Management Courses (MNGT) - Online Undergraduate
MNGT 188 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
MNGT 288 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
MNGT 309 Mngt of Organizations 3 Cr.
A study of the functions of modern management: planning, organization, staffing, leading, and controlling. This study is applicable to the management of military, government, educational and non-profit, as well as business organizations. The ethical and social responsibilities of management and contemporary challenges such as the internationalization of organizations are integrated in all aspects of this course.
MNGT 311 Operations & Project Mngt 3 Cr.
This course is designed to introduce a broad overview of operations and project management, while exploring a number of important concepts critical to achieving operations and project management success.
Operations management is broad in scope, encompassing products and services in a multitude of forms. These products and services range from the cars we drive, the computers we use, the Internet we access, to military operations that safeguard our county. In effect, operations management, as a field, encompasses the activities and tasks that create value for the goods and services all of us use in a variety of ways.
In addition, this course will explore project management from the focus on the "nuts and bolts" or fundamentals of project management and practices, and how is supports operations management strategic goals and objectives. We'll also examine some of the key elements of project management from the project management life cycle, key processes and important tools, techniques and measurements of project. Pre-requisites: None.
MNGT 314 Marketing Management 3 Cr.
This course immerses the student in the strategies and processes of marketing management--market analysis, segmentation, targeting and positioning, and the implementation and evaluation of marketing plans. When the student has completed this course, they will understand how a marketing plan is developed and have the skills necessary to identify, analyze, and solve marketing problems. Pre-requisite: ECON 202 or EC 202.
MNGT 315 Leadership 3 Cr.
In this course students learn key theoretical models of leadership and apply them to a range of situations in both military and non-military organizations. Students identify key functions and skills of effective leaders, explore leadership styles through study of selected leaders and evaluate the role of communication, negotiation, strategy, purpose and ethics in leadership. Prerequisite: none.
MNGT 319 International Dimensions of Business 3 Cr.
This course is designed to familiarize the student with the basic of international business, and to gain an appreciation of the differences in social, political, and economic conditions among nations and the impact on conditions on business and trade between and among nations. Topics include comparative cultural, political, and economic environments, international trade theory and policy, foreign exchange, and exchange rate determination, the dynamics of international business-government relations, and corporate policy and strategy of the multinational firm. (3 credits) Pre-req: ECON201 and ECON202, or ECON250 with a letter grade of C or better. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MNGT 320 Strategic Planning 3 Cr.
This course is designed to enhance the critical and creative thinking skills needed to solve complex and ill-defined problems. The key themes are problem framing, operational art, leadership, and the outcomes for human security. Students focus on historical and contemporary examples of strategic level planning in highly complex operations and use this learning as a framework for problem solving within and across agencies. Students complete a major team project that leverages skills learned to focus on a complex problem vignette that requires creating a course of action for the leader to meet the desired end state. There are no pre-requisites.
MNGT 330 Management Information Systems 3 Cr.
Students examine the information technology solutions and systems available for use in the management of organizations. The focus will be is on what managers and executives must know and understand about technology to be successful in business. Topics covered include: the strategic use of information resources; organization and work design issues; the business of IT with a discussion of hardware and software components, database technologies, enterprise systems, telecommunications and networking, decision support systems and trends in technology; governance and projects. Emphasis is placed on the importance of information technology as an enabler for the enterprise as well as the efficient use of IT dollars in a rapidly changing world. Students conclude with an examination of the ethical and human resource challenges of the use of management information systems.
MNGT 341 Business Law I 3 Cr.
A study of the law and legal system as they affect business. Topics include the court system, constitutional law, torts, criminal law and contracts. Students will learn how morality and social responsibility are integrated into our legal system. Students must complete an ethical standards paper in an appropriate context. Prerequisite: None. COURSE UNDER CONSTRUCTION; AWAITING APPROVAL BY UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE.
MNGT 346 Business Law II 3 Cr.
A continuation of the analysis of the legal dimension of business operations that was developed in Business Law I. Special emphasis will be given to the legal environment as it relates to the accounting student's professional certification. Topics include bankruptcy, commercial paper, secured transactions, agency, corporations, and partnerships. Prerequisite: MG 341. COURSE UNDER CONSTRUCTION; AWAITING APPROVAL BY UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE.
MNGT 388 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
MNGT 400 Management Capstone 6 Cr.
This course is the culminating academic activity for BSMS students. Under the supervision of the instructor, students create a portfolio of work from previous courses to demonstrate achievement of the program outcomes. Students also propose, develop, and deliver a final project that combines the general knowledge acquired in the Core Courses with the specific knowledge of the Concentration area. The final project may be in the form of a business or strategic plan, a formal proposal in response to an RFP, a research study of a management or leadership problem, or other type of substantive project. This course may not be fulfilled through transfer credit. Prerequisite: successful completion of all BSMS core and concentration courses or permission of the Program Manager.
MNGT 401 Sem in Leadership I:Fundamntls 6 Cr.
This course focuses on differentiating the conceptual and theoretical aspects and models of leadership and leadership studies. The fundamentals of leadership are taught within the context of present and past leaders, with an emphasis on how to practice these fundamentals in an ethical manner.
MNGT 402 Sem in Leadership II Styles EQ 6 Cr.
This seminar focuses on differentiating the conceptual and theoretical aspects and models of Emotional Intelligence (EQ). The course provides students the opportunity to explore the key EQ skills that contribute to a leader’s success. Through the course, students build a foundational understanding of EQ by exploring emotions, behavior, and EQ history. Students learn about the skills, attitudes, and behaviors of people with high (or varying degrees) of EQ, as well as how individuals can cultivate those skills.
MNGT 403 Leadership of Change 3 Cr.
This course is a study of change management principles and best practices from a leadership vantage point. Emphasis is on the process of planning for change and the critical role of communication before, during, and after change. Students develop instruments for measuring the impact of change on human and financial resources within organizations.
MNGT 404 Leadershp in Tech-Driven World 3 Cr.
This course focuses on the application of leadership principles toward efforts to manage the impact of modern information and communication technologies on organizations. Topics include: creating and leading a remote workforce; human behavior in technology-mediated work relationships; and ethical issues arising from the use of technology.
MNGT 411 Seminar Public Sector Mngt I 6 Cr.
This course is under development and will be reviewed by the University Curriculum Committee.
MNGT 412 Seminar Public Sector Mngt II 6 Cr.
This course is under development and will be reviewed by the University Curriculum Committee.
MNGT 413 Ethics in Public Sector Mngt 3 Cr.
This course is under development and will be reviewed by the University Curriculum Committee.
MNGT 414 Legal and Regulatory Envrnmnt 3 Cr.
This course is under construction and subject to review by the University Curriculum Committee.
MNGT 421 Sem in Human Resource Mngt I 6 Cr.
The first of two seminars focusing on a comprehensive examination of the key functional areas of HR. Students analyze the first 9 of the 15 Human Resources (HR) Functional Areas of knowledge and apply them in case studies to design enterprise HR solution for the organization.
MNGT 422 Sem in Human Resource Mngt II 6 Cr.
The second of two seminars focused on a comprehensive examination of the key functional areas of HR. Students analyze the final 6 of the 15 Human Resources (HR) Functional Areas of knowledge of HR and apply them in case studies to design enterprise HR solution for an organization.
MNGT 423 Human Capital Planning 3 Cr.
The course enhances student understanding of Human Capital Management (HCM) in organizations to help them be effective Human Resources (HR) professionals and strategic partners. The focus is on the essential practices of HCM and how these practices impact organizational goals. Students examine HCM practices such as workforce analytics, workforce planning, talent management, and performance management. They learn to apply HR metrics to demonstrate the impact HR has on the achievement of goals. 3 lecture hours. Pre-Reqs: MNGT 421, MNGT 422.
MNGT 424 Strategic Role of HRM in Organizations 3 Cr.
Students build upon the traditional foundations of Human Resource Management by synthesizing and applying them in the strategic planning and goals of organizations to help achieve competitive advantage. Topics analyzed from a strategic vantage point include advanced employment law and processes, staff training and development, and strategic performance management. 3 lecture hours. Pre-reqs: MNGT 421, MNGT 422.
MNGT 431 Seminar in Technology Mngt I 6 Cr.
This course is under development and will be reviewed by the University Curriculum Committee.
MNGT 432 Seminar in Technology Mngt II 6 Cr.
This course is under development and will be reviewed by the University Curriculum Committee.
MNGT 433 Project Management I 3 Cr.
This course is under development and will be reviewed by the University Curriculum Committee.
MNGT 434 Project Management II 3 Cr.
This course is under development and will be reviewed by the University Curriculum Committee.
MNGT 441 Public Procurement and Contracting 6 Cr.
The student examines the scope, methods, and processes of forming contracts between public and private parties for the purpose of accomplishing the missions of governmental agencies at the international, federal, state/provincial and local level. It is designed for individuals considering a career in public administration, persons employed in government agencies, public procurement personnel wishing to enhance their knowledge, and suppliers or citizens interested in learning more about the formulation of government contracts. Subject and foundational areas such as contract monitoring, contract administration ethics, and of the legal basis of the public procurement function will be examined and explored. Pre-req: None.
MNGT 442 Public Procurement and Strategic Planning 6 Cr.
Student examines the scope, methods and processes of forming contracts between public and private parties for the purpose of accomplishing the missions of governmental agencies at the international, federal, state/provincial and local level from a strategic planning vantage. It is designed for individuals considering a career in public administration, persons employed in government agencies, public procurement personnel wishing to enhance their knowledge, and suppliers or citizens interested in learning more about the formulation of government contracts. Subject and foundational areas such as procurement strategic planning, risk management and procurement ethics will be examined and explored as it relates to the public procurement function. Pre-req: MNGT 441 (C or better).
MNGT 447 Supply Chain Management Strategy, Planning, and Operations 6 Cr.
This course focuses on understanding and developing a Supply Chain Strategy. Topics studied in this course include: basic supply chain topics, technology, metrics, and innovation. The course will focus on end-to-end understanding of what supply chain management is all about, key concept, important issues, best-in-class, benchmarking and overall strategic approaches to successful supply chain management, development and operation. (6 credits) Pre-reqs: ECON201 (c), ECON202 (c), or ECON250 (c). Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MNGT 451 Financial Planning Process and Fundamentals 3 Cr.
This course introduces students to the financial planning process and the relevant concepts of personal finance that are focused on understanding assumptions and client personal objectives. The student will learn how to act as a fiduciary under the CFP Boards Code of Ethics and Standards of Conducts for CFP Professionals, and how to manage the planner client relationship. (3 credits) Pre-reg: ECON202 and ECON201, or ECON250 with a letter grade of C or better. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MNGT 452 Risk Management and Insurance Planning 3 Cr.
This course focuses on the examination of risk and how risk is managed in the financial planning process. Students will learn the steps to perform an insurance analysis and how to properly evaluate the multiple forms of insurance available in the marketplace today. (3 credits) Pre-reqs: MNGT451 (c) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MNGT 453 Investment Planning 3 Cr.
This course focuses on the securities market including the examination of investment vehicles and concludes with the analysis and construction of investment portfolios. Students will learn how to match suitable investments to clients individual situations including risk tolerance, tax exposure and time horizons. (3 credits) Pre-reqs: MNGT451 (c) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MNGT 456 Case Studies for Personal Financial Planning 3 Cr.
The purpose of the Financial Plan Development Course is to require the financial planning students to demonstrate the ability to integrate and apply his or her knowledge of financial planning topics, as received through the curricula taught by CFP Board Registered Programs. 3 credit hours. Pre-requisites: MNGT 451 (C), MNGT 452 (C), MNGT 453 (C), MNGT 454 (C), MNGT 455 (C). Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MNGT 457 Supply Chain Management Logistics Design and Execution 6 Cr.
This course focuses on supply chain warehousing and logistics which includes supply chain “movement”, warehouse design, capacity management, delivering customer value, measuring logistics cost and performance, matching up supply with demand, creation of a responsive supply chain and the management of complexity and risk. (6 credits) Pre-reqs: ECON201 (c), ECON202 (c) or ECON250 (c). Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MNGT 467 Supply Chain Management Assessment, Integration, and Optimization 6 Cr.
This course focuses on supply chain optimization which includes value assessment of the supply chain, baseline and optimization, capacity management, project management, demand forecasting, quantitative risk assessment, constraint optimization and time estimating techniques. Additionally, this course will explore partnering, reengineering, logistic drivers, networking and the language and terms key to successful supply chain management. (6 credits) Pre-reqs: ECON201 (c), ECON202 (c), or ECON250 (c). Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MNGT 475 Project Management Fundamentals 3 Cr.
Focus is on the fundamentals of project management and practices and preparation for Project Management Institute (PMI) certification. Students explore the key elements of project management from teh project management framework, the project life cycle, project process and key project management knowledge areas. Additionally, project integration, scope, time, cost, quality, resource and schedule management are studied. Other key areas of focus are project management procurement and overall project communications requirements. 3 cr.
MNGT 476 Project Management Advanced Techniques 3 Cr.
Builds on and finalizes the foundational material on project management principles, practices, and processes covered in MNGT 475: Project Management Fundamentals. Students focus on the critical PM components of project management leadership, effective communications, and the management of project teams. 3 cr. Pre-req: MNGT 475.
MNGT 488 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.