epistemologies; the epistemological basis of the scientific method; the interface between epistemology and neuroscience; informal logic and logical fallacies; and bias. Prerequisites: approval of the program manager. This course may not be satisfied by transfer credit.
INTD 320 The Scientific Method: Understanding the Results of Quantitative Research 6 Cr.
A study of the principles, goals, and techniques of science and scientific research. Topics covered include the epistemology of science; the origins and characteristics of the scientific method; research design and statistical tools; and science and public policy. Emphasis is placed on developing the ability to recognize valid scientific reasoning and to interpret reports of scientific research in a non-specialist manner.
INTD 388 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
INTD 400 Capstone 6 Cr.
This course is the culminating academic activity for BIS students in which they create a portfolio of previous work that demonstrates mastery of the program outcomes. They also propose, develop, and deliver a final substantive project that combines the general knowledge acquired in the core curriculum with the specific knowledge of the concentration. The final project requires students to draw upon at least two different academic disciplines for research methodology, seminal literature and sources, and intellectual frameworks to bring an interdisciplinary perspective to the subject. The capstone course may not be fulfilled through transfer credit. Prereqs: Permission of the Program Manager.
INTD 488 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.