Neuroscience Curriculum Overview
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Charles A. Dana Professor Karen Hinkle; Professor Lauren Howard; Associate Professors Megan Doczi (Chair), Allison Neal, Scott Page and Simon Pearish; Senior Lecturer David Ebenstein (Lab Coordinator); Lecturers Mary Beth Klinger-Lawrence and Amanda Northrop.
The Neuroscience major exposes students to a rapidly growing field at the intersection of biology and psychology. Educating students about the human nervous system in health and disease prepares them for managing the public health challenges of our global population, while exposing them to interdisciplinary learning at the earliest stages of their undergraduate careers. Neuroscience graduates draw knowledge from a variety of specialties, effectively mastering the human nervous system from cellular, molecular, biochemical, cognitive, and behavioral perspectives.
Through the inherently diverse nature of the Neuroscience field, students engage in a broad-based curriculum spanning multiple disciplines. During the first year of study, the Neuroscience curriculum introduces students to fundamental concepts in biology, psychology, chemistry, and mathematics, while developing communication skills through concurrent introductory English courses. Successful students will progress to intermediate level courses designed to provide a thorough background in the anatomy and physiology of the human nervous system, with an emphasis on cellular and molecular biology, and carbon compounds. The third year of the Neuroscience major builds upon the knowledge gained in previous years by engaging students in applied research methods courses, coupled with an analytical reasoning of the natural properties of the physical world. The third and fourth year curricula seek to refine the students’ understanding through specialized courses detailing the human nervous system through health and disease. With five free electives, the third and fourth years of study also offer the flexibility for students to pursue a minor in a discipline of their choice.
The mission of the Neuroscience curriculum is to provide undergraduate students with a working knowledge of the human brain and nervous system, while emphasizing a strong foundation in the natural sciences.
- To educate students about the human nervous system in health and disease
- To prepare students to manage the public health challenges of our global population
- Acquire a basic proficiency for information literacy and exercise effective written and oral communication skills.
- Conduct hands-on, experiential laboratory research, effectively exposing students to common experimental methodology, approach, and design within the Neuroscience discipline.
- Demonstrate a fundamental competency in Neuroscience via an array of disciplines including biology, psychology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics.
Careers for this Major:
- Healthcare
- Education
- Biotechnology
- Research and Development
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Neuroimaging
- Neuropsychology
- Science Writing
- Medical Liaison
Neuroscience (B.S.) – Curriculum Map 2021-2022 Catalog
Freshman | |||||
Fall | Cr. | Comp. | Spring | Cr. | Comp. |
BI 101 Principles of Biology I (General Education Lab Science) 1 | 4 | CH 104 General Chemistry II | 4 | ||
CH 103 General Chemistry I (General Education Lab Science) | 4 | EN 111 Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts | 3 | ||
EN 110 Writing and Inquiry in Public Contexts | 3 | MA 108 Applied Calculus (General Education Math) | 4 | ||
MA 107 Precalculus Mathematics | 4 | PY 211 Introduction to Psychology (General Education Social Science) | 3 | ||
Fall Semester Total Cr.: | 15 | Spring Semester Total Cr.: | 14 | ||
Sophomore | |||||
Fall | Cr. | Comp. | Spring | Cr. | Comp. |
BI 215 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 1 | 4 | BI 226 Cell Biology 1 | 4 | ||
BI 303 Genetics 1 | 4 | General Education Literature | 3 | ||
CH 225 Organic Chemistry I | 4 | MA 232 Elementary Statistics (General Education Math) | 3 | ||
General Education Leadership | 1-3 | PY 263 Perception | 3 | ||
PY 230 Biopsychology | 3 | Free Elective | 3 | ||
Fall Semester Total Cr.: | 16-18 | Spring Semester Total Cr.: | 16 | ||
Junior | |||||
Fall | Cr. | Comp. | Spring | Cr. | Comp. |
BI 370 Introduction to Neuroscience 1 | 4 | PY 344 Cognition | 4 | ||
PS 201 General Physics I | 4 | PS 202 General Physics II | 4 | ||
BI 300-400 Elective OR | 4-3 | BI 300-400 Elective OR | 3-4 | ||
PY 313 Experimental Psychology I | PY 314 Experimental Psychology II | ||||
Free Elective | 3 | General Education History | 3 | ||
Free Elective | 3 | ||||
Fall Semester Total Cr.: | 15-14 | Spring Semester Total Cr.: | 17-18 | ||
Senior | |||||
Fall | Cr. | Comp. | Spring | Cr. | Comp. |
BI 415 Neuroanatomy (or in Junior year) 1 | 4 | BI 420 Diseases of the Nervous System (or in Junior year) 1 | 4 | ||
BI 401 Senior Seminar (General Education Capstone) 1 or PY 401 Senior Seminar | 3 | BI Elective 1 | 4 | ||
PY Elective | 3 | General Education Arts & Humanities | 3 | ||
General Education Ethics | 3 | Free Elective | 3 | ||
Free Elective | 3 | ||||
Fall Semester Total Cr.: | 16 | Spring Semester Total Cr.: | 14 | ||
1 | Grade of C or higher required. |
Neuroscience Minor 2021-2022 Catalog
A Neuroscience major is ineligible to declare the minor. Each course requires a grade of C or higher.
BI 215 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 4 |
BI 370 | Introduction to Neuroscience | 4 |
PY 230 | Biopsychology | 3 |
PY 344 | Cognition | 4 |
Choose one Biology course from below: 1 | ||
BI 302 | Embryology | 4 |
BI 304 | Physiology | 4 |
BI 415 | Neuroanatomy | 4 |
BI 420 | Diseases of the Nervous System | 4 |
Choose one Psychology course from below: 1 | ||
PY 212 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 |
PY 220 | Developmental Psychology | 3 |
PY 263 | Perception | 3 |
PY 352 | Learning and Memory | 4 |
Total Cr. | 22-23 |
1 | Students may also choose the following two chemistry courses: CH 324, CH 325, in lieu of the additional biology/psychology courses. However, this option requires additional prerequisites: CH 103, CH 104 and either CH 205, CH 226 or concurrent enrollment in CH 226. |
Biology Courses
BI 101 Principles of Biology I 4 Cr.
Designed for science majors, an introduction to biochemistry, cell structure, metabolism, and protein synthesis, as well as human anatomy and physiology. Dissection of living and preserved animals is required. Credit may not be earned for both BI 101 and BI 122. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours. Goal 4. Offered: Fall.
BI 102 Principles of Biology II 4 Cr.
This course explores genetics, evolutionary theory, diversity of life on earth, history of life on earth, and ecology. Dissection of preserved animals is required. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours. Goal 4. Prerequisite: BI 101. Offered: Spring.
BI 122 Concepts in Biology 4 Cr.
A lab science course exclusively for non-science majors that aims to give students an appreciation of the major concepts and current topics in biology. Concepts include cell structures, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, genetics, evolution and ecology as well as human anatomy and physiology. Current topics may include stem cell research, nutrition, diseases, steroid abuse, traumatic brain injury, global climate change, and other pertinent issues. Dissection of preserved animals is required. Credit may not be earned for both BI 101 and BI 122. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours. Goal 4. Offered: Fall, Spring.
BI 188 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
BI 203 Introduction to Scientific Method & Bioscientific Terminology 1 Cr.
An introduction to the philosophy of science, the scientific method and bioscientific terminology including an analysis of data and interpretation of scientific and science-related popular press articles. Includes exposure to various forms of scientific communication. Prepares students majoring in the biological sciences. 1 Lecture hour. Prerequisite: Biology major. Offered: Spring.
BI 205 Ecology 4 Cr.
Students study the interrelationships between organisms and the environment. Major concepts include evolution, ecosystem structure and function, community structure, species diversity, succession, interspecific and intraspecific relationships, competition, predation, behavior, population growth and regulation. 3 Lecture hours and 3 Lab-fieldwork hours. Prerequisite: One college-level math course, Biology major or Environmental Science major. Permission of Instructor.
BI 215 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4 Cr.
The first half of a two-semester course exploring human anatomy and physiology. Cellular metabolism, tissues, and the skeletal, muscle, integumentary, and nervous body systems are discussed. Dissection of preserved animals is required. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours. Offered: Fall, Summer.
BI 216 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4 Cr.
The second half of a two-semester course exploring human anatomy and physiology. The endocrine, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic (including the immune response), urinary, and reproductive body systems are discussed. Dissection of preserved animals is required. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours. Prerequisite: BI 215. Offered: Spring, Summer.
BI 220 Introductory Microbiology 4 Cr.
A survey of microbiology with emphasis on microorganisms of medical significance. Fundamentals of microbial structure, physiology and control are considered along with the role of pathogenic organisms in the infectious and disease processes. Laboratory exercises are designed to provide facility in visualizing, staining, culturing, enumerating, isolating, maintaining, and identifying microorganisms. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours. Offered: Spring.
BI 226 Cell Biology 4 Cr.
A molecular level examination of the ultrastructure and function of the cytoplasm, intracellular components, cell membrane, extracellular structures and formation, and excretion of extracellular products. Recent molecular biology developments are stressed, including the implications for the biotechnology industry. The laboratory component includes state-of-the-art procedures and emphasizes hands-on experimental techniques. May require dissection of living animals. 3 Lecture hours and 3 Lab hours. Prerequisites: BI 101, CH 104. Offered: Spring.
BI 288 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
BI 299 Topics in Biology 4 Cr.
This course number is used for trying new Biology courses the first time they are offered prior to approval by the University's Curriculum Committee.
BI 302 Embryology 4 Cr.
A study of the fundamental principles of development through the establishment of the major organs and systems, exemplified in the laboratory by study of representative embryonic forms. May require dissection of living and preserved animals. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours. Offered: Spring, even years.
BI 303 Genetics 4 Cr.
The physical and chemical basis of inheritance, expression, and interaction of the hereditary units, linkage, and variation. The application of Mendelian principles to plants and animals. Consideration is also given to microbial and viral genetics, genetic engineering, and related topics. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours. Prerequisite: BI 102. Offered: Fall.
BI 304 Physiology 4 Cr.
A study of the physiologic systems of humans and homeostatic feedback mechanisms that regulate the internal environment. Physical and chemical principles, cell physiology, with emphasis on homeostatic mechanisms and the study of functions of organ systems. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours. Prerequisites: BI 101, CH 104. Offered: Fall, even years.
BI 305 Biomedical Techniques 4 Cr.
Students are familiarized with the theories and applications of the new technologies that pervade the fields of biotechnology and molecular biology. Laboratory exercises illustrate key concepts and provide hands-on experience in the use of instrumentation essential to molecular biologists. 2 Lecture hours and 4 Lab hours. Prerequisites: BI 102 or BI 216 and CH 104. Offered: Occasionally.
BI 316 Plant Taxonomy 4 Cr.
A general survey of the taxonomy and evolution of vascular plants, emphasizing herbaceous plants. Recognition of plant families, identification of species, and principles of collecting and preserving are stressed. 3 Lecture hours and 3 Lab hours. Prerequisite: BI 102. Offered: Fall, even years.
BI 326 Natural History of the Vertebrates 4 Cr.
A study of the classification, identification, and ecology of the vertebrates with special emphasis on the local fauna including collection and preservation of organisms. 3 Lecture hours and 3 Lab hours. Prerequisite: BI 102. Offered: Fall, odd years.
BI 330 Immunology 4 Cr.
A course presenting the basic principles of immunology, including antigen-antibody characteristics, the role of the immune system in defense and disease, and the application of fundamental concepts in the development of new technologies and immunodiagnosis. 3 Lecture hours and 3 Lab hours. Prerequisites: BI 102 or BI 216 and 1 year of college chemistry. Offered: Spring, odd years.
BI 341 Plant Anatomy 4 Cr.
The anatomy of vascular plants analyzed from an evolutionary viewpoint are discussed including cell structure, tissues, their distribution in roots, stems, leaves and reproductive organs, and plant development. 3 Lecture hours and 3 Lab hours. Prerequisite: BI 102. Offered: Spring, odd years.
BI 351 Dendrology and Silvics 4 Cr.
An introduction to major woody plant species in the Northeast, including taxonomic characteristics, life histories, habitat requirements, and economic importance. 3 Lecture hours and 3 Lab-fieldwork hours. Prerequisite: BI 102. Offered: Fall, odd years.
BI 370 Introduction to Neuroscience 4 Cr.
An interdisciplinary course introducing the structure and function of the mammalian nervous system. Topics include, neuronal development, sensory and motor systems, chemical control of the brain and behavior, and the underlying mechanisms of neurodegenerative disease. May require dissection of living animals. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours. Prerequisites: BI 101 and BI 215 or PY 230. Offered: Fall.
BI 388 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
BI 395 Evolution 4 Cr.
This course introduces Darwinian and Non-Darwinian mechanisms of evolutionary change, a history of life in the context of contemporary biology, and scientific and cultural controversies surrounding this topic. 4 Lecture hours. Prerequisites: BI 102, BI 303. Offered: Spring.
BI 399 Pilot Course in Biology at the Upper-level 4 Cr.
A course is permitted to run as a pilot, without seeking faculty approval for one academic year. The section will include the title of the course. A student will not earn credit for a pilot course and the course when approved as its own course.
BI 401 Senior Seminar 3 Cr.
The capstone course integrating reading, writing, speaking and critical thinking skills. It includes instruction in scientific writing, use of contemporary scientific biological literature, and library research techniques. Students prepare research papers on current topics using primary sources and give oral presentations to the department faculty. 3 Lecture hours. Prerequisites: Senior standing. Offered: Fall.
BI 415 Neuroanatomy 4 Cr.
The anatomy of the brain and nervous system, with an emphasis on human neuroanatomy is discussed in this course including gross and microscopic anatomy, with in depth treatments of physical and functional organization, and major neural pathways. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours. Prerequisite: BI 370. Offered: Fall, odd years.
BI 420 Diseases of the Nervous System 4 Cr.
An in-depth study of the biological basis of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Topics include developmental disorders, impairments of higher function, and the underlying mechanisms of neurodegenerative disease. Drug development and other therapeutic treatment strategies are discussed. 4 Lecture hours. Prerequisite: BI 370. Offered: Spring, even years.
BI 424 Woodland Ecology and Management 4 Cr.
A review of biotic and abiotic factors controlling the forest environment, methods for determining vegetation structure and succession, introduction to major forest associations in the Northeast, and consequences of various harvesting and management techniques. 3 Lecture hours and 3 field hours. Prerequisites: BI 351 or BI 316. Offered: Spring, even years.
BI 426 Ecological Parasitology 4 Cr.
A broad overview of major groups of eukaryotic parasites with an emphasis on internal parasites important to human and veterinary health. In addition to covering the basic morphological and phylogenetic details of each group, focus is on how these parasites interact with and affect each other and their hosts. 3 Lecture hours and 3 Lab hours. Prerequisite: BI 205. Offered: Fall, even years.
BI 440 Reading and Research 3,4 Cr.
Independent study. BI 440 may be taken no more than twice, for 7 maximum credits. An approved topic, a brief outline of the research to be conducted and a signature from a biology mentor are submitted to the department chair prior to the seventh day of the term in which enrolled. Prerequisites: Junior or higher Biology major with 3.0 Cumulative GPA in biology courses. Offered: Spring.
BI 450 Internship in Biology 3-7 Cr.
Internship in Biology; open to Biology majors. Seven maximum credits are allowed. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
BI 488 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
Psychology Courses
PY 188 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
PY 210 Psychology of Leadership 3 Cr.
This course is designed to introduce students to the theoretical aspects of leadership, and to help them understand how theory applies to real situations. Topics include leadership models, leader behavior, leadership skills, followership, teams and motivation. Students will be expected to analyze cases, current situations and their own leader style.
PY 211 Introduction to Psychology 3 Cr.
An introduction to psychology as the science of behavior. Topics to be discussed will include learning, motivation, emotions, perception, personality, tests and measurements, and additional selected topics.
PY 212 Abnormal Psychology 3 Cr.
A course on the origin and development of psychopathology with emphasis on the biological, social, and psychological determinants. Prerequisite: PY 211 or Permission of Instructor.
PY 220 Developmental Psychology 3 Cr.
A lifespan study of normal development with emphasis on physical, intellectual, social, and emotional growth. Prerequisite: PY 211 or Permission of Instructor.
PY 230 Biopsychology 3 Cr.
This course is a survey of the neurophysiological bases of human behavior. Topics include basic brain anatomy and physiology, neurotransmitters and drugs, sensation and perception, learning and memory, sleep, and neurological disorders.
PY 232 Engineering Psychology 3 Cr.
The objective of this course is to expose students to the theoretical foundations of research in human factors. Students will be introduced to basic concepts in psychology such as perception, attention, decision making, and motor control. Knowledge of these concepts is critical for the intelligent design of human-technological systems.
PY 234 Forensic Psychology 3 Cr.
A survey of psychological research and theory dealing with criminal behavior and the legal system. Topics include prediction of violent behavior, sexual assault, victimization, juvenile delinquency, scientific jury selection, criminal investigation and profiling, eyewitness testimony, assessment of mental competency, lie detection, DNA testing, and forensic science.
PY 236 Cross-Cultural Psychology 3 Cr.
This course will expose students to the influence of culture on human behavior, and will illustrate differences and commonalities in behavior, verbal and non-verbal, attitudes, and values across a range of cultures around the world. Issues concerning cultural contact and inter-cultural relations will be considered to enhance a student's ability to deal with and understand variations in human behavior across cultures and ethnic groups. Methodological issues of particular importance to cross-cultural research will be discussed.
PY 238 Political Psychology 3 Cr.
This course will examine key research in political psychology which includes the interactions of political and psychological processes and their impact on behavior in personal, local and global communities.
PY 240 Introduction to Social Psychology 3 Cr.
A general survey of theories, methods and research on individual behavior in a social context. Among topics to be considered are: aggression, interpersonal attraction, affiliation, person perception, attitudes, group processes, and social influence. Prerequisite: PY 211.
PY 241 Introduction to Personality Theory 3 Cr.
An overview of selected influential statements regarding the structure, dynamics, and development of the human personality. Included are the theories of the Freudians, Freud, Jung, Adler, the Environmentalists Dollard and Miller, Skinner, and the Existentialists and Humanists Rogers, Maslow, Frankl. Comparisons among theorists are organized around philosophical and historical themes. Prerequisite: PY 211.
PY 263 Perception 3 Cr.
Coverage of the major themes and research in perception. Topics include perception of color, form, motion, depth, illusions, perceptual learning, development, and the physiology of perception. Prerequisite: PY 211 or Permission of Instructor.
PY 288 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
PY 313 Experimental Psychology I 3 Cr.
A course on the principles and skills required to plan, execute, and interpret psychological research. Topics include the nature of science, the value of empirical evidence, psychology viewed as a science, the logic of experiments, and the ethics of using human subjects. Students are taught to develop a testable idea, to write and read research reports, and to design, conduct, and analyze univariate and correlational studies. Prerequisite: PY 211 or Permission of Instructor.
PY 314 Experimental Psychology II 3 Cr.
This course will teach students how to design, conduct, and report psychological experiments. The purpose of the course is to link the academic subject matter of psychology to the conduct of research in the laboratory and the field. Topics include the nature of science, formulation of hypotheses, measurement and reliability, research methods, including experimental, correlational, and observational techniques, research design, and ethics of using human subjects. Issues of experimental control, its relation to confounding and research design, and internal and external validity will be included. The course will also focus on the teaching of library research and scientific writing skills. Students will design, implement, analyze, and report results of several research projects. Prerequisite: PY 313, or MA 232, or Permission of Instructor.
PY 321 Organizational Psychology 3 Cr.
An analysis of organizational behavior including motivation, climate, leadership, and the use of such techniques as behavior modification in changing human behavior. Theoretical consideration will be followed by application experiences through role playing and case analysis. Prerequisite: PY 211 or Permission of Instructor.
PY 324 Adolescent Psychology 3 Cr.
This course examines the physical, emotional, social, cognitive aspects of adolescence from a developmental perspective. Identity, autonomy, sexuality, achievement, and intimacy are examined within the context of the school, the peer group, and the family. Students will have the opportunity to work with adolescents in schools, recreational centers, counseling centers, or through youth service agencies. Required for secondary teacher licensure candidates. Prerequisite: PY 211.
PY 344 Cognition 4 Cr.
Overview of research and theory on human cognitive processes emphasizing the acquisition, storage, representation, retrieval and use of knowledge. Topics include memory, concept formation, language and thought, problem solving and creativity, and cognitive development. Lab will include hands-on experiments in cognitive research paradigms.
PY 350 Environmental Psychology 3 Cr.
A study of the relationship between people and the environment, the use of space as a means of regulating social interaction, and human responses to environmental stressors such as overcrowding, toxic agents, noise, air, and water pollution. Also a brief look at ecological psychology in which setting-specific rather than person-specific determinants of a person's reaction to the environment are analyzed. Prerequisites: PY 211.
PY 352 Learning and Memory 4 Cr.
This course provides an overview of historical and current research findings in the area of learning and memory. The subject will be approached from various theoretical approaches, including behaviorist, cognitive, and neurobiological paradigms. Labs will include hands-on experiments using research paradigms from the field of learning and memory.
PY 355 Psychology and the Law 3 Cr.
A course that examines the research of psychology as it relates to the judicial process; the nature, source, and development of antisocial behavior and forensic psychology relative to the development of law and policy at the national and international levels. Prerequisites: PY 211.
PY 360 History and Systems of Psychology 3 Cr.
An overview of significant movements, theories and individuals in the development of contemporary psychology. The course is organized around significant themes and includes discussion of the philosophy of scientific growth, structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism, Gestalt psychology and psychoanalysis. Included will be examples, cases, and discussions of the APA ethics code that governs the performance of professionals in the field of psychology. This course satisfies the university’s General Education Ethics requirement. Prerequisite PY 211.
PY 388 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
PY 398 Thesis Preparation 3 Cr.
The students will prepare a senior thesis prospectus in accordance with the ethical standards of the Human Subjects Committee. This course precedes PY 498. Prerequisites: PY 211, PY 313, PY 314.
PY 401 Senior Seminar 3 Cr.
This course is the capstone experience marking the end of a student's undergraduate studies. Students both majoring and minoring in psychology will be provided the experience of synthesizing their learning across their courses in the context of a liberal arts education. Prerequisites: PY 211, PY 313, PY 314.
PY 402 Conference 0 Cr.
Each Psychology major, must during his/her tenure at Norwich attend at least one professional Psychology meeting.
PY 403 Presentation 0 Cr.
Presentation to complete the process of psychological inquiry and communication. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Offered: Spring.
PY 451 Thematic Seminar 3 Cr.
A seminar course which deals with particular theories or areas of psychology not elsewhere covered in depth or within present course offerings. Prerequisite: PY 211 and Permission of Instructor.
PY 452 Thematic Seminar 3 Cr.
A seminar course which deals with particular theories or areas of psychology not elsewhere covered in depth or within present course offerings. Prerequisite: PY 211 and Permission of Instructor.
PY 453 Internship 3-9 Cr.
Assignments will include work and observation in local, state, and federal institutions or agencies concerned with the education, health, or the protection of society. Written and oral reports. Prerequisites: PY 211 Permission of Instructor.
PY 471 Directed Readings 3 Cr.
A course in which there is an opportunity to select and read in a specific area of interest that is not available through regular course offerings. Prerequisites: Three psychology courses and Permission of Instructor.
PY 488 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
PY 498 Senior Thesis 3 Cr.
A research course designed to enable a student to experience all phases of the experiment from literature research, experimental design, data collection and analysis, and written and oral reports. The student will learn all of the procedures, considerations, and standards necessary to ensure the ethical treatment of human participants. Prerequisites: PY 211, PY 313, PY 314, PY 398.