Transfer Credit, Extra Institutional Learning
The University recognizes past course work and experiential learning may be relevant to University programs and will evaluate as such but within the limitations of our accreditors, government regulations, etc. and therefore appropriately awards credit to the extent practical with the following procedures.
The standards used for the evaluation of transfer credit will follow the New England Commission on Higher Education endorsement of the Joint Statement on the Transfer and Award of Credit supported by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers, the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the American Council on Education, which states, (1) the educational quality of the learning experience which the student seeks to transfer; (2) the comparability of the nature, content and level of the learning experience to that offered; and (3) the appropriateness and applicability of the learning experience to the programs offered, in light of the student's educational goals.
Transfer Credit
- The University awards transfer credit based on prior learning experiences, demonstrated experiential learning, and/or examination.
- Eligible credit must be earned from a college or university accredited by an accrediting commission which is recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or by the Department of Education. International universities must be recognized according to their country’s regulations. The posting of transfer credit for approved courses will be completed by the Registrar’s Office upon the receipt of an official transcript. An official transcript is one that corresponds with the credit granting institution’s definition of “official” and is received directly from that institution by the Norwich Admissions or Registrar’s office.
- When a course description is not sufficient, a syllabus may be requested. The threshold of majority match in course outcomes will be used to determine course equivalence (1:1) otherwise an elective will be assigned.
- Grade quality points are not awarded or calculated into a Norwich cumulative grade point average. All courses will be evaluated for potential transfer. Each course grade earned is held to the University’s grade rules for the degree and program requirements. A transfer course is identified with the grade of “T” followed by the respective grade earned at the institution, e.g. “TB-,” so that the course is applied following program requirements.
- Residency requires that a number of credits or specific courses are to be taken at Norwich. When transfer credits, or courses transferred, exceeds stated residency requirements, additional arrangements will be made between the student and advisor or the department head to determine what coursework will be taken to meet the residency requirement.
- Quarter credit hours or units will be converted to semester credits. A quarter credit is divided by 1.5. Example, 5 quarter credits equals 3.3 semester credits.
- Assessments for prior learning that are experiential in nature will follow the recommended guidelines for a Continuing Education Unit (CEU). Ten clock hours will equal to 1 credit. However, additional assessments may apply to determine time of experience to credit application. For example, work experience that is comparable to learning outcomes associated to a NU Internship will include 40 clock hours to 1 credit.
- All courses and credit hours earned will be assessed for transfer credit. When a transfer course is assessed as equivalent but has fewer credits than the equivalent Norwich course, the course will transfer but only the credit hours earned will be applied. When the transfer course credits exceed a Norwich course, all credits earned will be applied. Prior Learning experiences will undergo a more extensive review to establish credit hours earned.
Transient Student (NU student taking a course at another institution)
A degree-seeking student who wishes to earn credit at another accredited institution (refer to Transfer Policy) must have written approval from their academic advisor in the form of the signed Transfer Credit. To determine course transferability, the subject Department Chair/Program Director will review the course when the course is not articulated. Once the Transfer Credit Form is completed and submitted, the Office of the Registrar will approve the contract. A course taken off campus is held to the Transfer Policy and program grade rules (see also Course Repeat policy). A student must also meet residency requirements; e.g. hours earned at Norwich University.
International Study
Degree seeking students who are interested in studying outside of the United States will follow the Transient Student Policy and follow the Transfer Credit policy. For a program offered through a Norwich study abroad program should contact the International Center for information on application procedures. Upon coursework completion, the student must provide an official transcript of the coursework completed. When a transcript cannot be obtained in English, the student must submit the transcript through a National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) approved agency. The University reserves the right to accept or reject transcripts and to ask for additional information if deemed necessary.
Articulation Agreements
Articulation agreements are unified agreements between Norwich University and partner organization. A student who transfers to Norwich under an Articulation agreement shall follow transfer regulations according to the specific articulation agreement.
Undergraduate Programs
- A transfer course that is not a one to one equivalent is assigned elective credit at the appropriate level; i.e. a 100-level will be noted as 100-level, a 200-level will be noted as 200-level, etc.
- A course that is remedial in nature (often with a course number below 100) is not eligible for transfer. The course may be posted to the student record to fulfill a prerequisite requirement but will not carry credit hours.
- A student who has earned a bachelor’s degree, or an associate of arts or associate of science degree from a regionally, or nationally accredited institution recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the Department of Education will have the General Education Goals satisfied. In instances where a courses within a General Education Goal also fulfills a major requirement the course must be satisfied with a course equivalent transfer or taken as part of the major.
Advanced Placement (AP)
Norwich recognizes the value and purpose of certain college-level courses offered to superior students in many secondary schools through the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board. To be eligible for advanced standing and/or actual college credit, the entering first-year students must have completed a college-level Advanced Placement course in high school and achieved a satisfactory score on the Advanced Placement Test for that subject. All decisions regarding standing and credit are made by the Registrar. Scores vary by course subject, see the Norwich University Registrar website for course listing.
Advanced Standing/Credit BTEC/Cambridge International
Advanced Diploma Level 3 and BTEC National Diploma will be reviewed for advanced standing and/or academic credit of up to 30 semester hours, when the subject matter is deemed acceptable. A-Level courses with a C or higher are recognized for college credit of up to 30 semester hours of credit. AS-Level courses with a C or higher are recognized for college credit of up to 15 semester hours of credit.
College-Level Examination Program(CLEP)
Norwich awards credit for Subject Examinations of the College Level Examination Program. Scores vary by course subject, see the Norwich University Registrar website for course listing.
International Baccalaureate Organization Program (IB)
Norwich awards advanced standing credit for specified standard and higher level examinations. Additional information is available on the website. See the Norwich University Registrar website for course listing.
Military Credit
Norwich University will review any previous military experience and training for possible university credit. The same transfer rules apply to these courses. Determination of credit is based on the American Council on Education (ACE) guidelines as published in The Guide to the Evaluation of Military Experiences in the Armed Services. In addition to high school or college academic transcripts, applicants will need to submit a military transcript(s) or other additional documentation detailing training and education.
Military training, in accordance with the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces, published by the American Council on Education (ACE), may be accepted if it applies to courses required for the degree.
Norwich University complies with Veterans Administration regulations and guidelines as well as with the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. Department of Defense for the award of Tuition Assistance (TA) to active duty military students as they pertain to transfer credits.
Prior Learning Assessment
Norwich University defines “Prior Learning Assessment” as “learning accomplished by students through non-university courses or professional training in combination with professional or workplace experience in the application of the knowledge, skills, and abilities thus acquired.” The University acknowledges that a combination of training and professional experience sometimes equips students with some of the knowledge, skills, and abilities that they would acquire in a formal college-level classroom. Norwich therefore evaluates various types of training available to or completed by prospective degree completion students in order to determine if the outcomes and competencies of certain degree completion courses have already been met.
Articulation Agreements
Articulation agreements are unified agreements for on-campus and online programs. Students who transfer to Norwich under an Articulation agreement shall transfer courses according to the specific articulation agreement.
Residence Requirement
A student eligible to transfer coursework should review degree requirements in addition to major requirements that must be taken in residence, i.e. Norwich University.
Extra Institutional Learning
Extra Institutional Learning offers students with significant life and work experience the opportunity to earn university credit by demonstrating what they have learned outside the sponsorship of legally authorized and accredited post-secondary educational institutions. Extra Institutional Learning is education and experience acquired from work and life experiences, independent reading and study, and participation in formal courses sponsored by associations, business, government, industry, unions and the military. Extra institutional Learning is transcribed as transfer credit and is subject to the limits described in the Graduation Requirements.
- At the completion of Basic Training, Advanced Individual Training (AIT), or One Station Unit Training (OSUT), students must request an official Joint Services Transcript (JST) be sent to the Registrar’s Office. Once the JST is received, courses MS 111 and 112 may be approved by the appropriate Professor of Military Science. If approved these two courses will be posted on the student’s transcript.
- Other military education/experience credit is transferred to Norwich based on the Transfer Credit Policy
- Credits, not grade points, for other Extra Institutional Learning, as recommended in nationally recognized guides and publications, may be awarded upon the positive recommendation of the appropriate Department Chair/School Director. Credits may be awarded in compliance with the evaluations provided by the American Council on Education, (ACE).
- College Level Exam Program (CLEP), and Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) and Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) exam scores that are equivalent to Norwich courses.
Further information in the Requests for Course Equivalency or Exemption.
Challenge Exams
Challenge Exams may be provided by Norwich faculty upon student request and payment.
- Challenge Exams are given only if a nationally validated examination covering the same subject matter is not available.
- Students may request to have a Challenge Exam graded with a letter grade or Pass/Fail. This decision is made by the faculty administering the exam.
- Students must pay the Challenge Exam fee before an exam will be administered. The fee is not refunded if the Challenge Exam is failed.
- Challenge Exams should be typical of a final examination that covers the entire course content. Where appropriate, term papers, projects, etc. may also be required.
- A Challenge Exam for laboratory courses may require demonstrated laboratory proficiency.
- The repeat grade policy does not apply to credits earned via a Challenge Exam.
- Challenge Exams appear the same as other courses on the Norwich transcript.
Graduate Programs
Each Graduate Program Director evaluates eligible graduate-level courses for transfer credit. Grade quality points of 3.0 (B) or higher are eligible for evaluation in addition to content that is similarly offered in the NU graduate program. Eligible courses must not exceed ten years from the date of matriculation into the graduate program. Graduate degree requirements state the number of credits that must be taken at NU to be awarded a degree (see also Degree Requirements).
Transfer Credit Appeal
If a student wishes to appeal a transfer credit decision, s/he may submit a copy of the syllabus from the course in question to the Office of the Registrar no later than 90 days from the date of the transfer evaluation. Appeals will go to, and may be granted by the program designee and amended on the student’s record. When cases of unusual or extenuating circumstances occur, a student may appeal the transfer credit decision beyond the 90-day limit.