Physics (PS)
PS 107 Solar System Astronomy 4 Cr.
A descriptive study of the solar system, including the sun, planets, asteroids, comets and interplanetary space. The role of observation in the evolution of astronomy is emphasized. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours.
PS 108 Stellar and Galactic Astronomy 4 Cr.
A descriptive introduction to the universe, including stars, galaxies, and recent deep space discoveries. Discussions survey the techniques used by astronomers to interpret the wide variety of observed phenomena in the cosmos. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours.
PS 188 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
PS 201 General Physics I 4 Cr.
An algebra-based study of mechanics, sound and heat, with correlated laboratory experiments. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours. Prerequisite: MA 107. Credit cannot be received for both PS 201 and PS 211.
PS 202 General Physics II 4 Cr.
An algebra-based study of magnetism, electricity, light, and atomic physics, with correlated laboratory experiments. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours. Prerequisite: PS 201. Credit cannot be received for both PS 202 and PS 212. Offered: Spring.
PS 211 University Physics I 4 Cr.
A calculus-based study of vectors; Newton's laws; uniform, accelerated, rotational and harmonic motion; conservation laws; fluid mechanics; elasticity. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours. Prerequisite: MA 121. Credit cannot be received for both PS 201 and PS 211. Offered: Fall.
PS 212 University Physics II 4 Cr.
A calculus-based study of topics in electricity, magnetism, waves and optics. 3 Lecture hours and 2 Lab hours. Prerequisite: PS 211, MA 122. Credit cannot be received for both PS 202 and PS 212. Offered: Spring.
PS 288 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
PS 334 Classical Mechanics 3 Cr.
A study of Newtonian mechanics including motion of a particle, a system of particles and rigid bodies; gravitation; oscillations; central forces; conservation laws. Introduction to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of dynamics. 3 Lecture hours. Prerequisites: PS 212, MA 224 or Permission of Instructor. Offered: Spring, even years.
PS 341 Modern Physics 3 Cr.
A study of the quantum revolution including special relativity, structure and spectra of atoms and molecules, radioactivity, nuclear models, and nuclear interactions. 3 Lecture hours. Prerequisites: PS 212, MA 224 or Permission of Instructor. Offered: Fall, odd years.
PS 356 Thermal & Statistical Physics 3 Cr.
A study of the foundations of thermodynamics and statistical physics: first and second laws of thermodynamics with applications; thermodynamic potentials and applications to systems in equilibrium; statistical mechanics including Boltzmann statistics, quantum statistics and statistical interpretation of entropy. 3 Lecture hours. Prerequisites: PS 212, MA 224 or Permission of Instructor. Offered: Spring, odd years.
PS 373 Junior Laboratory I 2 Cr.
A laboratory course devoted to scientific inquiry through a collaborative research project under faculty supervision. Introduction to formulation of research questions, experimental design, system modeling, measurement, data collection and data analysis. Laboratory methodology including safety procedures. Read published literature; communicate research results. Written and oral reports required. 4 Lab hours. Prerequisites: PS 212, MA 224 or Permission of Instructor. Offered: Fall.
PS 374 Junior Laboratory II 2 Cr.
A laboratory course devoted to scientific inquiry through a continuation of the collaborative research project started in Junior Laboratory I. Project culminates in public presentations, written and oral, of research results. 4 Lab hours. Prerequisite: PS 373 or Permission of Instructor. Offered: Spring.
PS 388 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.
PS 399 Pilot Course in Physics 1-4 Cr.
A course is permitted to run as a pilot without seeking faculty approval for one academic year. The section will include the title of the course. A student will not earn credit for a pilot course and the course when approved as its own course.
PS 421 Advanced Laboratory I 1-4 Cr.
A laboratory investigation in a specific area of experimental physics designed in consultation with physics faculty. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Offered: Fall.
PS 422 Advanced Laboratory II 1-4 Cr.
A laboratory investigation in a specific area of experimental physics designed in consultation with physics faculty. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Offered: Spring.
PS 426 Electricity and Magnetism 3 Cr.
A study of electrical circuits, and electrostatic and magneto static fields. Includes RLC circuits; applications of Gauss' Law and Laplace's equation; dielectric theory; magnetic fields; and theory of magnetic materials. 3 Lecture hours. Prerequisites: PS 212, MA 223, MA 224 or Permission of Instructor. Offered: Fall, even years.
PS 428 Electrodynamics & Optics 3 Cr.
This course continues PS 426 Electricity & Magnetism, combining electricity, magnetism and optics into a unified theory embodied by Maxwell’s equations. Includes an introduction to relativistic applications and optical phenomena. 3 Lecture hours. Prerequisites: PS 426 or Permission of Instructor. Offered: Spring, odd years.
PS 444 Quantum Physics 3 Cr.
A study of the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics and applications to atomic and nuclear phenomenon. Topics include: postulates of quantum mechanics, operators, Schrödinger’s equation, one dimensional potentials, angular momentum, spin, perturbation theory, and identical particles. 3 Lecture hours. Prerequisites: PS 341 or Permission of Instructor. Offered: Spring, even years.
PS 451 Seminar I 1 Cr.
A study of special topics of current interest. This course integrates reading, writing, speaking and critical thinking skills. 1 Lecture hour. Prerequisite: Physics major and Permission of Instructor. Offered: Fall.
PS 452 Seminar II 1 Cr.
A continuation of PS 451, investigating special topics of current interest. This course integrates reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills. 1 Lecture hour. Prerequisite: Physics Major and Permission of Instructor. Offered: Spring.
PS 473 Senior Laboratory I 3 Cr.
A laboratory course devoted to scientific inquiry through a collaborative research project under faculty supervision. Introduction to formulation of research questions, experimental design, system modeling, measurement, data collection and data analysis. Laboratory methodology including safety procedures. Read published literature; communicate research results. Written and oral reports required. Students serve as project leaders as well as research investigators. 1 Lecture hour and 6 Lab hours. Prerequisites: PS 374 or Permission of Instructor. Offered: Fall.
PS 474 Senior Laboratory II 3 Cr.
A laboratory course devoted to scientific inquiry through a collaborative research project under faculty supervision. Introduction to formulation of research questions, experimental design, system modeling, measurement, data collection and data analysis. Laboratory methodology including safety procedures. Read published literature; communicate research results. Written and oral reports required. Students serve as project leaders as well as research investigators. 1 Lecture and 6 Lab hours. Prerequisite: PS 473. Offered: Spring.
PS 488 No Norwich Equivalent 6 Cr.